with Fusion technology being implemented, will we be Star Wars or Star Trek?
With Fusion technology being implemented, will we be Star Wars or Star Trek?
I thought it’s ZPE?
Kek. They may as well be trying to build a battery powered by liverous humors.
New technology always leads the way to new horrors.
I wounder what % of people actually understand that the DoD declassified internally confined fusion research for the first time ever beginning in 2020.
We don't have fusion now not because it didn't work: they considered it a weapon. Lokheed Marin has had a functional 200 megawatt stellerator for 5 years or so.
The energy cartels and banks won't so easily let go their death grip on our economy.
Brave new world
Women prefer black men who've had multiple partners and tattoos.
Blade runner
I wonder if the bots just put random shit in threads that the chink/jews want to have as part of their narrative push or if it's an actual retard that posts tourette in every thread.
It's the obvious conclusion. Space mining, exploration, and other jobs will simply be too dangerous until we can terraform. Prepare for sex bots boyos.
Actually.. quntum locked drones will do the heavy lifting. Most operaters will be based on earth--might even work from home.
The footprint of humans required in space is very small.
Wars is not accurate physics, trek is....possible.
Can it be farscape instead?
Trek isn't accurate physics either. Nothing could produce the thrust needed to instantly break orbits and travel in a line. Actual space combat would be hours of lining up position for one salvo broadside decisive battles like the age of sail.
Just change the gravitational constant, use your imagination ;)
You dont have to line up shit when using lasers and photon torpedos are antimatter nukes so you dont have to "aim" those either.
That's what I mean. Trek is full of magic too. If your ship moves by creating a gravity well, it would need to make a well greater than what you're currently orbiting, affecting its orbit
Oil is in trouble with low demand, might as well roll out the new tech if it works.
The public method to verify is look at the DoE 2019 budget and see that internal confined fusion is listed under weapons research
Look at the 2020 budget and now find it...hint It isn't under weapons anymore.
It will be avatar but without pocahontas shit
You have no idea how hard a battle is being fought to make that very thing happen.
Almost every monopoly jews have DIES with the release of the quantum mechanics associated with fusion. IBM Dies, Petro dollar dies, the global economy resets as technology takes a quantum leap forward..
You wouldn't believe how truly behind public science is compared to what IBM is sitting on. These people are evil.
Any ordnance that misses the target will continue on to infinity or impact something else. War in space could be messy but the universe is large beyond comprehension so I doubt it will matter much.
2020 -- ctrl+f fusion and look at the appropriation listing
You can dig up 2019 but you'll find it listed under weapons research in ALL previous publications. The fact that it moved to research funding is the biggest declass no one's heard about.
What's the difference?
>Lokheed Marin has had a functional 200 megawatt stellerator for 5 years or so.
Bsg or b5
Space is fake boomer
No shit space is fake that's why we gonna use Stargates.
>Lokheed Marin has had a functional 200 megawatt stellerator for 5 years or so.
No they didn't. They were shilling a project that aimed to create a truck-sized reactor, and absolutely nothing came of it. It was the usual MIC ploy of sucking up government funding and shunting the money elsewhere.
Blake's 7.