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Other urls found in this thread:

I just see a pedo archived thread, not even real cheese pizza, just stuff you could look up online looking up swimsuits, just another old horny fag blowing up stuff to get more pizza

north korea nukes california as retaliation for killing kim jong un

hahahaha wow

I'm going to jail

It's Yas Forums you fucking newfags, christ.

You cant go to jail fo searching television and film

Learn how the internet works retard

I want all the q boomers to fuck off and die

he won't go to jail for that lmao

I can for posting cunny threads on Yas Forums tho.

Cunny posters shit up every board and every thread. They should be neck'd

Cunnyposters are the best normalfag repellent, so I'm all for them keeping you cunts away from boards/websites that aren't shit.

If your threads are so weak you need cunny posters to keep it clean, you should work on your arguments. You talk like a banana poster

wait a second,
I made the search and only tv sets and plasmas and tv shows appeared
I thought you were just teasing
I saw the post again and I repeated search to capture
now there are only kids!
all change in the span of 10 min

LMAO I didn't even need to search to know exactly what showed up. Hilarious that someone just now found that Yas Forums is a bunch of 3DPD lolicons.

That's what I said learn to read retard

>Cunnyposters hijack basic search terms purely by shitposting on Yas Forums's worst board
Fucking kek

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Bing used to be really good for this type of stuff, apparently. Its why I use Duckduckgo, I dont wanna run into that shit by accident


>If your threads are so weak you need cunny posters to keep it clean, you should work on your arguments.
I know you don't realize this since you're a newfag, but not every board on Yas Forums is Yas Forums, I don't go to Yas Forums or Yas Forums or Yas Forums or Yas Forums or Yas Forums to read your retarded arguments about how video games, movies, TV, anime, cartoons, or any music that's not orchestral hymns or folk-music is a tool of the Jews used to oppress the white man and destroy the world, sometimes I just want to talk about a hobby I enjoy.

Are you baiting me? My words had a deeper meaning and were actually funny. Your reply was boomer tier and lacked even the hint of humor.

Just delete Yas Forums already.

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Q predicted this

pedo grooming on Yas Forums has been going on for years but there are bigger issues going on like somebody saying the n-word

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how many threads are you going to make about this?

>Yas Forums

Based Yas Forums!
I want to be this young girl's slave.
I want to serve this young girl.

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for real? Your country is hopeless if true

cunnyposters are the only ones that don't post cringe

>I just want to talk about a hobby I enjoy.
Cunnypostin' ain't a hobby, Jim

You seem to be illiterate, so let me dumb it down.
I prefer the cunnyposters because they keep retards like you away, and I can enjoy my hobby in peace without being bombarded by a bunch of literal mongoloids.

I just want to serve a cute young girl, why is it so fucking hard to do that?

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Fine, enjoy talking about jews mixed with pictures of young girls. Sounds fun.

Ironically, that is literally what you are doing in this thread right now, as we speak.


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Thats a nice watch but what's the appeal of this?