This women is 73 years old...
Why does she look like she's 40?
This women is 73 years old...
Why does she look like she's 40?
nigger tongue my anus
Goyim blood
She’s Lililths little bitch
shes vegan
Lots of filler injections (you can tell by how non-uniform her under-eyes are. Facelift hinted by the definitive line at ear.
Because she's rich, Slavic, hasn't been outside for extended periods, and probably doesn't do hard drugs.
Children's blood
Slavic women do not age like that my man.
They enter babushka stage at age 32.
Make-up, plastic surgery and the blood of infants
LOL this is Viking stuff
If she looks 40 to you then I feel bad for every man in your family
>Why does she look like she's 40?
Coz her face is full of plastic, check her neck and probably her body would look like my sagged balls
And yet she will not live much longer, appearances can be deceiving.
she also looks like a man which means shes into some serious injections/pills
Omfg stormtroll?!!
That's a blatant jewess.
she is a satanist, thats why
The secret is baby foreskin.
Specifically the skin stem cells contained within.
There are also black market chop shops in China that remove the skin from dead infants for this purpose - it isn't just foreskins that contain dermatological stem cells, obviously.
makeup,plastic surgery,growth hormone and just good lighting in the picture
>There are also black market chop shops in China that remove the skin from dead infants for this purpose - it isn't just foreskins that contain dermatological stem cells, obviously.
Pic related
>Goyim blood
>expelled 1,030 times
Full list with sources:
Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country
>The truth about the jews and the world wars:
>The truth about slavery:
Children’s blood
wonder if qt on the left is single
This and baby foreskins
she looks 65 to 68
It’s called having good genetics. Women don’t suddenly age like you were led to believe.
So much plastic surgery and makeup that she's legally classified as a mask
Pharmakopeia literally means witchcraft.
she is jewish
Not only that but she is wearing make up to top it off seething roastie.
More evolutionary psychology pseudoscience collected form a sample of pedophilic men.
serbian genetics
>Men viewing images of teenaged girls labeled as adults rated them highly.
>Men viewing images of teenaged girls labeled as teens rated them lowly and took approximately twice as long to enter their answer.
oh we know why. Adrenochrome.
Someone like her takes it a step further and will happily eat a child's heart with no hesitation
Youngish fifty-five, but way past forty for sure.
Is that gibberish supposed to be deep and meaningful?
Some people just have good genetics, faggot. I’m 24 and people think I’m 15.
That's a nasty cosmetic surgery looking 40.