This is the only man who could re-take the White House from Democrats if Trump loses the 2020 election.
Change my mind.
This is the only man who could re-take the White House from Democrats if Trump loses the 2020 election.
Change my mind.
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The faggot lost an eye for Israel but did not have the nerve to die for Israel
How many goddamn times must this same topic be discussed? Once Trump is out of office the hammer will be dropped on the gutless spinless Republican party. All that remains of the GOP are kike cock sucking trash. Time to put an end to the charade known as the two party system by erasing the Republican party. Nothing of value will be lost
Zogbot faggots dont get meme magic
I could if not for his obsessive Zionist tendencies.
he sucks kike cock harder than Trump
Tucker is the man we need
Neocon Israel first shill. Literally the worst aspect of the military stereotype that only boomers and other military members blindly worship
Bring back the Whig Party.
I agree. The GOP is full of cucked neocohens but Crenshaw is still the most viable candidate for them if they wanted to win an election.
Unfortunately, the party won't be crushed and neocons will take it back.
I hope that zionist sell out loses his other eye after witnessing the Palestinians retake their ancestral homeland.
Hes a fucking hardcore neo-RINO mixed with a dash of Bernie, would make McCain look like a fucking choirboy.
Hes trash of the highest level.
Eat some more tendies you fat bitch.
Americans would never vote for a man with such a one-sided view of the issues.
imagine being such a zog bot that you'd give them your eye.
Stop posting Zionists, MIGA tards.
>voting for John McCain 2: Cyclops Boogaloo
Nah. Riden with Biden
I agree with all of you. He's a shill and that's why he's normie friendly. He regularly invited on leftist tv shows, so it appears as if they're already grooming him to become the next face of the GOP. Crenshaw would get the support of a bunch of boomers and centrists and even moderate lefties.
>Crenshaw would get the support of a bunch of boomers and centrists and even moderate lefties.
that's the problem
All a primary challenger would need to do is gouge out his remaining eye and he'd be out of the race
I guess you could say, he really has an eye for politics
>neocons will take it back
You are implying someone will vote for the neocons. This is not 30 years ago anymore. The Republicans do not realize that once Trump is out of office the Democrats and the media will be joined in attacking Republicans relentlessly
Hes literally got a shield of boomer/normie propaganda maybe only bested by the invisible enemy.
Solid Snake for president.
>most viable candidate
Guy posted how we wouldn’t be here unless Israel.
He's really keeping an eye out for us
well at least his fans are too dumb to know what a hypocrite is
I just feel like this guy has to choose between the suit and the eye patch. He can't have both.
carlos brings dad jokes
Gun grabbing Israel loving faggot, never gonna vote for him.
Cringeshaw is a libertardian clown that sucks nigger dicks.
I guess you could say, He's granddaddy of Dad jokes
If America elects a literal pirate as President it will confirm that I am living in a perpetual state of LSD induced hallucinations.
There are legends that the Antichrist is supposed to have one blind eye and a withered arm. That's why I wouldn't vote for Bob Dole and why I won't vote for Crenshaw.
This is one of his appeals to normies.
>omg imagine this bad ass guy with an eye patch as the US president!
How much more convincing do you really need?
Have you been living under a rock for the past ten years?
lmao don't you know how the gop votes
this is stupid on many levels.
probably just to make the chumps feel better
whoops this
isnt he some gun grabber faggot? no thanks.
Where's the punished snake edit of him?
Except that's a valid comparison pointing out Pelosi's hypocrisy. Get rekt, libnigger.
holy shit this dogfucking leaf is absolutely SEETHING that his narrative is getting destroyed
He’s literally a gun grabber. His service means he can have one, but you can’t.