The cruise ship industry can go get fucked

The cruise ship industry can go get fucked.

>base themselves in foreign countries to pay lower tax
>also avoid US labour laws to pay their staff lower

They fucking parasite off the USA, and then they expect the same government they avoided taxes from to bail them out.

Not to mention their behaviour during this pandemic, sailing during it and allowing crew and passengers to get infected.

Here in spiderland nearly 10% of our COVID19 infections have been from these cunts, its likely more.

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governments don't bail out anyone, tax payers do

First thing I am doing when the pandemic is over is going on a cruise

Cruises are a retarded idea for people with too much time on their hands
> Let's get on a giant fuel guzzling vehicle to drive around and look at a bunch of water
Just go to the fucking beach. You can even swim in the ocean.

>implying there will be any left in business

Yeah they can get fucked

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They also create a vast portion of all pollution.

Based. Fuck these cunts. Let governments who’s flag they sail under pay.

bailing out any industry can go get fucked at this point as far as i'm concerned

i'm gonna buy the ships for pennies on the dollar

No private industry deserves a bailout.

On one hand I agree. But if this industry dies now there will never be a Fhloston Paradise in 2360

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based americans

>Implying governments would have any money without tax-payers

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The way they run these things is also stupid. They get to pollute a lot for what little they pay.


>cruises are stupid
Sorry that you are a nigger who can't afford to travels the oceans in luxury

Printer does what again?

Ryanair and Irish ferries can go get fucked too: they happily made a mockery of our national lock down to import scab labour and violent tax dodging criminals into our country. Would be so glad to see both go to the wall.


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where the fuck are you located?

Aland? A land where?

Fuck cruise ships. When they come to my city, they don't hook up to land power, but sit there and run their engines for weeks and leave a fucking lid of pollution in the bowl of mountains, unload a horde of fucking insects, then have the nerve to honk loudly with their clown horns on arrivals and departure really fucking early.

God damn fucking parasite industry.

These ships genuinely put a feeling of uneasiness in me. They look unreal and unnatural

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Aland balls

It's a city, a floating one. I'm not sure what's so unnatural. Unless you're black.

Why do boomers love cruises?

Cruise lines can go bust and nobody will miss them

-do not produce anything of value
-are entertainment only for low IQ boomers
-pollute the oceans and the athmosphere like a coal mine


hahhahahahahaha BBAAAASEDD
Trump knows what it's like when a business fails
>based fuck em

Which city mate?

Bergen. A fucking bowl of mountains surrounding the whole fucking shitshow + cruise ships chugging for power turns it into Diet China when it's cold and not raining.
It's like having a fleet of diesel power plants come to visit on my fucking lawn, literally my fucking lawn.

Hurtigruten eh

Hurtigruten is fucking nothing. I'm talking about those god damn 10k+ passenger monstrosities.

ok boomer

Should rape and rob all the boat passengers. Fuck them up big time. Send them packing with pieces missing.

parasite is not a verb

As long as the US are bailing out non US based companies, Huawei and ZTE would also like a bailout KEK

Baltic Sea

They must go.

sounds horrid bro, I'd love to visit your beautiful country not in a cruise ship

Alanda hugnkiss.

typically they also flag out to tax havens so not to pay taxes

so why the hell should they be bailed out?

but.. watch and see they will...

Agreed but I want to see ocean liner routes across the Atlantic still exist. Queen Mary 2 and all that.

Anything relating to boomers is a sacred cow in this clown world

>they don't hook up to land power
infrastructure is still lacking for this user, I might be a couple of years outdated here it's coming several places at least

one of those bastards use more electricity than most norwegian towns

My wife was due to sail on one in late March in the Pacific, had it not been for the federal government shutting the assholes down they would have sailed, there are no refunds unless level 4 restrictions are imposed, they were going to take all the passengers out regardless of having no destination as all the islands had closed themselves to the grubs. I already knew they were filth and refused to go but i had no idea they were as low as they have turned out to be.

Prolly a Midwesterner

We can bail out 100% american cruise corps. There are none though, they are all offshore tax dodgers.

Industry doesn't need it, their debt to asset ratio was lower than most industries going into wuflu, wish I bought CL at $8.

Noooooo! Not my Carnival and Royal Caribbean stock!!
You need to give boomer boats a bailout or I'll lose many monies!

They base themselves in other countries because other countries don't accept American cruises on their lands.

Wrong. We are in print or die phase now.

I never understood Cruise ships. Seems gross and unhealthy In the best of times