So, what exactly is wrong about being a homosexual except for the Bible saying it's bad?
So, what exactly is wrong about being a homosexual except for the Bible saying it's bad?
What is right about it?
Male on male homosex is gross.
You put your dick in another man's ass and act suprised when you become a carrier
of some kind of STD. Get back in the closet and hang yourself faggot
Male homosex does not necessarily involve ass.
its gay
it spreads HIV, unironically.
You get poo on your pee-pee and it makes you stinky.
it's being used as an Overton window to true degeneracy like paedophilia or cannibalism
It's hedonism
Hedonism bad
Jew God says jump and people say how high?
Its politics doing that, they had run out of causes and issues so homopoofs was the next thing.
>So, what exactly is wrong about being a homosexual except for the Bible saying it's bad?
You don't integrate into society you want special treatment. Shit like that.
Right, and if old love line episodes have thought me anything, most aren’t actually having anal sex
What's wrong with homosexuality is Yas Forums retards can't even find a cute femboy bf so they are homophobic.
Wrong board
Don't let the door hit you in the ass
Why do you faggots make this same thread every day after getting the same answers?
It spreads diseases and the people who push the political agenda use it to attack the family. Its a disgrace to society.
You contribute nothing to civilization.
If you want to indulge your sexual prefferences thats fine, but dont try to pretend that your fetish is equivalent to a heterosexual couple raising a family.
I dont like you.
I tolerate you because I am required to by law.
>What's wrong with being a faggot?
fucking meme, imagine having one biological goal in life (reproduction) and blowing it by having your brain tell you to blow a load in a guys asshole.
The smell of fucking a dude in the ass is horrendous.
Its fascist.
go back to Tumblr
what an extremely intellectual thing to say, i'm so glad i come to Yas Forums so that i may enrich my mind.
Seems oddly specific of a smell for you to know hmm?
While you can love someone of the same sex to an extent, you can’t love them romantically in a pure, true way. Gay sex, including lesbian sex, is fueled by self love, violence and domination.
That said, a lot of “heterosexual” acts you see in porn are gay as fuck as well. Gaping anal creampies and bukkake parties are the new norm.
more gays--->more women available for us straights--->more women intimidate Yas Forums virgin incels
being a homosexual is fucking gay
It's just natures way of saying you are a dead end
Well, for one they're faggots.
Homosexuals reproduce by touching children.
And finally, I think it’s a horrible curse to have been born with/developed. And the fucking devil is to blame. Some of my favorite people on earth are gay but I can’t really hang out with them anymore because I don’t want to lie to them and tell them everything is fine. May God heal them.
Homosexuals have wrong political opinions. They also have psychological problems. So, homosexuality is a good predictor of wrong political opinions and psychological problems. Therefore, killing homosexuals results in lowering the percentage of people with wrong political opinions and psychological problems. Which makes the race less sucky.
Homosexuals have a higher time-preference.
What’s wrong? Just look at the picture you posted
It offends me
>disease, degeneratcy, child molestation, and forcing other to accept your mental illness
so you're basically religious fanatics with out the god
Vast majority were molested as a child, most will go on to molest children, completing the cycle, creating new homos
But at the same time, some of the things I liked about my gay friends was there quirkiness and typical “gay” mannerisms. They can be hilarious and so creative. I just hate picturing these friends getting fucked in the ass.
It is an impractical frivolity, and an unbalanced lifestyle that does not facilitate a healthy relationship or naturally produce offspring. There is no biologically practical way to copulate without serious health risks, even while maintaining the concept of monogamy. The acceptance of such is the result of a decadent, impractical society obsessed with making desirable aspects that are not there in reality, but psychologically force-fed by way of fetishes to the victims of these derangements. Most societies of the world, outside of many European countries (mainly EU), North America (probably Canada more than America at this point), and perhaps some South American countries, including about half of Israel's Jewish population (the other half vehemently opposed to it on religious grounds), and an increasing subset of young Japanese, Koreans, and Taiwanese, frown upon those behaviors. The acceptance of it has been mostly manufactured in recent times through political propaganda. I am hard-pressed to attempt to search for any organic ideological lineage that has supported it many generations ago. Support for it seems to come and go in waves for societies, rather than constantly ever maintaining a large presence.
Imagine not even recognizing Peak Perfection.
Nothing really. Just remember Hetors dont run around telling people they are hetro.
Everyone figures it out.
Close enough, kek.
t. Bisexual fascist
(((seriious ansr)))
People enjoy not understanding.
LGBT is toxic, gay/les/bi are cancer tumors on the concept of homosexuality. The louder stupid people in these movements ruin it for the non-crazy homos.
All sex can spread STDS; homos did not SPAWN HIV/AIDS.
Society operates on a system of shared values, this including not fucking children for the non-degenerate 99%.
This is why Yas Forums also hates niggers, who do not share western values while invading our country.
It's terrible for any culture or species to normalize homo. In the natural world, yes, there are homos, but they are not the norm. It is an outlier that should be shunned or at least remain left alone without recognition or privilege. It clearly damages the population as a whole, especially the homo population itself, which has suffered tremendous losses of every kind ever since 'normalization'.
>Putting stuff up your butt then putting it in your mouth.
>"This is who I am"
Read psychological papers from prior to the sexual revolution. It’s a mental illness caused by neglect or trauma in most cases.
Homosexuality is gay
Fags reproduce by touching children.
Disease propagation and their refusal to wear condoms to prevent the spread.
Providing cover for trans ideology and pedophelia.
All of them are white. Proof that white people spread degeneracy.
male homosexuals are one of the most disgusting creatures on this planet as a man i think female homosexuality can be OK but for the idea of man being homosexual its just impossible male homosexuals are weaklings sociopaths and etc.. i know its pointless trying to explain to those who think otherwise i wouldnt even call them gays because gay the original meaning of the word was something that was acceptable that wouldnt strip you from being a man but homosexuals just want the world to revolve around them they are awful people no matter what everything they do is just sociopathy
>This is who the demon inside them is
Around 30% of homosexuals have had 1000+ homosexuals and they disproportionately account for over half of HIV cases.
Anal tearing
everything like uh......
they also own tv, internet, food, water, land, government, homes, your job.....
"How did you become gay?"
"I was born this way"
"Is there a gene?"
"Good let's work on identifying that. A woman has a right to choose if she wants to give birth to a gay child."
"Err, not a gene but, different hormones and effects that happen during gestation..."
"Great, we can perform studies to monitor these changes and prevent this from occurring in the future."
"Errr,, I mean... I uhm, I just am this way through magic and you can't question it... hey timmy, come over and touch my pee-pee."