Most subversive or degenerate movies

I often see threads for Yas Forums approved movies. But now I want to see a list of the most subversive or degenerate movies. Let's share examples of Jewish Hollywood at its worst.

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I watched that movie with my grandma, fucking degenerate trash heap of a movie. She is a fucking democrat. Also, my pick is RedTails.

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>Cleopatra - Elizabeth Taylor shows her bare ass
>Blow Up - first non XXX muffshot
it kind of snowballed from there

Chasing Amy. Plot is basically "Being a simp for some roastie is admirable."

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Who's afraid of virginia wolf. But it's a great film.

The most blue pilled movie ever concieved

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The title is like a fucking provocation.

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Mrs. Doubtfire

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Looks like a Retarded Eddy Murphy
I don't remember that in blow up

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Its actually about the devastation of cheating

Cougars exist. Deal with it.

Baha it’s like Dave Chapelle and Eddie Murphy had a retarded child, and then it became king of France.

it’s subversive, but I wouldn’t say degenerate
ultimately they run away from the causes of degeneracy in their life (her cheating, adulterous, false-raper-accusing whore of a mother) and start a nondegenerate relationship

you might not realize it, but this one was most subversive

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oops let me take my memeflag off

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That's the second Mike Nichols (aka Peschowsky) film listed so far. The Graduate was his also.

Punisher season 2, which is tragic cus season 1 was so good

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Nailed it. Literally broke the code.


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Reading this in high school was important as far as understanding how subversion works, and realizing millions of teenagers were subject to indulging the coal burner rape fantasies of an insane lesbian.


>Stanley Kramer was born in Manhattan, New York, in a neighborhood known as Hell's Kitchen due to its reputation as a tough, gang-ridden area. His parents were Jewish
on topic:
>jungle fever
about miscegenation and le evil parents (both black and cracka) who won't have any of it.
>Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait au Bon Dieu? / Serial (Bad) Weddings
french movie about parents angry about 3 of their 4 daughters: one married an arab lawyer, the other a jewish businessman, the third a chinese banker. all of their faith is in their fourth daughter who announced she's bringing home a catholic fiance stock broker who turns up to be a nigger. there's also a part 2 of this movie
fun fact there are 10s of these kind of french interracial comedy movies (i realized this on TV5 where i practiced my french) and the other film genres feature it too (i watch detective fiction including french series, every 2 episodes there's a miscegenating couple if it isn't actually the case for the lead detective). their kids are under intense propaganda

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The father in this movie reacted exactly like a typical cuckservative when he learned that the black guy was "based" and stopped being "le racist". Ultimately it's just par for the course for Americans, racism was largely a reaction to the Union and KKK clashing in the streets after the civil war with nigger violence. Generations later people forgot what happened down South, so now it's going to happen across the entire country in another 40 years. Sad.

Possibly the most demoralizing, soul-crushing, plain ugly peeks into the sick machinations of a jewish mind I've ever had the displeasure of watching. This film made me physically sick, and I can honestly not blame Hoffman for having offed himself after being the lead in this grotesque project.
Films like Saló, Serbian Film, even Cannibal Holocaust have redeeming qualities when appreciated from an artistic point of view, be it as social or historical commentary, or purely for shock value. This film has no redeemable qualities and can be boiled down to little more than a rejection of gentile humanity: an affront to goodness and hope.
I'm completely serious when I say this movie gave me a headache.

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Why not the double L?

yip kikes using their holohoax to slip the titties in everyone's face..nigger tits of course

the original catfish

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Will definitely check this one out.