As the days go by I feel like the police state is getting stronger and stronger

As the days go by I feel like the police state is getting stronger and stronger.

Currently living in phoenix Arizona and right now there is a helicopter hovering above my house which is the police and they're yelling at people to go back inside their houses.

Attached: 1581069112967.png (542x539, 712.51K)

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That depends, does it have "skyking" written on the side?

i'm not going outside. i don't want them to shine their lights on me.

the police state is coming whether you like it or not
Only question is whether it's going to work for us or the Jews

They're probably looking for one of the many niggers of Phoenix. Many such cases.

must be ayy activity
Always do the opposite of what jews say

>12,000 nazis argentina
Look it up

Attached: mein-coffee.png (2100x1400, 3.2M)

Texas here. Currently chillin on the back porch. Several neighbors had BBQs earlier. Nobody here cares about this stupid shit.

Wtf is this pic??

the police in the phx area is fucking out of control OP. seems every week theres a police involved shooting or some fuckwit pig doing something dumb

Endlessly amusing

Attached: 1586561218920.png (908x1198, 892.99K)

i miss texas, the most laid back state.

its phoenix pd, they can't even use spellcheck on their official documents so good luck operating like a functional department.

Look up who the police chief is. I'm sure whoever it is will be on top of things and get it all under control.

" us" becomes those with connections which makes the new "us" the new kikes. Yeshua will be your gate.

Most of the state is shit. Only place worth living in is Fredericksburg.

>"Texas here"
>has some rando african flag

US army looks like THAT?

You should go outside and tell them you're trying to sleep to get the fuck out of there.

that's the national guard of kentucky

What makes that shit town so special? The fact that it clings to it's German ancestry? Lol

Total war has broken out.

>Currently living in phoenix Arizona and right now there is a helicopter hovering above my house which is the police and they're yelling at people to go back inside their houses.

Go outside and do a little dance for the helicopter.

The nice people, farmers markets, old timey ice cream store, pecans, actually green plants.

>It is unclear at this time what prompted the man to open fire on the building and shoot at the worker.

Attached: 1580360509316.jpg (600x564, 289.32K)

shine a laser light at the pilot. they love that shit.

whats the problem retards on Yas Forums have been begging for more lockdown to protect us from "coronavirus" for months now

you made your bed now lie in it

Attached: momolandpix-1232035735798153216-0.jpg (1365x2048, 229.74K)

You should already have fucking been armed dude.
It should have been a wake up call what was happening in Virginia at the start of the lockdown. Make no mistake. We're inside and theyre still trucking forward.

that's what they do when they're chasing someone and people come outside to watch

Seems to be a bumfuck town in the middle of nowhere

Corona virus is swindled by Jewish fraternity free masons.

How dear you deny holocaust ? It is as real as corona virus

I’m going on year 26 of having zero interactions with the police. Haha @ you.

holy shit, a russian just did the splits over my house!

You've never even talked to a cop, even to say hi or ask for directions? Weirdo