Is their ultimate goal to encourage race mixing, so that the majority would be a muddled shade of brown?

Is their ultimate goal to encourage race mixing, so that the majority would be a muddled shade of brown?

Will ethnicities & family heritage be ground to a mere novelty, 50, 60, or 70 years from now?

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that was some old farts dream, yeah. but he got the fucking boot and a new order is in charge.

like these 2 people? I doubt it.

No white women just love BBC

Mixing with niggers is like pacifists laying down their guns.

You know there are people who dont, and these will inherit the world.

I think we need a mixed world order.

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Does a fat based jewess like bbc?

Amerifat beauty

Niggers get BTFOd.
Even brown "mixed" women are SJWs in the streets, nazis in the sheets

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The most important thing you can do for yourself and your race is keep your own life in order. You can and must become focused, disciplined, reliable, and, to the greatest possible extent, happy. Do people in your life tend to trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising self reliant children? If you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to make a difference in the world, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a real difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunities that most people born on this planet don't. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, be nice to yourself, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people, in real life. That's very important. Never let anything from a screen take away from your real life.

Can’t really argue against those numbers.

It’s important to note however that the numbers encourage race maxing. It’s not like these latinas are requesting latino semen, they want race mixed babies

She is actually Maltese. It means she is basically southern Italian combined with A little bit of Arab. IG is @Miss___Jones

She goes by Emily, I think.

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What did you think terms like "melting pot" and "mosaic" meant?

A land founded by multiple waves of varied European immigration, where "white pride" need not even delineate a specific national, religious, or regional European heritage, is hardly a sensible place to cling to the idea of ancient, identity-defining ethnic roots.

When you take into account the inevitable effects of Spanish/Aztec interbreeding right next door, the Natives and imported Black slaves in your own country, the Asian workers, and everything else that has informed the history of your country... The idea that a distinct, racially and culturally pure homogeneity is what would naturally emerge seems ludicrous.

Go back to Europe. I'm not a big fan of race-nationalism anyway, but at least there you can make a better argument for a justifying a historically-rooted nativist ethnostate there without looking like a hypocrite or an ignorant buffoon.

But, yes. For many who wish to live "beyond racism", I imagine they like the idea of a society where a certain degree of beigeness pervades and ethnicity is just a fun little quirk to talk about at parties, like being left-handed.

Race Mixing Is Based

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Latinas are already mixed, smarty.

Hey Bettendorf, is that you?

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dios mio

But taking good white semen and corrupting it with their mixed eggs? It just inflates the mixed numbers. See where I’m getting at?

Bro, I plow Asian women regularly just because I can. I don't care about racial purity. I might marry a white woman. I might not. I might marry a Latina if she fucks good, if she is loyal, and if she is traditional enough. I might marry an Asian if she is not a clingy schizo. And I might marry a white woman if she is not too fat, if she does not suffer from underlying mental health issues, and if she is reasonably easy enough to redpill. Don't be so fucking autistic about race, bro. Just go with the flow, and don't forget to develop yourself as a competent valuable male.

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I thought his name is Tenda Spencer.

If they do it continually, they'll eventually just be white people for all intents and purposes, unless you believe the white genome is so terribly (and inexplicably, in a weird way that defies any understanding of science) weak that even the most distant nonwhite ancestry will forever destroy its capabilities.

3 hours later she tells him she pregnant

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can you clarify? explain it to me like i might have big amounts of aspergers

Who cares! I'll breed as many asian woman as I want. Stay mad cucks.

to spread disease,
to destroy families,
to diminish genetic prowess,
to destroy christendom

White woman are made for BBC

bro bro bro bro bro bro bro bro

i hate fat bitches why am i getting a hard on


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Based and maple syrup pilled

White genes are recessive though. Meaning you'll never get them out of the system and with enough crossbreeding all the mutts will look white again.

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It's not really. It's just an admission of that Leaf's defeat.

You know being "white" is more important that appearing so?