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op btfo

Kek coronavirus got him.
China will pay in minecraft for messing with my bruh. Him and trump were besties

>trusting a tranny

Think I'll press x to doubt


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Nah her dad's the tranny. She's just a kike.

It was his sister bros... that’s bad.

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this will not end well

The ultimate trap to capture leakers.

Is it possible that China annexes North Korea? I imagine their country needs something to mobilize them, and it's better to do it now before the international community fucks them for the virus

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South Korea has some kind of spies or technology where they are always on top of rumors like this. Change is eventually going to come to the DPRK. Too many young people know what South Korea is like through movies and tv, word from China passes through the country like copies of Titantic. The jangmadangs long ago replaced the monthly food rations. The population has no way of fighting back and I don't even think many of them would want to. But it's getting more difficult to lie to the population and they know that.


well yes, it's getting harder to lie
also yes, it's getting easier to monitor and control

Fat fuck.

The only websites pushing the brain dead/coma are jewish news sites, stock trader websites, and CNN. I could go into detail on why they would, but you guys should already know why. For those who wonder why traders would push it, it’s because they probably trade futures, which will be impacted by this story without a doubt.

They say DPRK has the biggest untapped mineral resources on the planet. They mine a ton of tungsten and other minerals and sell them to China and Russia very cheap.

fake as fuck I'm playing b-ball with that nigga right now

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What ever happened to the best korea poster who was spoofing the location.

New leader of North Korea, and more ruthless than her brother

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I'd choke her on my cock

feminists and basedboys will cheer for this

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Christ I bet she's a crazy fuck. Would fuck but not impregnate. Ahh fuck it. Son would be ruler of the best Korea, Fucking right would impregnate.

IMAGINE her being your femdom mistress and then breaking out of your restraints and turning her into a breeding sow.

live by the fat, die by the fat

His surgeon murdered his ass on the table. Based af. Took one for the team. Hope he sent his family to Seoul beforehand kek

Thumb nail looks like Shkreli

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when think about how fuck ugly most korean women are this is actually not a bad starting point.

plus she has power, which is always attractive

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>goes in for heart surgery and comes out brain dead.

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