The best weightlifters are Bulgarians, Iranians, Turks, Kazakhstanis, Georgians, and other caucasian peoples.
They have poor nations but per capita they create the best Olympics Weightlifters.
The best weightlifters are Bulgarians, Iranians, Turks, Kazakhstanis, Georgians, and other caucasian peoples.
They have poor nations but per capita they create the best Olympics Weightlifters.
Other urls found in this thread:
not white
> Kazakhstanis
not white
not white
not white
nice try spic
But they are Caucasians from the caucasus.
i never say "WHITE" i just say caucasians
like georgians for example.
Their IQ is in the negatives though.
The eternal anglo and Vikings are the strongest.
The best weightlifters are Icelanders, try again
>Eddie Hall
caucasians typically eat well. They have good food and it's cheap. I was in Georgia a few years ago. Comfy country desu.
Why does anyone use weightlifting or sports in general as measure of physical perfection?
>pick weight up
>put it back down
>pick it back up
>put it back down
>pick it up again
>and back down
>me so stongk
>yeh bro
>lets go walk around and act tough
in "real" competitions "like the olympics games" the nations that i mentioned are the best "per capita"
The rest of competitions are just clowns stuff.
olympics lifters have far best performances.
and they are tested.
Mirin' those mad keyboard reps.
I almost wanted to shit on you but realized you're an Aussie. just takin the piss eh.
It's true.
The AFL players here hit a wall at 30 because their joints are fucked, or they've torn so much shit playing for a ball that they're no good to anyone past 35. And they're all dumb as shit, they don't know anything, and they're used to progress civ-nat agendas in between acting though on field.
Total slaves with the genocidal instincts re-directed into gay sports with rules.
The strongest men are Baltics.
Iranians and Turks suck at strength sports.
Georgia has that roid monkey Talakhadze.
Most world records for strength are held by North/West Euros, with Baltic men being a smaller population but following in close second.
>Olympic weight lifters
That’s like saying the best lightweight is the best fighter ever.
There are divisions on Olympic lifting and none of those men hold world records outside of their divisions.
The strongest men per capita are Baltic men
The strongest men ever are North/West Euro men
Polynesians and Caucasians are strong but they aren’t the top.
Iranians, Bulgarians, Turks don’t come close
>Iranian, Turks, Kazaks
I thought they were mud.
>strongest race
Not anymore.
t.pic related
You are forgetting Talakhadze was banned for roiding.
He couldn’t even break records West Europeans set before roids were invented
That’s white Argentina btw
They are also the best armwrestlers. Weak European cuckolds can't compete.
>muh muscle
Muscles have no matter for this era, fucking 55 IQ shitskinoid. Look at my picture, this is the REAL power. What can your useless muscles against this? Nothing. Even the pajeets streetshitters are capable of destroying you hahaha what a loser.
The genetic master race resides in the green cluster.
lol Id be more scared of mousasi than that tall bloke
>>Eddie Hall
why thats two druggies not compete in real competitions?
That circus stuff of mixed bullcrap challenges are shit.
Talakhadze have the All Time Total World Record 484 kg.
Whats West Europeans do it before him?
show me the prove please.
and btw: roids were invented far, far ago.
before the 50s roids already were used in bodybuilding for example.
and btw even if in the olympic competitors find the way to cheat and use drugs thats sustances are not totally permited like in "competitions" like "the world strong man" or else.
in TWSM they not even do random testing.
i mean you can still find the way to cheat the USADA if you are UFC fighter but is still far more difficult to do that.
for example cheat in the dead PRIDE FC or the dead Strike Force was not even a problem because the organization allowed that.
same with TWSM the organization allow all the crap.
they just "simulate control stuff" sometimes for the media.
just like WWF and else.
that organizations are just show.
Snowniggers such as nords and slavs are actually the strongest.
Not "per capita"
how are left’s traps possible? i want to just take a big bite out of those juicy lumps
Western Europeans think that Russians are tough, but little do they know that Caucasians make them cry every day.
Because of them we have statistics on iq lower
>calls Thor and Eddie druggies
>defends a druggie.
how many hoops will you jump through?
Here are Caucasians forcing a white Russian soldier to sit on a bottle.
Its a region of origin not race faggot.
also, imagine wanting to be white. lmao.
Olympic lifting is just clean & jerk and the snatch. Look up the powerlifting world records by division. You won't find too many Turks or Balkans people.
>op said caucasian
Seething pajeet retard
>not knowing that they do a blood test on every competitor before WSM competitions.
That doesn't mean White, it just includes them.
>be jew
>be white
>anything else is shitty cope
Because Putin prisoned all right wing. We have 282 repressive law article for racism
Filipinos are
Not one Turk or Caucasian on this list and these are the world records for total combined lofts of the big three.
First arm wrestler to win world championships with both arms. And it's a fucking leaf.
Do you know what "per capita" mean?
The population of russia, USA and china is huge.
repeat with me: per capita per capita per capita
per capita per capita per capita per capita.
too bad armwrestling suck to watch
Hmm.. I see Poland, Latvia, and New Zealand on the list of world record holders but no Caucasians. The fact is nobody gives a fuck about Olympic Lifting.
Very true but Devin Larratt is a hell of a man.