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For what?
I spotted the nose from the thumbnail
I don't understand what is the difference
I don't follow her logic
he should abolished dual citizenship next
Based. Dual citizens are traitors.
USA does not recognize dual citizenship.
They are NPC's user. They know Orange Man Bad because the US has the highest infection rate in the world. (Not actually true, but CNN said so.) And they know Orange Man also Bad because he won't let anyone come here to get infected. If you ask them to articulate exactly what the problem is, "Shut up racist."
Trump actually can't lock down the whole country.
He can, however; prevent fuckers from coming in.
Soooo...he is literally doing what he can.
>Source: Me.
.2% or less
God,do jews do anything else beside bitch and complain and have little nervous fits? This is a legit question. I thank god every day I'm not some schizo self obsessed jew animal.
They also eat maza and brisket, you Nazi!!
I wish there was monster killing kikes like her
>despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Source is two seconds of research, faggot.
They rape kids and drink their blood too.
American citizens need to be locked down and not allowed to leave the house due to a foreign virus.
Foreigners need to come into the United States unlimited and unending.
If we had locked down the borders in the first place we wouldn’t need to lock down the country.
He already cucked usprisingly
holyshit, and 1.7k people thinks she is a genuine person. How can people be so fucking stupid Yas Forums?
I'm sure it will stop at 6,000,000
haha now that's funny
Look here. H1b etc are non-immigration visa. I don't know if spics relay on the immgration process to stay in America legally but most other foreign workers who hold H1b, J1, O1, L1 won't be affected.
>The president has control over foreign immigration, granted by the constitution
>The president does not have the power to lock down states, as outlined by the constitution
All this EO stuff doesn't really mean jack shit or have we forgotten? If you believe in the system then Congress has to make everything legally binding. Not to mention every EO has gotten bogged down by congress and we're already in a lockdown with borders closed.
Explain to me how it isn't political theater when he's losing massive support? Unless he goes full dictator and nullifies the constitution and federal government as we knew it then its just more political theater. Obama got away with EO's because he had the (((Deep State))) well in place and on his side with no challengers. Don't get me wrong I'd love for him to blow the system up and go full dictator to show the world the facade we've been under for 100 years now but I guess we'll have to wait and see.
Not seeing this as much more than that though.
Jesus, life must be hard when you hate women.
Oh no trapped in the greatest country on earth. You've had 3 years to pack your bags cunt
If nobody is going to apologize, then I will.
I'M SORRY DONALD TRUMP! I did not think you had the balls to really stop immigration. But you did it. I will vote Republican for the first time in my life in November.
Fuck off. These boomers gave their children's future away to spics. Glad we're making effort to finally stop the bleeding. There's enough immigrants here, especially when we can't even take care of the citizens.
Can people organize protest against this...oh wait they cant lul
I will vote for biden since I didn't get any trumpbux
>All jokes have to be pro women and approved by a feminist humor panel
>We need to lockdown the country, americans can't go to work and must be stripped of their civil rights to go out in public places. Anything else is egocentrical and insane
Also Dems:
>We need more migrants to travel to the U.S. and start finding them jobs to they can settle in their new home towns. Are you xenophobic or what?
What the fuck...
What a bunch of fucking idiots
The deep state is doing everything it can to stop it but still each EO is having an affect. None are a death blow but each baby step towards closed borders is progress.
I mean it's the best we could hope for from politicians I guess
It forces them to stop promoting the Corona trash in order to reopen immigration.
As a spic i can tell you that 99% of the illegals are overstaying their tourist visa; therefore you can only stop illegal immigrants by killing tourism.