My jewish skin is white

I am asheknazskij suka jew and my skin is really white. So i should be white. But another whites told me to ask here. So... i am not colorblind and this skin tone is for sure not black or cofe. So am I white?

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You are an demon.

How can skin lye?

Depends what side of the coin you're playing today I guess.

But my skin IS fucking white and pale. I am for sure do not look like some guy from Sea-Sun-Country with dark skin.

Black or brown parents?

There is no blacks or browns in Eastern Europe. Ths skin is just white.

>today I will reinforce the strawman that "race is only skin color"
A new and innovative strategy.

I play on side of Great Israel of course. Why should i play any other side against own team?

But colors are hard to deny. The skin is eveb lighter then average person in Europe.

What about your nose?

>Eastern Europe
Slavniggers aren't white either moshe
Race isn't only skin deep

But is you how uses COLOR-word to call some guys good and some bad. It is just strange, if you call some Brazilian or Greek guy white, and me black in compere. It just makes no sense.

Why not calling direct them good guys and me bad guy?

Is is small. I wish it das NOSE, but no. Just average slavic pork-type nose.

But color is genetical. So actually racie is skin color too. Isn't it?

Every day i am reading 1000000 comments how jews are not white. But then i go to mirror and... i am not color blind. I am just white. It just my white genes and just my snowwhite colorskin. Should i argue with mirror?

I would even say i am slightly more white then Hitler.

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Well, it looks white to me ...

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You are literally shit-Deutsch speaking Slavs

Well Herschel, If kikes are white, then the Holocaust was the worst white genocide in recent history. Are you willing to give up your persecution card in exchange for your white privilege card?

It's phenotype, eyes, hair, height, not just skin color.

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Plain and simpler, you call yourself a Jew, so that’s what you are. You identify with another group before you identify yourself as white, so you are t white.

You are not white because your ancestors come from the Middle East. You are Semitic.

Reformat. Speak English. Or German, if you like. But that made little to no sense.

Well, he looks white to me ...

Attached: white.jpg (621x690, 72.22K)

Frankfurt school stated that jews were not white and to show jewish in group preference in all of society.

People understood this and then said OK, Jews aren't white.
Some Jews got upset because now they can't claim to be White and Jewish.

If you truly think you're white you can't claim to be white one day, then jewish when it suits you, pick one and stop being cowardly.

No. You do not know your own identity. Your name, who you are the son of, your city. That is who you are. Jews do not exist.

Yes. Or what should i do? Lye that i am black?

lolwut? Sound funny. Maybe Gershon?

Allo our ancestors came from africa. Are we all black now?


This isn't 100% confirmed, new evidence has suggested humans didn't come from africa.

Well i am truly not colorblind and can distinguish color tones.
And on my wall i have it. It's a Mirror mirror on the wall.

It is pretty unprobably, then ape-like intellegent lifeform were started somewhere in ice-cold climate.

Apes from africa makes sense to me.