Which country is the most cucked as of today?

Which country is the most cucked as of today?

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according to pic related it is muttlandia

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UK has the most cucked laws.
Canada is the shittiest society.
Sweden and Germany aren't even that bad compared to the other three.

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We are. Sweden redeemed itself by not going into lockdown.

but muttland has always been retarded and cucked licking those israelian boots

based sweden didnt lockdown, proves this shit is a pumped up media pandemoniun

canada is fucked

>non-white =/cucked
You are still majority white and you can’t do anything.
If America was majority white we’d take over the world.


you arent wrong



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France-USA negro capital of Europe, Sweden-rape capital of Europe where refugees terorize the native population, Germany same like Sweden but having even more rapefugees, UK again it's the same shit as all of these, but having more niggers than both Germany and Sweden, but less than France and Canada is failed country that will eventually be destroyed, Canadians make me sick, they act like bloody faggots.....Don't you westerners realize, that all of your west is fucked ? All countries invaded, all have traitors in the government and your children are being brainwashed in the schools


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good leaf

Pretty true

Sweden didn't go full dictatorship like England did over the fucking flu
I've known for a long time, I slowly started to realise how fucking dumb and brainwashed most people are throughout my life, even on here with Trumpfags or Qtards. It's embarrassing that people think this board has intelligent posters when they're just a bunch of useful idiots being manipulated by shills

>If America was majority white we’d take over the world.

kek you u still would be lapdogs to the jews you zog pig

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Trump is fucking kike faggot too praising Israel, only retards can call him saviour of USA, he is not based at all

America can't be the most cucked because they still have the second amendment, and most of the country is awake to all the leftist bullshit. All the flags in the OP have properly brainwashed populations with absolutely no hope.

Bongs in particular take pride in webm related.

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Definetley England. Sweden is just jews. England its the locals too. England has been the one who started this shit in ww1

Without any doubts, France.

Only one of those nstions currently have free citizens with upheld constitutional rights.
>Imagine being so cucked that you let your governments institute authoritarian police states over a boomer remover.

Same as England its a Rothchild hotspot. Germany has became shit after ww2. Sweden is being attacked because of pure white genes

UK by far

England hasn't even gone close to "full dictatorship". In fact compared to other European/western countries our lockdown restrictions have been surprisingly lenient. I'm barely seeing any police on the street when I go out and people are more or less allowed to carry on as normal as long as we don't take the piss. On the other hand you have Australia for example who literally sent out helicopters looking for campers who are breaking lockdown. Doesn't get anymore dystopian/totalitarian than that.


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Have you got a loicense to talk on the Yas Forums ya mate? don't wanna report ya to the mp now do ya? go on about your way and piss off back to ya flat mate

>hurr durr i'm barely seeing any police checking my walking license

You forgot Dutch flag. Uber cucked fags.

We are the most diverse “white” country for now.

In France it is illegal to get a DNA test on the kid if you suspect your partner cheated on you.

Anyway Sweden

Where is the US flag?

The UK cucks are arrogant and aggressive, swedish cucks are maybe a bit more subtle but condescending know-it-alls. Don't know about the rest of those countries. I'm positively surprised the Sweden choose to go it's own way with Corona, I guess it means thay have some will of their own left. Finland, then again, follows the example of other countries like a lap dog, however it's harder to find as insufferable cucks in Finland as it is in the UK or Sweden. Finns are just more down to earth like that.

Why do you get so upset when your Yas Forums meme opinions are challenged? Britain is one of the most free countries in the world and no amount of exaggerated tabloid stories will change it. Leave your bedrooms once in a while and see the real world, it's not as scary as you think.