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Def am
Blonde hair blue eyes and 6’5”
Get on my level
Oh wait...

Sure I’m not white but my sister’s boyfriend is


Maybe not. My mom was "polish" and her whole side is dead because they were degenerates with bad genes.
I don't trust DNA tests and I feel like I look kinda jewish, and I know there were a lot of kikes in that region before WW2.
Oh well. All I can do is go forward with what I feel is right in my heart, and that's a white ethnostate.

yes I fucking am.

>brown eyes
>white skin
>Brown hair
>6ft 2
9/10 gf

Both my parents were born in Poland, but idk if Yas Forums considers Polish to be white

I know

That's cool with me

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By looking at your hand I would say I'm whiter than you.
Nice try Jamal.

I know....

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Inferior whites

I don't care

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I am 6'6 230 pound curry I can fuck you up faggot

My 100% Northern European genes disagree

If we aren't white, then who is???

>brown eyes
>Brown hair
>yes I fucking am.

Attached: 1573186576623.jpg (908x754, 224.76K)

You are white in that many species mimic traits of more successful species
So a mimic may look white... but you aren’t.

And you know it.


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Lol, whatever helps you sleep at night, you slave race insect

Tfw pale white with dark brown hair and eyes.

keep seething leaf

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>mfw blonde hair blue eyes

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we are all black


In real life you’d just bobble your empty little head and thank me for coming again
Funny fantasy tho prajeet.

>yfw most likely fat, live in a cuck state, no 9/10 gf, not white, a leaf

Attached: alex senpai.jpg (400x397, 63.97K)


well i'm a mutt but i look white at least

>8% bf
>12 inch dick
>blond, blue eyes
>11/10 wife
>7 children
Get on my level

Sure thing Chang

Attached: image.png (251x196, 72.24K)

>"Embracing my Chinese-Canadian identity"
>*proceeds to eat bat soup, fuck her dog, and kill it so she can make tomorrow night's dinner*

With all the race mixing i might be white one day
Dont count your shekels yet

I am. I posted the evidence in the other two threads which should satisfy the requirements of whiteness unless you define it as 100% direct from Scandinavia only in which case you know nothing about the Northern European people.