ATTENTION Yas Forums !

ATTENTION Yas Forums !
Any criticism of christianity is being censored on Yas Forums !

Pro christian threads are allowed all day however criticizing Christianity gets your thread purged!
See who you can not criticize to see who rules you.

Previous thread:

What I wanted to say:
>People were aware of schizophrenia
No they where not.
>during that time
The bible literally testifies that:
1) jesuses parents Joseph and Merry did tell others that their jesus is MENTALLY ILL AND CRAZY! Read your bibles folks!

2) Other people where accusing jesus of being demon possessed in that time people where thinking that schizophrenia and other mental illness where by demons. Read your bibles folks.

> you say why didnt any other schizophrenic at the time gain a following and become a christ figure?
They did read your bible. All there prophets you read are in the streets are most likely scam artists or schizophrenics. You know hearing gods voice all the time. The cult of jesus was a minor sect at the time of jesus.

If you are asking why Christianity has the numbers it has today its because of the Roman empire.

Emperor Theodosius I.
He literally did say that not being christian is illegal now and every Roman citizen must be christian.
Pagan temples where smashed and people executed and the Roman empire used its military power to invade other countries and tell them to convert. Other Christian nations continued this practice.

My country Poland celebrates its christening when Mieszko Pierwszy decided to do the same policy and stop paganism, check when christieanity was forced by a king AKA dictator in your country.

The logic of Emperor Theodosius I has multiple theories to them. Was he a christian? Wanted to use Christianity to unifie the empire and believed it to be bullshit?

Any questions?

Yas Forums Christians want to hide this truth from you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Christians are cancer.

>2) Other people where accusing jesus of being demon possessed in that time people where thinking that schizophrenia and other mental illness where by demons.

Lmao imagine taking the word of jews as legitimate

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No one likes christieanity.

Remember, people go out of their way to attack the real Jesus Christ because there is truth and power there. Humble yourselves and ask the real Holy Spirit to reveal Himself to you and He will. You haven't found the truth yet because you haven't truly sought it out. Ask and ye shall receive frens.

>Lmao imagine taking the word of jews as legitimate

Depending on your christian flavor you are not allowed to say these are jews remember christian identity AKA:
>We christians are the real jews, fuck off fake jews!

>Lmao imagine
>If a jews says that drinking poison is bad it must be good
Is this your argument?

Nice not listening.
If you are not engaging with the discussion I will ignore all your links.

The only "power" in Christianity came from the Roman and government military making it illegal to not be christian once this was removed you are left with a extremely stupid story full of self contradictions and absurdities like muh trinity bullshit.

>Remember, people go out of their way to attack the real Jesus Christ because there is truth and power there.
I have to laugh at this preposterous logic.
People also " go out of their way to attack " Scientology so does this mean Scientology has power or is true?

How about Islam?
Same story.
>People don't like us and are pointing out our bullshit therefore we are true
Is absurd.
And this is why people laugh at Christians.

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>6 posts by this ID

Carrying the board because no one else is coming to save you or back up your argument KEK

>The logic of Emperor Theodosius I has multiple theories to them. Was he a christian?

>Was emperor Theodosius a Christian

Are you retarded
Not only is your timeline of Christianity completely wrong, you desperately try to play connect the dots with retarded assumptions. If you're to lazy to actually read the Bible at the very fucking least read up on late antiquity you complete tool. Chances are youre not getting banned for being Le ebin pagan but because you spout factually wrong garbage which just showcases you have no idea what you are talking about, and that is only the history itself, not even Christianity.
Your threads are purged because you're a retard babbeling literal nonsense.

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>Carrying the board because no one else is coming to save you or back up your argument KEK
Hey want to engage in the discussion or are you going to be a typical 50IQ christian?

Well now you are ban evading. Congrats, inbred.

You know I do it and have no problem with it.
Nice humiliating yourself there.

>you desperately try to play connect the dots
Sources on this fagot. Give me the real timeline of when Christianity became the majority religion and how.

Oh wait you literally never talk about it!
Theodosius I for Rome
You want to try to educate me on Mieszko Pierwszy?

>Your threads are purged because you're a retard babbeling literal nonsense.
You are retarded if you don't understand what is explained to you.

>Le ebin pagan
I'm atheist you retard.

>Well now you are ban evading
Threads getting purged is the same as a ban.
How new are you on this website my thread was purged and I was not banned.

Oh sure bud. Definitely earning yourself a ban with this continuous spam and low quality posting.

It's just a dumb argument. It's clear you actually haven't read the bible or any of the later works as mentioned by Jesus was accused of many things by the Jews in power. They hated him because their system completely misrepresented even their own religion, let alone the will of God. Take for example the story of the vendors in the temple.

