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the one thing i like from harry potter is the representation of the bank. those creatures are just jews. they are outright and explicit fantasy jews.

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Only Nazis refuse to pay rent.

I honestly don't understand how right-wingers and conservatives can constantly bitch about how the world is run by lizard people or demons who are dead set on controlling our lives and enslaving us and then turn around and fully support something like landlording, banks or usury. It's like, dude, that IS the system of control right there. That IS the system of slavery. How can you all spend so much time bitching about something and then when it comes down to it be the FIRST person right there supporting it? If they really are demons running this world then the conservatives who pretend to be Christians are doing their bidding at every turn.

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they gotta pay property taxes

How did Rowling get away with it?

my landlord told me no rent till June 1
we have to pay utilities tho, which we didn't before
I have to open an account with the utility company and I owe them like $1000

Yas Forums supports law and order you baby brained glowie

I pay 5k a year in property taxes in a very leftwing state(WA). rent is just a control mechanism keeping people poor straight up. 1k+ a month and you get no value. Just a roof over your head and you pay your landlords mortgage. All because you don't have the financials to drop on a down payment. Or 20+ years of financial stability

there's a difference between supporting landlords and telling you to stfu because you're bitching without offering solutions

Harry Potter is an extremely racist, right-wing story masquerading as "liberal" propaganda.
They get away with it because Voldemorts crusade against the "mud bloods" is obviously a metaphor for a racial genocide.

But if you look at the story a bit deeper, the entire wizarding world is a segregated society. They've cordoned off their own effective ethnostate from the "muggles" (which is obviously a racial slur) and the wizarding world secretly control the muggle world and never allows it to get too far out of line, if I remember correctly. So I mean these "good guys" in the story are effectively fighting for a defense of a Jim Crow-style system where the govt has the final say of the blacks / muggles

But yeah IDK it's dressed up in a lot of liberal propaganda and JK Rowling is obviously one of the worst types of social progressives who LARPs as a compassionate lefty but who would probably shit her pants and start crying if any kind of actual economic leftism came to her doorstep to collect HER taxes.

It's just funny how if you break it down that sense of entitlement comes through in her writing and nobody ever notices it because MOST of her retarded fanbase of both the books and the movies is similarly entitled, pompous, sheltered, upper class whites who are really only ACTING like they're so "socially progressive" while living hugely hierarchal and elitist lives because IDK that is how you get social credit in our society today and that's how you elevate your status even more from a social point of view

If you're gonna hold this attitude then ask to suspend utilitiy payments.

taxes dont GIVE A FUCK about politics. pay

Getting rid of landlords is a solution. All property becomes tied to your inhabitance and labor. If you actually live in a place or tie your labor to it then it's "yours". You can still have an economy. You can still buy and sell it. You can still have more than your neighbor or less than your neighbor, but it's all going to be within reason under that system.

It's not even a strictly left-wing idea, it goes back to John Locke

You need to check your rental contract and state laws. You might not have to pay utilities. Your landlord can't evict you though right now. So maybe tell (((him))) to pay his own utilities. Also I apparently got banned on March 22nd and just found out today because I'm a shitbag lurker who never posts. Stupid fucking mods go kill yourself in minecraft.

When (if) I get around to it.

I genuinely feel like electricity is not something people are "entitled" to.
But IRL it's pretty easy to generate your own

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Fucken hear hear

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I do pay. And no mortgage. I'm just saying rent is a fucking joke. Its a bad deal that preys on the poor and locks them in poverty.

your solution would be impossible to implement without an authoritarian govt committing massive injustices on its people. thats why nobody supports your solution faggot

based analysis have a (You)

so you can labor 7/24 and then tie a large piece of land, nice!
Then you can let others live there... hmm... bu they would have to give to you part of their production, you'll be working 7/24 still...
hmmm... maybe you don't need their produce, but you want to associate with them...
we need something to act as medium of exchange...
we can use cigarettes... or shells... maybe some pieces of metal... some metals are non-oxidable and easy to divide...

Well I am legally allowed to defend my home with firearms while the landlordjew isnt allowed to take "my" home with firearms. I wonder how it will go?



You can labor 7/24 if you want and have a larger piece of land, yes, that is part of how such a system would work, but obviously if you have other people living there then you're not tying your labor to it. At that point, it's the other people tying their inhabitance to it.

Gold is just a rock but IDK I highly doubt humanity is going to get away from currency any time soon. We'd prob at least be better off going back to a gold standard.
user.......I'm sorry but it is frustrating when people like you say this. The "authoritarianism" is the protection of vast private empires. Everytime a rich person buys *another* house, they are paying the state and the state is entering into a contract wherein it will protect that property FOR the rich person. That is the statism, the authoritarinaism right there.

The thing I'm talking about is only stopping that. It's objectively less authoritarianism and statism any way you slice it

Hahahaha (>Just a test)
What was their reasoning? Just curious.

Rent is passed due. 14 of my 22 tenants are refusing to pay rent. I still have to make mortgage payments. This isn’t right. I am a human being that worked hard and bought rental properties so I could comfortably retire and tend to my passions. Now I could potentially lose my life’s work because of slackers who live hand to mouth and refuse to have emergency funds like responsible members of society. I have a family to feed to, why shouldn’t I get paid? Why should I subsidise other people’s shelter from my own pocket? When are property owners getting OUR bailout? It's NOT fair

I have enough emergency funds to cover five maybe six tenants not paying their rent but 14? 14! Why should I wipe out MY savings over this? Landlords are entitled to a larger check for EACH MONTH of the shutdown.

How fucking hilarious is it that these characters actually existed in a Harry Potter movie in "Current Year"

The Normies weren't quite "woke" enough to catch it when it came out lol