Why do so many Yas Forums incel millenial zoomer brainless fuckwit faggots roll for digits game all the time?
Why do so many Yas Forums incel millenial zoomer brainless fuckwit faggots roll for digits game all the time?
you wouldn't get it boomer
What’re we rolling for?
Rolling so OP dies in fire plz
it's fun and scares you glowies shitless.
yeah ok meme flaggot...
doing the roll for OP getting gang raped by feral niggers
Not a game, it's a lifestyle.
Check em'
(and as an added bonus, I saged the thread. swallow it, faggot.)
uh oh, bad news OP
Reroll for the glorious OP consuming fire
The numbers, Shepard
you are new here and do not belong
Oh thank kek
du_bs and you get killed by cops this Tuesday
checked and absolutely based, fuck you OP
Its like reading the runes, like prophet would do in ancient times to assess the future
>du_bs and you get killed by cops this Tuesday
based and checked
Also op is a fag
OP is fucked and he won't even get a last Fuddruckers
Ok zoomer. Some post the zoom zoom meme.
so op will be raped by niggers and then police accidentally will shoot him while rescuing him
rip op, based faggot.
Roll to trigger op
>off by 1
Because newfags don't know that "if x then y" isn't how meme magic works.
Gets aren't magic because you proclaimed they are. Context makes a get magic, not your faggot rerolls.
you only get fool's du_bs because you're an incel
tell that to that leaf who lives blissful life with his ai gf now
rollling for op being double nigger
Your primordial wisdom is not lost on the rest of us, but fun is allowed. Lighten up.
Epic roll
rollin for complete reset!
leave my simulation alone.