Indian Removal Act be like

Attached: sqzgzna163u41.png (640x853, 644.44K)

Do Indians even have supermarkets?

Next year, they'll put a fat nigger on it.

They have flea markets.

Attached: fleas.jpg (225x225, 5.63K)

>implying they didn't do this to be PC

>with (((canola oil)))

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They need to buy mouthwash somewhere user.

>Implying the original image wasn't 1920s PC

And nothing of vaule was lost.

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>We must erase them because tolerance
They did the same thing to Apu

Attached: apu.jpg (287x176, 17.67K)

>commies going after cooperatives
Now I've seen it all.

Did the send her to the reservation?

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fuk indians

Stop eating butter laced with fucking vegetable oil, you're consuming poison

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What are you saying here?

Tilamook is a tribe in the PNW. Shit example on his part.


No one ever even bought that shit when I was deli manager. I’d order a case and I’d throw away a case a few months later lmao. Smart move to take that bitch off and get people talking in my humble opinion.

But now people will say it wrong and call it land o lakes
Instead of its real name land lakes. What we've been calling it for ages

Vegetable oil is poisonous? Or butter? Butter is poison? Please explain

>give me sources and context

> be like
kys leddit nigger

The oil is bad. That shit's partially hydrogenated, yo.

What did they replace Apu with?

Yas Forums should praise this on twitter as only right as it represents removing the filthy indians from white land

Trump's little Squaw just stole 3 billion for his new oil/gas empire with ASRC/Oil Search
Trump is pulling the old Scott Tucker scam.

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Good, take out a stupid depiction of my people for consoomers to keep jews rich


Water is bad?

Shorten it to LOL Butter.

Have a zoomer ad campaign, frame as the lad comedy company like Wendy’s, and make bank from product.

Vegetable oil, if you have crippling allergies and inflammation you can thank the frankenoil shoved in almost everything you eat. But you're German so I've been told that outside of the states Europeans consume only nectar and ambrosia

never buying that shit again

Do they still use the kwik e mart as a set? If so who runs it?

Mongoloid people?
Just be proud of that mongoloid heritage.

Attached: mongolidian.jpg (876x796, 141.16K)

No nigger, blue eyes and shit, everybody knows that’s false

Probably an iranian who reeks of cigarettes like every other 7-11.

I just realized they are using PC culture to rewrite the past. They arent doing this to protect native americans, they are doing this so future generations of Americans dont worry about being replaced

push this angle, make people double down on them