The visions are metaphorical in nature so I won’t be able to answer extremely specific details but I’ll try my best.
I have developed the ability to see into the future. AMA
does any other species on earth eventually become a rival to humans?
NWO or NO?
>see the future
fake and gay
too many anomalous variable alternate realities to accurately predict this timeline's future
When will we travel the stars
When does the next Hitler come to being?
Do OPs ever overcome their insatiable hunger for cock?
what will happen on april 21?
Kys I'm waiting
Orange man bad?
speak user speak
Will user get a gf?
Will the next sonic game be good?
speak up faggot
>I won’t be able to answer extremely specific details
do we ever beat the Jews and find a way to live harmoniously with one another?
I just want to love my fellow man, these kikes keep getting in the way :(
Fantastic question. The answer is no. Earthbound species will never truly rival humans. However, after we make contact with other civilisations though in the 2500s, there will be a bureaucratic power struggle between earth and the others.
Open your mind user. There is more to the human mind that it seems.
2500’s for true interstellar travel. Everything before then will be within our solar system
who has fuk date wih your mom tomorrow?
aw fuck.
Will south america have it's first hitler?
What is the next song I will be listenig?
Will aussie shitposts continue to wane ?
could you please mark future changes in the political map of the world?
which is the greater malefic?
the obvious question - how's corona-chan gonna turn out?
if you can see the future, tell me the outcome of the event that started in late august 2019
Will Georgism ever come into the spotlight?
Are the fuckers responsible for this corona hoax going to get the rope?
Will war still be a thing in hundrends of years in hopeing yes
Adrenochrome is the key to see the future. I have low heart beats condition during sleep all my life. This causes enormerous spikes of adrenaline during the sleep. The adrenalin becomes oxidated then I'm able to enter in a higher stated of dreaming. I've seen things impossible to dream without previous exposition.But the dose is not enough in a broad way. And it cause severe exhaustion and risk for neuron by the lack of oxigen deprivation durin the low peaks. During mychildhood I could see thing but as I get older the fatigues are getting more present than the visions.
Yeh that's fcking great buddy now give me the price Tesla stock closes at tomorrow
What rough beast, it’s hour come round at last, slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?
At least this kind of LARP has no pretense of being legitimate.
Will you always be a useless faggot cocksucker in the future OP or will you end up dying of nigger aids before you see your full potential?
I saw a great fascist power rising in both the east and the northeast at the same time. Timeline is hazy but it shouldn’t be more than a few decades from now.
Trump leaves a legacy that cements him as a deeply flawed president but most still agree that he is the lesser evil than most other options he eventually faces.
Asia has a bloody unification. The faux pretence of Pan Asianism under which Japan invaded Asia under in WW2 comes back around to bite then and everyone else. However, once it is all done, the sins of the past will be buried and new alliances will be forged.
Europe visits the abyss for a while but is climbs out, partly thanks to Russia who temporarily strongarms the entire EU under their sphere of influence. Nationalism blossoms after.
America falls into the abyss with Europe but doesn’t climb out. The Middle East and israel get dragged down with them.
Will I be okay again soon?
So could the oracle at delphi. Look how that turned out.
how much longer does the current socioeconomic paradigm last?
Doesn’t this belong on /x/?
Am I going to die?
When is Al Gore going to make another documentary?
Future of the white race? please?
Can I right now leave this planet and travel the stars with Aliens?
One of the catalysts for the unification period I discussed
Elaborate what you mean by socioeconomic paradigm. Do you mean capitalism itself?
Europe remains a white homeland. White Europeans lead good lives there after turbulence is over.
Unfortunately not
thank you
that's the most disappointing thing I've ever heard. Kikes will still be around in five hundred years, fucking us over.
I wish I were dead.
what will happen regarding tectonic activity?
Deepstate pedos arrested and publicly shamed?
Will Trump be assassinated?
No comment on the OP, but I sometimes see the future in my dreams. It manifests in the form of random small periods of time between 5 seconds and a minute. There is no real pattern to it, I see through my own eyes and can even 'hear' my thoughts in that future. The scene is exactly as I will later perceive it. It has happened hundreds of times in my lifetime but it's very hard to prove as it is random events at a random time in my future (farthest one I have been able to recall was 5 years, sometimes they occur less than a week after). I immediately remember the dream when I re-live the event, it's a feeling close to smelling a peculiar smell from youth and remembering everything about it, but very significantly enhanced and precise. It's like in that moment of time there is a bridge through time right inside my head. I realize it sounds ridiculous but it's the truth, take it as you may.