Jews are an ancient enemy

Jews are descended from neanderthals. They are the ancient enemy. They are the reason man domesticated the dog. In days before history, the neanderthal Jew would steal into human camps and steal infants for food and trophy. They lived in caves, high in the mountains and low in the valleys, places where it was too dark for them to be hunted.

The mastery of fire may itself be a defense against the Jew, as the mastery of the dire wolf was. They were released into the Jew caves to rip the vampires asunder, to clear the way for noble early human man to cast light on their cave walls, to lay bare the depths of their crimes.

Since time immemorial the Jew has been the enemy. They have always been, and will always be, rapists and thieves and murderers. They are the evil that lurks in the dark. They are the invisible scourge.

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Actually Germanic Caucasians have the highest amount of Neanderthal DNA

sounds like Far Cry Primal

Here here!

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What is the proof you have of these allegations, is it intuition? That is valid, but is there any research that has led you to believe this?

What if our myths of vampires and werewolves are our subconscious recollection of the eternal struggle? What struggle? Aryan vs Semite, Cro-Magnon vs Neanderthal, Werewolf vs Vampire.
The Cro-Magnon was the first to train the wolves. This was done in order to battle against a nocturnal cannibalistic species. (((They))) hate the dawn and they hate Christ as he is the bringer of light.

>look white but not even human
>drink blood
>BLOOD LIBEL (porphyria, Tay-Sachs syndrome)
>steal children, prefer young blood
>psychopathic and deceiving
>utmost loyalty to in-group
>hunted by inquisitors and church authorities across the lands
>travel either alone or in small tightly knit covens
>parasite off the host population while killing it
>sometimes come as outsiders in a caravan, other times as secret high and ancient aristocracy
Vampires are literally based off jews, werewolves have always been here for the white man

>whites domesticate wolves
>wolves start following us around
>enter the war with jews
>at night, whites used wolves to attack jew lairs
>jews started believing that whites were literally turning into wolves at night
>jews created the myth of the Werewolf, a Cro-Magnon turning into a wolf under a full moon
>these attacks happened under a full moon because whites had poor eyesight at night and needed light
>the full moon is the Dark Sun

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Nature. Kikes are literal another species.

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Proof Jews are descended of Neanderthals? There have been Neanderthal remains found in Israel. And throughout Europe etc, but proof?

DOg domestication may be related to competition with Neanderthal, looking that up now. There is some evidence Neanderthals were cannibalistic...

The earliest remains of human neanderthal hybrids was found in Israel.

Germans are maybe Cro-Magnon

Skull analysis then.

HomoErectus = nogs.
Australopithecus = og nogs
CroMagnon = Bugmen
Neanderthal = Jew
Denisovan = Abbos
HomoSapiens = Caucasian

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>different species
>less developed

>somehow controls the entire fucking planet from thousands of years worth of schemes all tying together in a neat ribbon over mankind

really make me think

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Who said Neanderthals were primitive?

This article says working with wolves helped humans compete against Neanderthal.

This explains why we don't like it if Asians eat dogs.

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Exactly, no one here said Neanderthals were primitive, only that they are a different species of human, or human-like species.

Dogs are man's best friend against the NeanderJews and all other sub-humans

>They are the reason man domesticated the dog. In days before history, the neanderthal Jew would steal into human camps and steal infants for food and trophy.
lmao who the fuck are you Tolkien prove any of this

Look through the thread. We posted articles showing that Cro-Magnon worked with dogs to gain meat, and this helped them out-compete Neanderthal.

We showed skull shape evidence that linked modern Jews to Neanderthal. And we showed a article that showed genetic evidence of Neanderthal-HUman hybrids in ISrael a long time ago.

And for the record I do believe that Neanderthal are a species of human.

Well the baby part is here

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The Jew neanderthal link is legit. Tons of evidence. And even there wasn't- Just use your eyes you fucking retards. Ashkenazi clearly have tons of neanderthal features. I suspect confusion on this subject is desired for a lot of parties.

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Where is the evidence that Jews have a higher percentage of Neandertal DNA?
Not "they hybridized in Israel!" or "look at the phrenology!"
Genetic evidence. Please.

>my post is a copypasta now
It's a good feeling. Godspeed.

Phrenology is genetic

All here.

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Ok. Where are the BAM files, to be more specific?

Which one? I find this subject quite fascinating so I saved it in notepad. It may very well be right.

I don't know.

There's a book I got recommended in a similar thread
>Them and Us: How Neanderthal Predation Created Modern Humans
by Danny Vandramini. Haven't read it yet but felt appropriate to mention.
I feel like people who don't like dogs or can't appreciate why people value dogs are missing an important bit of evolution.

Northern Europeans have the highest Neanderthal admixture, thats why so many have weird square heads and are socially inept autists

can't find this anywhere or anything about it
got a link?