Whats your fear in the next 20 years?

So what do you fear most about what will happen in 20 years?

It could be either your personal situation or how you feel the world will be at large in 2040.

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I fear that nothing will change.

My fear is ever living in a house like this. Which is why I'm designing a low cost quasi-Sumerian structure for me and my harem.

I feel the same way.

The prospect of living some tiny life with a wife who also needs to work, birthing some child that'll always be average without a fighting chance against higher class children.

And there I am, looking like I just made the biggest mistake of my friggin' life but the worries of seemingly petty inconveniences (like the parking space being too narrow) culminates in realizing just how small and tiny my insignificant life is.

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20 years? Ha! try within the next 20months Debil, hell even the next 20hours are dicey. Ya know what with USSTRATCOM bumping up to Defcon one aftrr sending multiple coded EAM's to all nuclear assests. But in general we've got the pic related to look forward to. At least in a limited tactical fashion.

.....Oh and Canada won't exist as a country in the next 5 yesrs max. But I know me and a ton of other people are looking forward to that so. Not really a "fear" more like a "giddy anticipation"

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They look completely unhappy.

I'll never accept not having acres of space whereby a house is just one small structure on top of it.

Modern West is a disgrace.

We will never have countries worth living in until we deal with the traitor Left and their immigrant pets. Forget about living in a city. Multi-Cultural societies are worthless. The Left will always pander to their client base of foreign criminals, and discriminate against their own.

>and Canada won't exist as a country in the next 5 yesrs max. But I know me and a ton of other people are looking forward to that
Stop saying that I'm a big fan of Canadians and I love you guys!

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yes. this is another great fear of mine as well.

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20 years, no. We're reaching the singularity a lot sooner than that.

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I'll be dead by then most likely



not even once

Forced quantum dot records for vaccinations, limitations, and cryptocurncy purchase function.

Shut up. We hate ourselves and were ending it. Nothing you can do.

>I'll never accept not having acres of space whereby a house is just one small structure on top of it.
Then stop contributing to overpopulation and sterilize yourself. The reason we don't have land anymore is because you people breed like cockroaches. Just end your collective bloodlines.

Fuck I didn't know Mark Zuckerberg was in the hospital.

Odds are I'll be dead in 20 years. But damn, this was a hell of a ride as an indulgent, nihilistic memepig

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>you people

My people breed in relative proportion to the planet.

Tell your elites to stop enforcing global policies of propping up the non-western world.

America going further deep down the toilet because of sjw brainwashing and diversity is good 24/7 propaganda. Europe always ends up lapping up whatever America regurgitates, and their future so far looks like South Africa on steroids.


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Yeah, my first thought, also.

Somebody meme that shit... i guess.

i have nothing to loose so i fear nothing, things could only go better

Hey user sorry I know the truth hurts but I'd rather tell the truth then lie to anons. The truth is Canada as many remember it was dying for many years and now its Dead. I know it hurts user, took me awhile to come to grips with it as well. Hell I was getting set to join the CAF until 8 months ago. But its better to know and accept the truth than to cower and live in a lie. Sorry it hurts user but maybe something better will come of it. Here have a raving Hitler to cheer you up(noticed ur natsoc flag)

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What the fuck are these muppests complaining about? Heres my cuck space.

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>without a fighting chance against higher class children.
That's why you target them and their children

Get a little Honda S660 and you'll be right.

I dunno dude, Im loving the Prius. Its been nearly three weeks since ive had to top it off.

that picture is so clean

20 years?
Try the next 20 days.
Fucking niggers are getting feral and shooting each other with a. regular intensity not seen sense the 80s. 25% of cops are out with Covid-19. Spooks are getting bolder by the day with shit.


I thought it was a corolla.

May god have mercy on your soul.

Or go get an S660, it's a little beast.

There are an infininte amount of ways life can ALWAYS get worse

Yeah this phone takes beautiful pictures.

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