American Cops

Why are they so aggressive, angry, violent, and face virtually no consequences for deeply unethical actions?

There appears to be no other job in the market that allows an individual to receive little to no legal consequence for deliberately causing bodily harm to others. Cops just get "investigated", and AT WORST a paid vacation if they fuck up.

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The fake news media unfairly depicts police officers as racist killers.

Second post best post.

This is a slide thread

If they would travel in pairs they would not get so scared that they always feel like deadly force is the best option maby??

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All government employees are like that the difference is they give these ones guns. Imagine the type of people who are drawn to a job where you’re over paid, can never be fired and where you’re deemed the authority over people who involuntarily pay you.

He would look better as a woman honestly. Those expensive tattoos only make him look like a chola

I don't think they're racist or discriminatory, other than having a police vs civilian bias. They think we're all equally worthless, unless you're personally a cop or have close family that's a cop, THEN you're part of their fraternity culture.

Look how they have each others backs, even if it defies legal codes and ethics

Give any human any amount of power and the negatives of that human become extremely pronounced. It’s hilarious watching and listening to military leadership talk to one another with inflated egos and backwash conversations. They are all a bunch of entitled faggots same with cops


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Cops are trained by Israeli contractors.
Jews gave us the negro, then trained us how to control the rampaging negro.
Unfortunately whites are collateral damage.

You really think our police force is different? Nice bait faggot.

Being around niggers all eay would drive anyone insane

I'm not sure if that would help. They seem to always escalate to the point of force, no matter how many buddies they have with them for the encounter. The solution is for them to be tried as a civilian, like any of us would be tried, if they fuck up during the line of duty. Get busted for excessive force? Get an assault and batter charge. Falsely handcuff someone who was innocent? Get charged with unlawful kidnapping. I'm not sure why this fucking doesn't exist

All cops should be put down like feral dogs

the police force is marketed towards uneducated sociopaths to join and help the cause for justice.

When did I say that? I think ours can be just as bad at times, even worse, since ours don't have the international attention that American cops get

Someone needs a green card to harass niggers. I do wish it was in the citizens hands though sometimes.

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This but doesnt give you a pass to murder other whites.

>Kill someone
>Claim PTSD
>Get NEETbux fro the rest of your life
>Take a vacation
Ok, this is litty and I'm going to do it.

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Never talk to the cops, ever. Let them do the hard work of investigating. You only need to defend yourself in case you are actually accused of something and indicted. Otherwise shut the fuck up.

>defend yourself
no, let a lawyer defend you. it's unconstitutional to make you incriminate yourself. silence is the best right you have in the USA.

Imagine their eye twitching every time they hear the sacred words DINDU NUFFIN

2 major contributors:
LA Police chief Bates (
and the 2001 PATRIOT act which made a clear channel for the pentagon to sell milsup to barney fife. All the uniforms and cars across the country became black/tacticool over the decades since. Access to military firepower to aim at civilians was just too good to be true. Toss in some extra crime-enthusiasts and a war on drugs and you have military troops stopping you for speeding and maybe even shooting your loved ones.

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Yeah I meant that. Let your lawyer do the talking, they understand lying cops and their tactics.
Cops get pretty lazy and will convict an innocent person just to keep their closed case numbers high.
Also, cops are not caseworkers. If you have a crazy family dynamic it isn't helped by bringing in cops. Keep family matters to yourself and work it out, even the worst outcome is better than if cops get involved.

Yep, good advice. Also don't give ID if on foot unless suspected of committing a crime. You get put into a police database for every ID check, which can be used against you legally, regardless of the reason of being ID'd.

>Why are they so aggressive, angry, violent, and face virtually no consequences for deeply unethical actions?
They don't get shot enough.

>Four months after the shooting, Charles Langley, the officer who gave orders to Shaver, retired from the department. By December 2017, Langley had emigrated to the Philippines.[31][32]
this single fact is highly indicative of the unnecessary brutality used in this case. langley knew he fucked up greatly.

literal dogs of the jew elite. do you really expect them not to be a bunch of corrupt, high on power cunts?

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Well said. Patriot act + war on drugs were two nails in the coffin of American liberty

You niggers larp as Fascists and AuthRight all day but when it comes to cops you kvetch and wring your hands as hard as any Jewish ACLU lawyer.

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>virtually no consequences
>receive little to no legal consequence
Only true when applied to minorities

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Retarded culture that expects new guys to "prove themselves" by picking fights

blue man bad

It depends, some liberal states require you surrender ID on demand, so check your states laws.
Otherwise yes you can just not answer cops questions and just walk away.
One interesting thing, though all cops must show THEIR ID on demand to you, which is useful in the case of fake cops which seem to be all to common.

>pentagon says equip not be used by LEOs for riot suppression
>uses mil gear to suppress riots
>12,000 bayonets given to cops
>your rural police department has an 80IQ guy who has access to pic related
great link user, ty

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