Wuhan Server General #3

Remember to use a VPN if you decide to try and access any of this shit.

Attached: 1587434706432.jpg (2592x1944, 2.1M)

Other urls found in this thread:


based vpn condoms

Find Huawei or other chink hardware servers using SHODAN api. Find open ports. Infiltrate. Rip data. Dump data here for autists. Rinse and repeat.

for what purpose?

bumping this to keep the (((ravers))) from sliding

How does one access this

It says negative, am I missing something?

So wtf has been uncovered so far??

>parse Chinese code
>realize they're all just handles for democrats in bed with China
too easy


Clue me in while the thread is young so this doesnt become an endless cluterfuck of n00bs asking about 3l173 shit

So what exactly was hacked? Whose servers are these?

From previous thread:
\login through thunderbird, set wh.iov.cn as the domain, use ports 443 or 80.

[email protected]:lcd51vm
[email protected];34cxl18m
[email protected]:8qyfxbzw
[email protected]:38MpgvTk
[email protected]:kaptiv
[email protected]:51168van
[email protected]:123456
[email protected]:34cxl18m
[email protected]:yl77032
[email protected]:4562109
[email protected]:960608
[email protected]:cwru1007
[email protected]:yl770320
[email protected]:Zms528
[email protected]:71100496
[email protected]:wanglin
[email protected]:LingXiao92
[email protected]:091017
[email protected]:Z87199116
[email protected]:187187
[email protected];34cxl18m
[email protected]:8qyfxbzw
[email protected]:38MpgvTk
[email protected]:kaptiv
[email protected];34cxl18m
[email protected]:51168van
[email protected]:123456
[email protected]:34cxl18m
[email protected]:yl77032
[email protected]:4562109
[email protected]:4562109

Anything that further affirms Bill Gates' involvement? Thanks guys.

Here's bro's archived info pastebin.com/S7XrQffX
Bump and keep digging.

Doing God's work, anons.

the 2 possible scenarios
>A) CCP made the docs up/redacted anything interesting and leaked it for their own benefit
>B) US glowies have already been through it all and leaked it to add more pressure to chyna

either way you guys are being used as a pawn in this but none the less go get them you beautiful cunts


Bump for interest I'm 2 chicken to look myself

Wuhan Institute of Virology.

wtf was the marina abramovic addresses and passwords about at end of last thread?

anonfile.com/nfE1Hdrao4/_pol_-_WUHAN_HACKED_SERVERS_GENERAL_1_-_Politically_Incorrect_-_Yas Forums_2020-04-21_4_22_01_AM_html
don't let it go to waste

Glowniggers using you all for smoke and mirrors

Attached: 1573347332729.jpg (480x480, 74.95K)

what is this?


Any one try to ssh into them?

can you assholes post wtf this is about?

Situation continues to evolve.

So the Gates foundation people have logins on this server, right? This is confirmed? Also, is that unexpected?

why? you scared?

I would go for option b. Theres been so much shit going on today, especcially the oil price drop. Feds are probably looking to start a war to save the economy.

Can someone post what's on these???
My vpn expired this month

we are legion

Doing the NSAs homework more like.

directions to secret rave party, lurk moar and we'll see you there

qrd? what's been uncovered?
anything incriminating or just junk?

>retards keep spamming pictures of emails, passwords, and broken login forms


This is always true. Pretending anybody would beat an intelligence agency on a cold war is retarded.

No, I want his head on a plate

rave party playlist, lurk moar dumbass

Use open vpn in combo with one of these servers: vpngate.net/en/ . Fuck the jews who sell people vpns.

Is it like the iceberg disco in Club Penguin?

I've been able to match names with the emails. That pastebin link had phone numbers. I've been able to match WeChat accounts to them. They have the same names as the emails and some of the have hubei as their location

It's the perfect time to do option b.

Government cucks can't hack. You give the glow-people-of-color too much credit

these are direct acCounts witH personal logIns for officiAls the general publIc doeS not to haRAss. thesE individuaLs are beiNg harass by strangErs bEcause of misinformation and personal Data beiNg leaked Over sites LIkE many of theSe. .

What if Killary's missing emails tie into any of this

Expecto patronum

If they are, this is just one of probably dozens of ideas that they're trying out to raise international tensions. We should keep a close eye on the news and try to spot others.

So they'll get Yas Forums to do it for them. If you Google these passwords they've only posted on Yas Forums

Why hacking when you own backdoors or you can coerce people to open them for you?


login anD seE whAT Happens

>aml983 = myelodysplastic syndrome
Well... if this "aml983" virus that was mucked around with using HIV can be sourced, it would go a long way into sealing the CCP's fate.

Anything new and interesting so far?
The only thing I have seen is that google translate thing.

Nsa can hack almost anything using their backdoors and stuxnet type shit. Maybe Chink stuff is harder, but they can probably do a lot of it.

[email protected] marinaabramovic

[email protected] zenith10

[email protected] liubu666kin64

[email protected] 123456

[email protected] marinaabramo

[email protected] dariosabic

[email protected] marinaabramo

[email protected] marinaabramo

[email protected] marinaabramo

[email protected]

[email protected] stephenmoyer

[email protected] nelichen

[email protected] briannex3333

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected] xyditubo

[email protected] muzika

[email protected] niksic4

[email protected] airborne

[email protected] zakunago

[email protected] tamara86

[email protected] MarinaAbramovic

[email protected] n3tn3t

[email protected] marina619

Attached: marina_abramovic.jpg (432x535, 223.08K)

Attached: 1560886621524.jpg (1328x870, 109.78K)

(1) anonfile.com/nfE1Hdrao4/_pol_-_WUHAN_HACKED_SERVERS_GENERAL_1_-_Politically_Incorrect_-_Yas Forums_2020-04-21_4_22_01_AM_html

(2) anonfile.com/98NfI6rco1/_pol_-_Wuhan_Server_General_2_-_Politically_Incorrect_-_Yas Forums_2020-04-21_5_59_43_AM_html

(2/3?) anonfile.com/Z8N5I4r2o1/_pol_-_Those_wuhan_emails_aren_t_emails_they_are_ssh_log_-_Politically_Incorrect_-_Yas Forums_2020-04-21_5_36_53_AM_html

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