Who has your vote Yas Forums?

Who has your vote Yas Forums?

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Trombone for the memes


Voting is a tool by which jews grant legitimacy to their puppets.

DO NOT VOTE for anyone. For any reason


The Kaiser-in-Chief Lord Von Donald John Trump


Andrew Yang was the only candidate from any party worth a shit, but I'd rather have Trump than Biden.

Barry Johnson or whoever the Libertarian clown is this time around.


This. How the fuck could any sane person in any (((democracy))) around the world still consider voting an intelligent option? Virtually the entire planets govts. confined their serfs to quarters with astonishing coordination as if directed by an unseen power behind the scenes. Ffs


Listen up champ, you're either ridin' with Joe or ridin' with Donny Cornpops, and we all know that's no way to two ways about it. Heck in my day Jack if you didn't have your firm handshake you didn't make it past your first clam bake. And that's no tomfoolery. Hell I knew Tom Foolery back when he was governor of south Michigan, used to play grab-ass with all his nieces and nephews, and boy howdy were there a lot of 'em, Buck.

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Can't wait to see Joe babble his way through campaign events and refuse to debate Trump.

We will be forced to vote by mail which automatically gives the win to Biden .

3rd party per usual. Then which ever side loses can blame me instead of their shit candidate, even though my state is not a purple state so my vote doesn't even matter.

Listen up faggot

Vote for me jack, or else

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Honestly I used to like Trump until how retarded he was with this pandemic. Watched his press conference and trembled with fear as tears filled my eyes. The fact that he is fine with so many Americans losing their lives forces me to pledge my vote to Biden.

Biden because he will forgive my student loan debt. That's a free $23k

Joe is obviously "with it" and full of great ideas.

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I'm voting for Patrick Little

Death to Israel

>The Kaiser-in-Chief Lord Von Emperor Donald 'The Don' John Trump

Shucks, Nuncle Joe boy do that seem swell now.

I’m riding with biden. Imagine the shit that will happen with a alzheimers case in the white house.

You people are stupid. Trump gives you nothing. Biden wants to give you a $15/hour minimum wage, student debt forgiveness and health care

I look forward to voting for Trump. Can't wait to make the liberals shit their pants again.

Im Riding with Nuncle Joe Biden.. all the way to the finest senior care apartments this side of the Rocky Mountains.

vote biden pls i want the dollar to go down

Trump gives us nothing? How about a FUTURE where we aren't third-world slaves, you penis nochis

Imagine Trump defeated and going crazy

that’ll be soundbites for days and someone competent can fix this shit he created

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Nuncle Joe will have lots of pretty nurses to give him what he needs around the clock, yessir. Now we won't stop for nothing but ta finest elder care, no sirree.

Don't think I've ever voted. I wanted Trump to win in 2016 but I don't think I bothered to vote. I hate both of them now, the only thing I think I think is worth voting for is more restrictions on pollution. Other than that it's the same oligarchy bullshit.

i'll vote Wayne Lambright!

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the closest apostles of jesus were jews, user.; therefore whatever you're talking about is something good

Trorbald Dlarmph

trump. biden is going to be a bait and switch for a progressive jewess at worst, or a status quo senility merchant at best.
also, the democrats deserve to be punished.

Many liberals/leftists/progressives are still voting Biden with the justification that he is still better for them and the world than Trump in office. That he can be persuaded for progressive measures with better results than Trump. This despite the undeniable fact that his cognitive decline is clear and ever present yet his potential term is still almost a year away.

Throughout Biden's campaign, he interacting with normal average Americans who asked him simple questions has proven to be disastrous on almost every occasion.

Now if average people can completely fluster Biden, what can people like this do?:
>Corporatists; big pharma, wall st, military industrial complex, big tech, etc
>Career intelligence agents
>Military generals
>Mitch McConnell
>Vladimir Putin or any head of state not suffering from dementia

The answer is: they can get whatever they want and walk right over him. Any corporate advance at the expense of workers, infringement on citizen's rights for "security," or military/CIA adventure to destabilize a country is possible under Biden but even easier than Trump.

Is all this preferable just so we don't have an president who says things people don't want him to say? To adhere to "normalcy" and decorum above all else?

American Solidarity party