There is a simple solution to the lockdown problem...

There is a simple solution to the lockdown problem. Blue state must stay on lockdown indefinitely and red state can pick and choose when they want to reopen

Democrat run states have already announced their intentions to remain on lockdown until the Chinese virus has been eradicated but that could possibly be as much as a year from now or maybe even longer. Potentially it could take as much as a year before a viable vaccine has been created and if Democrat run states open before that time they are putting their citizens at risk. Keep blue states shutdown from now on no matter how much damage is done to that states economy

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Other urls found in this thread:

>White people won't show up to protest their replacement, but god forbid you tell them to stay inside during a deadly virus
this entire experience has been a huge blackpill

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Fuck democrats reopen the country.

The bigger black pill is realizing this is going to be one giant excuse to push forced vaccinations on everyone.

>Ten times less lethal than the regular flu
Fear mongering.

As long as niggers like you keep the "deadly virus" shit going it will be trivial to keep the Democrat states closed

Of course it is fear mongering but that has not stopped the media or the politicians so far

>muh vaccinations
The jews are controlling you through the TV, courts, and the school system, not through vaccinations that their children get too (inb4 you cite the ultra orthodox schizos who represent a tiny minority of kikes and are not the "ruling body", they are the equivalent of Jewish mormons). This is flat earth tier nonsense, and if they DID want to get us through vaccines then we're already fucked because you get a fuck ton of them as an infant. I really don't understand this autistic fixation on this ONE new vaccine that doesn't even exist yet. Why is this newest vaccine the bad one?

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Nah. Democrats have cornered themselves on wanting to stay closed and no doctor is going to want to give the all clear until they know there will be no further infections. As soon as a Democrat governor begins to talk about reopening they will be rushed with "YOU HAVE BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS IF ANYONE DIES!!!!"

What fuck is that gay ass fuckin electoral map? Ohio, PA, Florida and Michigan will vote red in 2020. Possibly Virginia.

We don't know the death rate of this thing because most of the world doesn't have adequate testing. To say it is "10x less deadly" is pure conjecture at this point.
>deadly virus shit
It is a deadly virus. Why are you so concerned with sending only "red staters" back to work? You are aware that that just means more gibbs for the blue states right? So you get to go to work and incur all the risk while Trumpbux go out to niggers staying at home in blue states, great plan.

agreed this lockdown shit is gay

>democrats are young
>republicans are old
>everyone is fat
>virus targets old and fat people
wow fascinating decision you have there

>Florida red in 2020
No, we gave our felons (read: mostly shitskins) their right to vote back after 2016. Trump only won the state by 100k votes, and there are an estimated 1.4 million voters who were ineligible to vote in 2016 thanks to the previous law. If even 10% of them show up, it's over. Florida is blue now, anybody who says otherwise is lying or retarded.

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Red state will have the control to make their own decisions and blue states will be held to their own standard as any attempt to even mention opening is resulting is cries form the media of "YOU HAVE BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS"

Also, goddamn you are stupid. Blue states have begged the federal government for aid. As businesses begin to collapse in blue states in a few months the red states will have pushed for opening

It has been entertaining watching JewYork trash die and it is going to be even more fun watching the blue states beg Trump for more aid

>democrats are young
As young Democrat NYC has the highest deaths

KYS you worthless nigger

Cant wait to see the pleb states fail immediately without software. Sorry, you're construction and waitress jobs are gone, start sucking you proles.

>blue states will be held to their own standard
No, they won't. People will whine for a moment and then blame Trump for everything as usual.
>Also, goddamn you are stupid.
No, you.
>It has been entertaining watching JewYork trash die
And yet you want to reopen red states so more of them die? Interesting.
> it is going to be even more fun watching the blue states beg Trump for more aid
Will it be as fun when he caves and gives it to them?

>As young Democrat NYC has the highest deaths
Lol, do you even know how statistics work? There are old Republicans in NYC too, just like there are young Democrats in "red states". The virus provably is more deadly to old people, the epicenter being New York does not change this fact.

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>Florida on lockdown
Nigger you better shut the fuck up right god damn now.

It's literally 50 times deadlier you dumb faggot

didn't bill gates not vaccinate his kids? some deus ex wannabe you are

No. It isn't.

no it's not lol not even close

>didn't bill gates not vaccinate his kids?
(1) you've given no source for this
(2) Bill Gates is not the only member of the international elite

>Being this goddamn stupid
As long as niggers like you exist the blue states will be trapped in lockdown as the Chinese virus will linger

Red states will have full control to open as they see fit. Blue states are announcing they have no intention to open which will likely extend until they have a vaccine which could be a year from now

I love watching JewYorkers die and as long as the Democrats keep begging Trump for aid the better. Trump has not caved as JewYork did not get the number of ventilators they claimed they needed

Die JewYorkers

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As I said earlier, nobody knows the death rate for numerous reasons:
(1) lack of testing across most of the world
(2) the high probability of manipulated numbers from places like China, Russia, etc

You're just as wrong as he is.

>NYC is a Republican city goyim
You niggers are desperate

I love watching JewYorker die

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The real Blackpool is that White people are falling for the government's lies once again.

