What happened to this swedish bitch?

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She’s being turned out.

She got married and made White babies

she deployed the meme flu and put you up against the wall.

downies die early. Hopefully she's dead.

She still leading a global grassroots movement and providing a role model for other teens. You could be the next Greta OP.

she was fad & like all fads they become passe

I want to stick my cock in her mouth. Imagine how perfect it must be.

She shorted oil. Shopping for yachts bow.

she had sex

She's not a bitch. Imagine if you had half the balls she did? Faggot.

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Where is the mentally ill little fake?
Fucking Swedish extremist zealots taking orders from little girls. Where is her fake shit now?

She’s a horrible mad little shit house bastard

What kind of meme flag is this?

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it's probably the chinese

stfu mexican of south east asia

>says the mongol rape baby

Gender reassignment surgery didn't go too well for him, many such cases. Sad.

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Everyone stopped caring when an actual problem started rising

Terminal potatoitis.

Is there a countdown clock to 18 yet for Greta?
Just asking...

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still better than a curry

Discount store pajeet

She disappeared. Something about..I’m sorry, they told me to.
Yeah. Jews aren’t your friends Greta. Remember that


Fuck off, you piss poor poo country. I bet you would suck my willy right now for a decent meal.

They realized that you can't legally take a minor out of school to run an ad campaign.

I think it's Nepal.

white babies are the worst thing you can do the environment

Have you heard her speak? Almost as good as Mosley. Imagine if she were on our side. You could learn a bloody thing or two, laddy.

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Her mother drank while she was pregnant with her, obviously

Idk but I just want to kiss her cute little mong face and squeeze her little cheeks red!

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but is it the vietnamese flag tho?



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All her little autist noises and "HOW DARE YOUS" while you further the white race in her....I"M FUCKING COOOOMING

She's getting ready for BBC

Look, someone just post the photoshops as already. I need to commit onanism

don't you eat recycled meat taken out from trashcans and dumping sites? kek
haha no
phonefag zoomers get the rope
go back to your own country you nigger nose ape chinks

>I think its cute how you don't care about the enviroment user hehe

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She pretended to have COVID but no one believed her and now she's hiding somewhere from it because she's so brave.

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no 17 yr look like that unless on puberty blockers. ever its younger sister looks older

She lost relevance

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shut up shitskin ricenigger go kys

>makeup filters on a troll
>still a troll

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They WISH they could bloody eat rice. Those poos probably eat straight from the trash bin.

>this virus caused her to be forgotten
A good thing happened for once.

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