So THIS is the power of the Chinese century!?

So THIS is the power of the Chinese century!?

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God i wish that was me

>So THIS is the power of being a millionaire

>God i wish that was me

the chick?

No, the floor

WHAT THE FUCK? Are these actually paid craigslist whores?

They're all literally built for Big Chicom Cock

Where exactly do you find garbage like this on the internet?

God i wish i had strip pole in my kitchen

This guy looks like a dork. I have seen good looking cool Asian dudes, and this dude looks pudgy and lame.

None of those women look like they want to be there for any reason beyond money. None of them look like they are sexually excited or aroused. He is doing one sit up and than pecking them on the cheek.

He at best paid for them to be there and can have sex with a couple of them at most and the sex that he has is them uninterested and not aroused in boring positions and not trying.



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That floor is alpha as fuck, literally drowning in braaps

>asianmasculinity astroturfing
All of those girls went home thinking he was a creep.

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>ITT western cope.

Asian men are the only people pathetic enough to brag about paying russian prostitutes for attention

>mormons had all of this in the 19th century

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Meanwhile in China. Random white guys show up and are treated as celebrity sex gods. No one in the West bats an eye if they see a random Chinaman.

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You need to go back to El Cummo's Fag House on plebbit or better yet kill yourself you tranny fuck. You'll never pass.

This is currently a popular trend in China. Asian Reddit is furious over it.

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hahaha look at their faces, nervous looking at camera and that fourth is straight up disgusted. jesus chinks have such creep rapist vibe. saged.


you do strange things when you are at the center of that many women
i got my hair braided
also got a few massages. even better they let me return the favor

Just gave them all the plauge.

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lolllll - why he trying to be White? hes trying to act like a White guy... never should have told her. he planted all kinds of ideas in her head

>Talking about treating their woman as trash
>They are furious you guize
we all know that western women would love to participate in such a game and feel empowered after

instagram whores

yea he told her seeking reassurance but desu she prob wants to play gaem oh well

Lol- kisses on the cheek!? This might as well be 12 Afghani


Women are natural born hookers. Money buys everything.

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White girl trying to sleep with a guy from every country in Africa...heh heh.

maybe two of them, the rest are trying to hide their genetics with makeup.

yeah, jewish girls are hookers for white dick

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god i wish i had a latvian in my kitchen

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lol cope