Of course you incels would rather defend one side...
Of course you incels would rather defend one side
America is for whites.
Well he isn't wrong, niggers would riot and loot.
WHO CARES who the fuck is this? race politics who gives a SHIT
>source: my ass
niggers are treated like wild animals because they are wild animals
Ok let’s have this conversation. Post pictures of protests from the white and black community.
They'd all get sick and die probably
Protests would turn into riots/looting/destruction
Die abeed.
Cincinnati arrested a nog for live streaming a protest gathering two weeks ago. It was all nogs blocking an area downtown
I think they actually arrested him for resisting though
Black people HAVE been ignoring the stay at home orders, what is this bitch smoking? It was even covered in a few mainstream publications
Aren't they already shucking and jiving anyway? I mean not protesting, just being niggers.
What you mean you act different you get treated differently? Wow who could decipher such complex situations.
One clearly shows a peaceful protest by PoC and the other shows quite a violent display of chaos. What now incel?
I didn't know there were riots and looting going on.
All those white suburbs burning.
He's unironically right. Whites rioting about the necessary lockdown are retarded and should be called out
Not one window has been broken not a single fight or store has been looted. The one major difference we would see if black people were protesting the Quarantine is the media would take a superhero stance towards them and spin and criticism as being rooted in hatred and racism.
Of course that would happen. Those 'demonstrations' would turn into rioting, looting, raping, beating, killing, and all sorts of chaos.
black people are already doing that
niggers aren't people. they're not citizens. they just happen to be in America because an unfortunate historical narrative. they don't get to protest or argue for their own rights. their lives actually DONT matter at all. fuck niggers
I fucking hate logical fallacy using OPs. Qualify your fucking claim before you assert it as true you fucking retard.
I'm sorry, who are you?
>Ferguson, Missouri
They are defying the orders. They are super defiant, petty, and childlike and having their usual faux-rebellious outbursts as they mass infect each other.
And that’s a good thing.
niggers like you paint it as one side all the fucking time to begin with so you get to set the chessboard up how you want before the game begins. fucking kys and everyone like you nigger
Let the niggers roam free.
When they at a 40% mortality rate everyone will have won.
Do it black man and I’ll support your decision.
he is not right because that is exactly what are niggers doing and thats why they have 70% victims in some countries despite being 15% there. Niggers are so stupid they dont even realize this correlation-
There hasn't been a peaceful gathering of blacks since MLK Jr
They are upholding the constitutional right to peacably assemble. Civil disobedience is required against unconstitutional state actions.
>libruls don't understand the concept of principles at all
wow tell me more based retard