Why is gun control bad?
Why is gun control bad?
Why is it good?
>why is dual citizenship good?
same answer
because bullets need homes too
Based teacher.
If he knew that kid had a rock he could throw he would seriously reconsider it.
Having an armed popluace strengthens the nation. What criminal would be stupid enough to go out robbing people when everyone around him has a gun?
>teacher takes away all rocks
>bad kid travels to illegal quarry
>teacher tells him nooo thats illegal
>bad kids replies haha fucks go no no
Who wants to kill will find a way. What needs to change is mentality and that will never happen.
>leftists see no difference between kindergartners and adults
Explains a lot.
Because then all the guns would be in the hands of the globalists and the UN.
>The teacher gives
There's your mistake.
They don't even see the irony in directly comparing their own ideological stance to the schoolchild - a young person whose totally at the mercy and whim of the system, who is told when to eat, what to do, how to do it, and is fooled into thinking that he is safe and that this is the greatest boon anyone could ever give him.
>Every kid now has a rock
>Every kid is now scared to throw rock because they know the other kid will throw a rock back.
seems fine to me
Man, its too bad the Jews in Germany didn't have any way to protect themselves. Man, its too bad the uyghurs in China don't have any way to protect themselves.
>Who wants to kill will find a way.
Let's at least make it harder for them, then. Half the people who murder are retards who wouldn't be able to figure out how to get a gun if it weren't as easy as walking into a Wal-Mart.
Based. FUCK the U.N. and FUCK globalists.
gun control is bad, because the elites apparently think "stay inside your house control" is good.
terrible analogy. now if you gave all the kids rocks that would instantly kill the kid hit by one and the knowledge that if they were to throw the rock they would have 20 rocks thrown at them, then it would be more accurate.
We should make it mandatory to have a gun on you at all times.
>Asshole cunt child gets killed by rocks.
>All the other kids get to keep their rocks to chuck at stuff.
You're a fucking nigger faggot.
Go try to buy a gun you fucking nigger.
This, and we should make it a mandatory high school class.
>Why is gun control bad?
Because autism sees anything as "bad" that it doesn't see as "good", through its, own autistic prism.
School playgrounds have an adult present who can take care of the situation.
With grown ups there is no super adult who can tell us to stop.
If literal gods would descend to earth to punish people who shoot people then your argument would hold water.
Imagine unironically thinking that heavily regulating guns in a country with more of them than people will lead to anything but a ridiculous overabundance of them on the black market
Fucking BASED
>outlaw rocks
There are responsible and constructive ways to play with rocks. They are everywhere and everyone has access to them. Fewer than 1% of playground alterations involve a rock at all. Fighting at all is against the rules already, so why make a separate offense for fighting with a rock?
One of the worst (best) mass killings was done by timothy mcveigh, do you think he used a gun? No retard, nothing you say can convince anyone to renounce anything to do with guns
so you are telling me you can't get a gun on the black market in Germany too?
Or in any country in the world for that matter.
>Guns make it too easy to kill people. Ban guns.
>Knives make it too easy to kill people. Ban knives.
>Sticks make it too easy to kill people. Ban sticks.
>Words hurt just as much as guns. Ban unauthorized thoughts.
Why not just move to the UK?
yes we all know lefties do not understand the difference between kids and adults, what's your point?
>using retarded children as a metaphor for reasonable adults
seems legit
Yeah now that good and bad kids don't have rocks bad kids will now use pencils to pluck the eyes of the good kids and they won't have anything to defend themselves with.
I can absolutely. But it's dumbo expensive (1k plus for even soviet surplus tier rusty shit) and I already know people in that scene. So most ordinary people can not.
Why not make murder illegal? It would have stopped the mass shooting in canada
Teachers infantilizing rational adults to make a point.
It's bad because if the teachers start raping and killing the students they have something to defend themselves with.
so... that means that if a person was determined to get such a weapon they could. Got it.
What a terrible analogy. It should be
>A violent kid on the playground is standing on a mountain of rocks and has no respect for authority and won't talk. How do we get him off of the mountain of rocks if we do it non-violently?