The most frustrating video you will ever watch

Nick red-pilling (or trying to) 200 zoomers.

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white nationalists are so fucking cringe jesus

>(((American flag)))
Opinion discarded.


>that fat whale who constantly breathes into the mic with his overfatted lungs
Also the guy who makes the most retarded points.

Say about Nick what you want, I have no idea how he can have such patience with these retards.

Holy shit. This goes on for 5 hours? And those are the zoomers who are smart enough to listen to Nick Fuentes? They're all fucked in the head from 12 years of school system brainwashing.

It's 5 and a half hours long you absolute faggot. You could have at least gave us a timestamp or something.

Why do you faggot keep totally organicaly posting the same people are these people significant in some way? Experts in thier fields?

>Nick Fuentes

he's not grating, lil nicket is goodguy

Some retard shouts out TempleOS

My god...that disgusting rat at 1:03:00.

Weren't zoomers supposed to be smart?


Nothing ever rebutted the Bell Curve.

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Just start the video, retard.

>reee, stop caring about what the absolute masses think
>it doesn't matter in the slightest!

Most of those are far-left fags and even the MIGA-cap guys are cucks.

Your future doesn't look so good.


I'm not even there yet. I doubt it can get worse than that lolbert faggots "attacking" the Bell Curve.

I hate snarky zoomers so fucking much.

>the revolution will begin on dlive.

Funny how they all have the same simp physiognomy.

The state of these zoomers is absolutely black-pilling.

Lets smoke a fat toke and talk about politics on the internet bro!!!

Fuck zoomers
Fuck this country

so much for muh based generation-zyklon

It's honestly the most fucked-up and gayest generation. Like every third boy seems to be a faggot and a future tranny and everyone wants to be a special lolbertarian snowflake.

Plastic, vitiated Jew water, growing up with Netflix propaganda and normalizations.

No chance.

All these fags should be gassed desu

That fat retard farmer denying the lobbying of Agriculture and denying CAFOs, what a pathetic faggot.

Nick is pretty good. Turns out you can be successful if you're not a larping cringefag marching with a torch, wearing a uniform, doing le roman salute, etc.
>pic related: nonwhite Nick followers supporting pro white policies

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Kek that fucking kid who starts reading from the bell curve, absolute hero
Some of those tik tok zoomers are absolute fags, especially that crackhead looking kid that was pretending to be some sort of weird degenerate Christian to try and bait Nick into being pro porn/faggotry

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Yikes look at that physiognomy. Racists are all fucking ugly lmao


>5.5 hours
Post the highlights and maybe I'll give you a bump

This x1000. People can say what they want about him, but the fact is he’s the only successful pro-white public figure that openly discusses the JQ. And he’s young; that’s a much bigger deal than people seem to realise. An actual grassroots youth movement in the dissident right wing was unthinkable only 20 years ago. Good on him.

fucking based. There's logically no reason why various races in the US cannot unite to fight globalist interests while still maintaining their various separate groups. Hitler had various nationalities in the waffen SS for example, and they seemed to work together well

He's some mexican child chanting "GROYPER! GROYPER" and shilling catholicism to a majority protestant nation. No reasonable person that isn't a degenerate zoomer, tradcath LARPer would follow him

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That guy isn't even white dumb fuck leaf

Ok, concern trolling leaf faggot

YOooo frustrated check? Redpill check? Youtube check? Yoo groyper check?


Did I mention white in my original post, chair force sexpat?

those are conservatives and libertarians not national socialists

u were that fag with the Gadsden flag hahahahah


I get a headache after 10 seconds of watching this crap

I can't imagine someone unironically watching let alone producing more than 5 hours of this

yeah i'm sure there's loads of racist spics in american trying supporting your imaginary white nationalist movement

>chair force sexpat
literally don't even know what this means chink lover

Fuentes The Mexican, leader & savior of the white race.

I have to agree with you that jews are ugly but they didn't make that decision by themselves so please reserve harmful remarks for you. Thank you!

Nick talks to kids because that’s the level his pea brain operates at
This dude hasn’t had a single organic good take in his life he literally made a “career” of “owning” neocons.
Nobody cares nick fuck off

Castizos aren't white

this whole stream was hilarious and infuriating at the same time. nick is a legend

on the internet yes, boomer

>5 hours
hoooooly shit

white nationalist =/= national socialist