How do we combat islamophobia?

How do we combat islamophobia?

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Kill all the sand niggers.

If there were no more Muslims you'd have no more Islamophobia

why would we want to combat islamaphobia?

Keep Muslims out of our communities

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send em all back to england where they will be safe

Sounds like a Muslim problem. How do we combat Europhobia?

>how do we fight Islamophobia?
We don't, Islam can suck my fucking balls.
Why do you defend people who would stone you to death?

Unbelievably and unequivocally based

Did you seriously just ask that

another question, why are you a faggot sodomite? did uncle touch you when you were young?

with misogyny


whatever works on unicorns should also work on islamaphobia.

Everyone's a little gay
Some are more, some are less

Islam is the worst social trend in the history of civilization.

I hate them, I really hate left-wing fags for ruining the actual meaning of words
A fear, ok. But a fear of Islam? Not really, it's more like disdain.

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by deporting all muslims to where they belong

Easy. Nuke the Middle East out of existence until there is nothing left but a crater.


Yes all Muslims must be removed from civilized world. Put em on an island or something. They will probably start killing and raping each other like they do on daily basis.

Delete islam, solves the problem. Islam is the cancer not Islamophobia.

Kill all the Muslims. No Islam, no Islamophobia. Simple.

Would crowdfund nuke on Islamic world 10/10

Everyone who lives in a free country should have the liberty to say:
Muhammad did not have good ideas.

No Islam is no more war. Mudslimes are holding back any advancements of civilized worlds

>be gay
>defend islam

pick one

Open borders worldwide until muslims make 50% or more of the population

More like every old centuries religions.

Stop calling it Islamophobia gawd what a kiked name. Makes it seem like were weak and homo faggots.

Truly the left will get paid in due inshallah

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Simple: show the islamaphobes that their fears are unfounded.