Antibody testing PROVES ITS JUST A FLU

LA county public health & USC antibody testing research team has announced the actual infected could be 400,000, dropping the effective death rate to 0.09%!

This whole time they’ve been ignoring a huge number of asymptotic or mild cases.

This was a massive fuck up


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Califag here, I had it in November, was just like a bad cold.

Why would someone asymptomatic get tested? Why would anyone want to go down in a database as a carrier?

I swear people are fucking retarded.

Out of fear

why do we have so many extra bodies that we need mass graves this year if it's just the flu? you're telling me the crematoriums can't burn 6 gorgillion bodies a second?

More people have been killed by cabin fever, ventilators, and despair than the virus.

I don't get it, if it's so low, lower than the flu, how the hell come hospitals in places like Italy and Spain get fucking swamped?

i am worried that the test produces tons of false positives and the idea that there are a lot of asymptomatic cases is due to that (but consequentially then. a lot of 'reinfected' people are those who were hospitalized for flu then for this)

.1% of NYC has already DIED from it, and there is statistically no way everyone has been infected yet

Shill bingo initiated
You got them OP

Italy was a huge fuck up of record keeping.

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These antibody tests are shit. They have no way of extrapolating infection numbers or fatality % from these samples.

Plus all that matters is the boomer+ deathrate; and that is magnitudes higher than the young person deathrate

it is worse than the flu, especially for old people, but has been vastly over exaggerated by the media and govts

italy and spain have been swamped because they have poor medical systems, and the oldest populations in the world

No you had something else. Dumbass.

The tests are good.

The issue is the gate keeping. You mostly can’t get a test unless you have specific contacts, travel or symptoms

Everyone knew there were more people who had it, but nobody thought it would be 28 to 55x of what it actually was.

This is a huge, monumental overreaction.

Even if there is a second wave, nobody is going to shut down for this shit. 0.09% death rate is insane.

Combine a therapeutic like HCQ AND a pack and a lockdown isn’t necessary

It’s obviously not worse than the flu, what are you talking about.

Have you seen the stats for old people getting the flu? Like 10% die past a certain age.

Happens EVERY year.

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Antibody tests tell if patients ever had a coronavirus strain.

All the numbers for weeks have been pointing to like an 0.1% or 0.2% death rate. I think they're finally starting to realize the fearmongering of this overhyped bullshit is losing its juice.

So this confirms the logical "theory" that this fucking piece of shit virus was indeed making its rounds as far back as late 2019.
It was running rampant in Wuhan in November and judging by how much of a hotspot it is, it's pretty obvious that it got exported to Europe/USA almost immediately.

Who cares. We made it a happening even if the virus is bullshit.

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Two more weeks bro, I feel ya. Just two more weeks and then they'll see.

>a coronavirus strain
>any coronavirus
You do know the common fucking cold is a coronavirus yea?
It confirms jack shit.

Fuck yea we did. And the next one is only going to be better

>Italy and Spain get fucking swamped?
Check out a map some time you retard.

Yup, if you got massively sick about then.
>Which I did.
You're likely immune, in fairness that was a bad flu.

if feel like this coronavirus shit is going to go down in history like Joe McCarthy
it will be constantly lied about through history only for the truth to be revealed years later

Next time a Joo mentions the Holocaust just tell him that the flu kills 600,000 people a year and has been doing so for decades.

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But then you would have seen deaths per day similar to during the flu season in Italy, but you didn't, it was Several times higher, which means it was several times deadlier than the flu. Even In Italy I'm 2016, there were 1600 deaths per day on average for ALL CAUSES. Now, in Italy, corona is said to be the third leading cause of death, and it's highest single day deaths was 800. But corona is suppose to be third. You can't have 800/1600 deaths and be third place for deaths.

>it was Several times higher
Because Italy was doing the thing where they were counting all deaths as COVID deaths.

retirement home employees are superstitious negroes who stopped showing up to work at the first excuses.
Half of nurses, likewise.

>2020, hoping orcs can exist among humans.

But they weren't, as I said Italy said the THIRD leading cause of death for the past month was corona, so the excuse that they were counting all deaths as it is wrong.

People all over the country had covid in November. That's when all the chinks flooded our big box stores then went back to China.

They were as long as you tested positive for it.
10 years of cancer with positive test for C-virus?

You got umbrellad my bro.

All the retard Yas Forumsacks talking with you just prove how vulnerable the west is to a bioweapon. All it takes is just one little virus and retards will pretend it's a nothingburger because they don't want to wreck their own economy

What are you even talking about? They made the denominator much bigger

I've been saying this since the beginning, we've all probably already had it and its been passed off as a normal flu.

>survived 10 years of cancer
>suddenly get Corona and die
Yeah it was the cancer. Stupid frog.
The truth is Corona is much stronger than the regular flu.
>I had it last year, it's nothing
No you had a cold. Or a flu. Even with a 0.09% death rate, that is still much higher than the flu. The antibody test are not accurate. Don't trust them yet.

What made you think that to begin with?

Lmao. 0.09% death rate is higher than the flu? Are you retarded ?

Got it 2 weeks ago, already cured.
Kiss my immune ass.

It’s a complete nothing burger. A huge fuck up

This is true. They recently found 15 dead jewish grandmas in a nursing home in Florida because they were abandoned.

a lot of testimonies from people back in November-January, myself included, who've had flue liked symptoms but many doctor couldn't identify what it was, viral pneumonia was also blamed upon vapes during this time aswell. It just makes a lot of sense

Kys kike shill rat

>Do a test with a false positive rate of a few percent
>get a few percent positive results

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only if your the CDC and count every death in the winter more than average as "flu related". There are very few actually confirmed flu deaths.


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but let me guess, the corona deaths aren't false positives. Pilpul btfod.

>inflated numbers
Who would of thought ah jeez they fucked up dood

B-but muh airborne HIV

Guys, help me out here. If its a nothingburger, why does every affaected country have so many deaths?

And I'm not talking about how deaths are coded or reported. I'm talking about if a country or state normally has for example 3000 deaths during march to April, they now have 9000. New York has lile over twice the normal amount of deaths in the same time frame. Logging car accidents and cancer as Covid wouldnt cause the TOTAL number of deaths to increase like this.

The thing is this virus is going to bring on even greater, non-viral happenings like global power shifts and eventually WW3

>0.09% > 0.1%

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