I'll still self-quarantine, along with my Dad, but the government shouldn't have such immense power over its citizens. The Coronavirus is barely a thing in Japan, and they don't have any lockdown orders over there. The people self-quarantine voluntarily.

>As long as niggers like you exist the blue states will be trapped in lockdown as the Chinese virus will linger
I live in FL (a 2016 red state) and also, i'm not sure how me sharing my opinion on a Mongolian fly fishing forum has any effect on public policy?

>Red states will have full control to open as they see fit. Blue states are announcing they have no intention to open which will likely extend until they have a vaccine which could be a year from now
Ok, and? The Fed will just BRRRRR them some more money while more red-staters die at work to pay more taxes to support niggers. I'd much rather leech of the (((federal government))) than support it, not sure why you're so invested in going back to Mr.Goldstein's factory?
>Trump has not caved
Trump's entire presidency has been an enormous cave, not sending them quite enough ventilators is a victory for you? Kek.
>die JewYorkers
I mean, yeah I'd love for that to happen, but the reality is that most of the deaths (even there) are old people which means they're (likely) white and (likely) red voters so you're going to be hit harder in the long run than they are. This virus doesn't really kill young people often.

I really just don't understand this boomer mindset, why are you people so eager to go back to work and risk your lives to prop-up ZOG? Is it just to try and save the economy so Zion Don can have a path to victory in 2020? Enlighten me on this.

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>NYC is a republican city
Hi, could you please quote exactly when I said that? Thanks.

What exactly do you mean by that? The existence of, and the deaths caused by, COVID-19 are not "government lies".

>Continuing to be this goddamn stupid
Goddamn you are stupid. You are arguing that states must remain closed but you are also arguing that if a state wants to open it can not. You are setting a trap for blue states and are too goddamn stupid to see what is happening

Red states will begin to open slowly whiles niggers like you continue to press for them to stay closed and blue states are announcing they will remain closed until the Chinese virus is gone or a vaccine is created which could be as much as a year or more from now. Are you so goddamn blind to not realize that red states will have 75% or more of their economies running while blue states will remain on lockdown?

Your attempt to sell the Chinese virus as instant death is insane but as long as niggers like you exist blue states will continue to remain locked down

Where you live means nothing to what I have said. Niggers like you live everywhere and it is the thinking of niggers like you who are fueling the thinking of Democrats. Also, I am glad to see you are will concede economic ground to red states

The difference is Japan is a largely homogeneous nation full of mostly responsible people who care about each other and their nation. The US is filled with retarded niggers who beat up old ladies over toilet paper. To expect a quasi-3rd world country like the US to handle a crisis as well as Japan (a truly 1st world country) is silly.

In Italy all the people join in singing songs on their balcony, in the US people singing get told to "shut the fuck up". Diversity has destroyed this nation, trying to salvage things like "too much government power" is a waste of time, better to accelerate and force them to show their hand. I hope they enact Martial law at this point, maybe then the white man will wake up to what has become of this country.

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I get tired of niggers and Jews.

Trump saying the economy is open but leaving it to states to choose how to do it is a good gamble. Dem led cities will remain closed while citizens go broke and are forced to loot for food while their leaders can be seen on talk shows showing off their fancy fridges full of fancy foods and the rest of the country goes about their business again.

True, this virus might be more fucked up than expected once we go out and expose ourselves to it but I’ve already tested positive for antibodies because that 2 day headache and month long little cough I had turned out to be the deadliest virus on Earth.

>Doesn't understand green text
KYS and your family for being that goddamn stupid. It is a summary of your intentions to claim that the old Jews and niggers dying in NYC are part of the "old Republicans in NYC"

Allowing red states to have control to do as they see fit with caution while blue states are announcing they have no intentions of opening for potentially a full year or more from now is an opportunity for red states to move forward

Positives coronavirus:

People value family, friends, work, exercise, outdoors, the weekend... “back to the 80s“ happiness

Illegal inmigrants return home country
No work=no money
More work for Americans
Less crime

Basic income implemented

Patriotic countries

Corrupt politicians, psychopathic celebs and CEOs taken down

Pedophiles and crimes against humanity brought to justice

WW3 averted

China stopped from overtaking the world

Technology of tomorrow here now


And we won Florida in 2018 by 0.2%

>You are arguing that states must remain closed but you are also arguing that if a state wants to open it can not.
I'm not arguing anything, I'm calling you dumb for demanding the right for red-staters to go back to work for Mr. Goldstein and trying to understand why you care so much? I'm in my 20s with no health issues, I could care less whether stuff re-opens or not.
> red states will have 75% or more of their economies running
Or they might have their hospitals overflowing, but that depends on the state really.
>Your attempt to sell the Chinese virus as instant death
Strawman, never said that.

I'm not sure why you're so concerned with this at the state level either? There are plenty of niggers in red states and plenty of whites in blue states, any sort of changes will be micromanaged by ZOG to ensure that whites pay for niggers no matter which state any of them are from. Poor niggers in red and blue states will get more gibbs. None of this "economic ground" will be given to individual Republicans, it will go to the usual suspects.