Can we have a serious thread about why anarcho-communism would not work?
Can we have a serious thread about why anarcho-communism would not work?
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shut the FUCK UP. stop throwing around BULLSHIT TERMINOLOGY
Its as pointless as a conversation about why bernie doesnt work
because niggers
Fuck off back to rebbit
based ancom
its difficult to orchestrate in groups larger than 100 sadly
Anarcho-anything is unworkable bullshit. In anarcho-communism, who enforces the distribution of wealth and the abolition of property? In anarcho-capitalism, who enforces the NAP and contracts? You need law and order to keep the people in line. No society has ever succeeded without government authority. Anarchism is the worst political ideology ever.
Chaos + system cancel each other out
>who enforces the NAP
fuckin kek lolberts are such a waste of oxygen
No proof of concept for anarchocommunism every nation to try this type of system is a massive failure.
Argument: lacking
Necrotic hole: undilated
Children: groomed
Yep, it’s tranny time
Mon-hierarchical organizations are cripplingly ineffective.
Communism is unity. Anarchy is 'every man for himself'. Anarcho-communism is paradoxical.
No, no one intelligent takes anarcho communism seriously as a mode of civilization.
Need to clear up this common misconception because I see it in every thread like this:
Anarcho communism just means that the "path" to communism is:
capitalism - anarchy - communism
as opposed to Classical Marxism:
capitalism - socialism - communism
Overall though, the bottom guy in your picture is correct communism is defined as "classless and stateless society" so the difference between anarchists and classical marxists is merely on which path to take, not on the end goal (this is commonly misunderstood by newfags, they believe that "anarcho communism" is stateless and that "regular communism" is totalitarian because of the USSR, which was actually socialist).
People who say "communism has never existed" are actually correct despite the mem, though people who say "it has never been tried" are wrong. When a communist party takes control of a nation and fails to establish communism, that counts as a try
Now, as to why communism (both anarcho-communism and classical marxism) would not work, the best answer (I believe) is that human nature exists. Humans are social apes and hierarchy is natural. The correct approach to society is to create the ideal hierarchy, not to try and remove the concept, it will never work. You cannot "remove" classes because they are partly biological and will re-assert themselves instantly even if you somehow force them out. The smart people will largely make smart decisions and procreate with smart mates to create smart children. These children are always going to "be superior" to the inversely dumb children and this will have ramifications in society which will lead to de facto classes even if they are de jure forbidden.
Communism is purely hypothetical nonsense, it treats humanity and human nature as an obstacle to be overcome, rather than a permanent reality. It has never existed and WILL never exist.
>start over?
Kill every fucking tranny, faggot zoomers and boomers. Go full fucking Caesar and force the ones that aren’t genocided into being slaves. Rape their women. Pillage and steal all their shit. Kill all the able bodied men. Nanking on a grand scale up this bitch
It relies on total compliance to an economic order, refusal gets you exiled or murdered.
Given that you're forced to work and won't be compensated for your work, and deserting gets you exiled or killed, you're in a society of slaves, and someone's gotta have the authority to kill and measure how much contribution is enough contribution, thus naturally creating a privileged class to pass judgement, and if there's any form of legislation to put to paper this order, there's an explicit state with laws upheld by a privileged class that shirks some of it's communal duties in order to uphold the legislation.
There's no "Commons" that can be harvested and utilized without effort, and maintenance, and given that "The commons" can't be compensated, lest they stop being the commons, then whoever maintains it is nothing but a slave.
Ditching currency is sheer retardation, it's used to pace limited resources, which is every resource.
Wouldn't work because the gang with the most guns would run roughshod over everyone else.
>who enforces the NAP
It's self defense, the key word being "Self", and you can buy insurance too, probably.
Fuck off namefag, you're not welcome here
Because anarchy in itself is antithetical to human development. Imagine being such a brainlet that you unironically think that the entirety of human development (towards bigger and more complex states) was just wrong.
Well, and secondarily because any form of rules you need so people don't fuck each other over at every opportunity are not enforced (because no state to do so) so any kind of functioning anarchist society already builds on the principle of "there are just no bad people lol"
Anarchy of any kind would surely just result in niggers chimping out 24/7, eventually falling onto warlord type scenarios. This would lead to forming of a state by other races just to keep all the shit tier races from rampaging.
that would imply that private property is inherent to human nature when it clearly isnt
real property would be you owned whatever you were currently using
not some house you intend on renting out to someone but is currently empty
you wouldnt need more than 1 house at a time basically
there are bad people but the cops and judges and people who get in authority of government are even worse people because they get off on being mean and bad people as their job
if no state you would just have to have familys who were armed to the teeth 24/7 and create peace through tremendous strength
Thanks these are the kinds of answers I was looking for
7 Atrocities Soviet Dictator Joseph Stalin Committed
i dont need your permission FAGGOT
Private property predates the neolithic revolution. It's one of the things that yielded civilization and the rise of division of labor and the ability to organize and fixate your talents and interests. People who owned and managed properties and paid to build them, and maintained them, allowed for others to focus on things such as agriculture and fishing. It's inherent to civilization and being more than a violent great ape.
no shit
it's either every man for unity OR communism for himself
it also allowed them to enslave the population through mortgages and interest to the banks
private property is property that you can reasonably own on your own and people know not to invade your space
a shopping center or a airport is not private property
your personal home is
you dweebs are talking about concepts like it matters outside of your government 102 course.
all this is throwing loaded terms around while pretending like you have an option to choose anything. fuck off retard