>If a jews says that drinking poison is bad it must be good

This is just a massive false equivalency. Even if you don't believe in the faith, it won't kill you; it's not some self destructive shiite bullshit.

>If you are asking why Christianity has the numbers it has today its because of the Roman empire.

This may be true in the sense that it became one of the first nations to be backed by the faith but there were many Christians within the empire for years that were persecuted. It also says something that a nation that was strongly pagan for its entire history decided to switch faiths so suddenly. However, I would still disagree with you that this is a major factor in your argument in the first place.

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You know this is a sure fire way to test if you are talking to a right wing atheist or a left wing atheist.

The left wing atheist AKA rationalist will not insult Islam or Judaism. The right wing atheist will.

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>voices in my head

Welcome to the show

End your miserable life OP.

>This is just a massive false equivalency
He presented a argument where literally anything a jew says must be wrong.
Its simply absurd and makes you open to ... how do you say it in English? Reverse logic? The "I don't want you to eat the vegetables" when parents say it.

Despite our disagreement, I understand the language barrier is a bitch. It's called reverse psychology.

You are ignoring context. You are talking about an opinion held of Jesus by Jews in the period during domine (dd). It was known they hated him. I'm not suggesting to do the opposite of what a Jew says nor did I say modern Jews hate Jesus. It's simply a false equivalency.

Ok thank you for engaging in a debate however you literally have notihng to stand on.

Take any history book.
Trace the laws of the middle ages who say its illegal to be christian back to their origin.
These laws existed, you have notihng to stand on.
>b-b-b-b why is everyone christian in the middle ages
Because the laws say its illegal to not be christian.

> also says something that a nation that was strongly pagan for its entire history decided to switch faiths so suddenly.

What part of this don't you understand:
1) The Roman empire has all powerful dictator as its head
2) The dictator goes crazy or hies some strange agenda
3) The dictators makes a new law forcing everyone to be christian
4) Because of this lots of people who don't want to be christian are executed
5) 1000 years after this practically no one knows this fact.

>decided to switch faiths so suddenly.
What? Do you think all of them gathered around and simply decided to be christian like they all voted on it or something? And 100% of them decided to be christian.

Where did the "you can not be non christian" laws come from then?

>Christians within the empire for years that were persecuted

Its like today Scientology is persecuted and if we get a dictator who can do everything he wants and goes crazy or has some agenda and decides to make a law that says "its illegal not to be a Scientologist" would you say the same?

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Nigger, what the fuck are you on about?

>We don't talk about Theodosius

What is there to talk about?
You obviously have no conception of history or how Christianity came into being, yet you keep posting and demand to be taken seriously.
Theodosius was Christian you utter tool, as had been all previous Emperors for most of the 4th Century, with one exception.
You somehow pretending like Christianity becoming big started with Theodosius or pretending Theodosius was this out of nowhere guy who just made Christianity good now for no apparent reason just showcases that you have, again, no fucking knowledge of the time period.
Stop posting and pick up a fucking book, because for an atheist who's supposedly real big on scientific facts you are ridiculously uninformed.
This isn't even up for giving fucking debate, your statements become void by this simple fact and you are either underage or have never even bothered to Google what you just posted about.
Fuck Islam, Fuck Judaism and fuck you you sorry excuse for a human.

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>Because the laws say its illegal to not be christian.

You are equating the acts of man as the word of God.

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Yo, I'm pro Christian but anti Catholic, can I stick around?

These threads are what happens when you leave illogical emotion driven people to their own devices. The abstract and ill-defined "normal" becomes the ultimate authority.

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burn in hell P R O T

Ok kike

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no im playing. Yeah stick around, all are welcome.

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except raghead kabab

>Despite our disagreement
Thanks for the intelligent conversation.
You don't believe how many times I get the most retarded and schizo Christians shitpostign in my threads.

>It's called reverse psychology.
Thanks I simply forgot what the name of this in English was.

> I'm not suggesting to do the opposite of what a Jew says nor did I say modern Jews hate Jesus
I was responding to the "believing what a jew says LEL" shitpost logic presented before.

And you can not believe how many idiotic Christians I encountered on this board.

>Jews in the period during domine (dd
How about this during the same time
Jews say:
>Wash your hands before eating
Jesus says:
Who is right? Objectively the jews are right and Jesus is wrong so says our modern knowledge on the subject of washing your hands.

Its independent of who says it.
And yes jesus did argue against washing your hands you can see a complete commentary (long video some rambling and side stupidity) here

I've been banned for a pro Jesus thread. Stop being an atheist faggot and believe already. Do you really want to be laughed at for an eternity for how wrong you are?