What made you hate blacks?

What made you hate blacks?

Was it the environment you where raised in or experience later in life?

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I don't "hate" blacks per se they're just the most egregious example of why multiracialism is bad and dysfunctional

I had to live in Oakland for a job

Could you elaborate? I’m interested.

why would I hate nigger?
Simply let them be nigger in niggeria!

I’m from Chicongo.

i just tit for tat the anti white hate. stop hitting yourself nigger.

You’re taught from the age of 4 to be tolerant and feel sympathy for brown people. That any animosity is bad.
And the thing is...
They never stop being niggers.
Because they’re Niggers.
Kill all disgusting worthless enemy-genetics scum subhuman niggers.

Yeah if they would stay there

In accordance with Natural Laws we are in competition for limited resources. As such Natural Law states that all outside groups are to be liquidated without mercy.

>Be me
>Taught all my life everyone is equal.
>Extremely liberal all my life.
>Blacks are equal any disparities in anything is due to societal differences in nurture NOT nature etc etc etc

>Take a class in university because it's req. elective in black cultures and issues
>Only white boi in class.
>Only one paying attention
>Black teacher explains iq differences and race differences are real, not nurture but nature exacerbated by nurture
>No good moms, dad's in prison crime gangs nigger culture
>do research myself
>mind blown
>wake up to reality become hard conservative
>get rid of illegals
>vote trump
>trump not getting job done
>still want immigrants out and a white society

Sums it up

For people to be happy, they need to be part of a community. To be a part of a community, there needs to be a sense of belonging. For there to be a sense of belonging, there needs to be commonality. Blacks are SO different from whites - in terms of appearance, speech, behavior, thinking, etc., a lot / most of which proceeds from GENETICS rather than CULTURE, which we can infer from seeing the same traits reproduced in groups of blacks from wildly different backgrounds - that the level of commonality we can achieve with them is low and superficial. All the propaganda and government programs in the world have not significantly dampened whites' desire to *not live around black people*; you can to some degree suppress tribalism if the two groups you're trying to integrate are similar, but if the distance is too extreme (like in the case of different races), it doesn't work. Even in Latin America, which should be a theoretical mixed race dream world with widespread miscegenation and "post-racial" national identities, society is still starkly stratified along racial lines

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I hate kikes, chinks, and muslims way more than niggers.

Their behavior

average behavior

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In general, their need to conduct such dangerous and heinous experiments.


I disliked them before but having to deal to them in a casino really did it for me

low IQ, feral

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i learned a long time ago whites were more dangerous to whites than blacks ever will be. so, i hate you all & rooting for china


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I’m from a 95% white area. Only ever had one black kid in my class at school & even he was mixed race. So I never understood ‘racism’ or why people hated blacks. I was brainwashed from the age of 4 in school that we all live in the same world and therefore we’re all the same, race is skin deep, we have to be kind to everyone, etc etc. Then I came here. The statistics were shocking at first, but didn’t make me hate right away. Then I looked further and further into the reality of race, IQ and what makes us so different. I learnt more about how much they hate us. About how much they rape white women. About the murder. The crime.
If they weren’t in European countries I couldn’t give less of a shit. But the damage they’re doing here is unbearable.

fedposting is so obvious

I don't hate blacks, they're animals. Animals are beautiful things, but I don't want them to also get mortgages and vote.

Most I've known have been whitewashed blacks. I see niggers from afar, never actually talked to one.

I don't.
I've learned a bit about the human condition from black people.
I think on average the black thought process and mindset is very raw and unrefined compared to the average white guy's, but I hold no contempt for it.
Really want to see the black community rise up within their own respective race and achieve great things alongside me. Sad reality is it's unlikely to ever happen.

Jewish mass media and Hollywood, has shaped my understanding about black people that I never even meat.
Turns out among niggers are a lots of smart normal people, that see the Jews behind hate of whites too.

i have a sensitive nose, i dont take out trash etc. first time in public school in 6th grade i found out what niggers were and that they stank, and i hated them ever since.

being around blacks made me hate blacks

Honestly it was being around them and seeing how they constantly group-pressure a single white girl at a time at parties.


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I am ok with blacks.. sort of. Let's be real most are worthless niggers. Successful niggers, not sports or rap stars but real successful niggers, somehow their off spring will resort to hood nigger OGGA Booga. So send them all back to Africa let them live their lives and everyone will be happier.

Working with them.

A niglet stole my yu-gi-oh cards
A nigger stole out of my car while I was at an appointment.
Niggers always cut in line and be as loud as possible. Niggers make entire parts of the country more dangerous than grizzly bear territory.
My parents raised me to believe they were just like us but experience told me otherwise.

They are douche bags on the basketball court and legit think they are better than you solely for being black.

Initially, the smell.
Reading about brutal assaults on whites in the states has made me totally OK with absolute nigger genocide.
Then I read about them and begun to see them as non-human, but it was all in my head until I had the pleasure of working with them. After that I knew that they're non-human as a matter of fact.

rich blacks

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Raised in third world shithole
Always dreamed and cared about making my country better
Realize that it is not about changing the goverment but society
To change society you need to change the people living in it
Start idealizing intelligence
Realize that IQ is affected by your genetics and that there is a high chance you will be smart if you are white
Say ok all we need to do is to bleach the country
Never thought of it as a racist plan, just wanted people to be smart
Realize there is a mass migration of non whites in europe
There are barely any whites in the USA
Start looking at black crime statistics
Get to watch the we wuz native americans and shieet black people larp about
Realize they are everything wrong in this world

While it’s true that within each race, the highest number of crimes are committed intraracially, blacks commit interracial crime against white people at a significantly disproportionate rate.

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Just so you know, if you hate my people the hatred is mutual.

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If you hate niggers sand them to Israel, if you hate whites, sand then to Israel .
and if you hate Jewish usury and lie, Then you have to be either white or nigger just please not both and not together.

0 rapes of black women by white men reported


The whole BLM thing and wanting to be victims all the damn time

brown person
brown person

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Where they poor or just didn’t give a fuck about basic hygiene?

>there is a high chance you will be smart if you are white

Coulda fooled me

You don't understand right? He realized that the reason why blacks have so much power is because there are whites willing to support them in genociding other whites, that's all the power blacks have, other whites


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