So it's official. China put HIV-AIDS on the spikes of the Coronavirus. What does this mean, going forward?

So it's official. China put HIV-AIDS on the spikes of the Coronavirus. What does this mean, going forward?

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And they killed great leader. Nukes coming soon checkem.

God Bless Kim. Nuke China.
China belongs to North Korea.

It means things will never go back to normal and that unless a vaccine comes to fruition, it will most likely completely envelope the planet.



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it means just as much as the "it's 98% like SARS". nothing. just like how humans are "90% similar to cats."

Some user screencapped a viral listing from the china server shit and Lentivirus had 3 catagory tags that indicated testing.
Lentivirus is the HIV virus if you don't know.

So, basically no proof at all other than memetics.

OBOR is a complete failure. They can't take over the world with this virus.


For you?, nothing OP, nothing at all.

Find someone with a high enough IQ to read its genome sequence to you. Then, it'll be obvious that its coated with HIV proteins.

nigger prize winner means nothing. Its literally the Lupus faggot that made all doctors think everything was Lupus. ITS NOT FUCKING NEW LUPUS
Paki study was discredited and they pulled it.

guess its time to find a better dildo chang.

>all organic life originates from very shallow gene pool millions of years ago
>small genetic deviations have dramatic physical variance
>plebs in 2020 assume they understand genetic biology

get checked, faggs

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you're the chang

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So what does that mean exactly? that they used HIV to create it? Will people get HIV symptoms? I’m genuinely not stupid I just don’t know shit about genome sequencing or viruses lol.

yea glycoproeteins on a virus. sooooo scary.

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It means China is going to annex NK and retake Taiwan, before it inevitably becomes public knowledge and the entire world blockades China


I'm still wondering why every homo in Sanfrancisco is still alive. Very disappointed with captain tripz

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>China put HIV-AIDS on the spikes of the Coronavirus

>zero jewish deaths
>israel was working on a cure/vaccine for a year before and it's almost ready
>China is the greatest threat to the jews
>China is a massive threat to the Jewnited States because white men are now christianized cowards

...and you expect us to believe this came out of China? Are you a retard? Maybe you shouldn't waste your limited brainpower on politics.

tldr: it was jews. Just like 9/11.

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> the china server shit
but where's the beef? where's the actual leaked data? all I got was a bunch of stale password buns, no burger patty between them...

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Read the 3rd response. Covid wasn’t created through gene insertions, it was engineered through natural selection in a lab. The HIV insertions theory is untrue, and is probably interference run by the ccp to discredit legit theories.

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yeah OBOR died in Lombardy. it's a strange world

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Chink zombies

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That's actually a perfect scenario Norks nuke China the West wins

idk wtf you're talking about but it is practically a failed project everywhere. Chinks miscalculated the costs and didn't factor in the corruption and low IQ in 3rd worlds before investing.

You cant 20yo and in the army for 4 years.

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Yes and how fortunate this big happening led to central banks printing trillions to buy back their buddies corporate debt

You have a childlike worldview

Europe is tied into Eurasia

Canada is disgusted by America

The US really just has Mexico

>An extremely important but still unanswered question is what was the source of COVID-19 virus. While COVID-19 has close similarities to SARS and other bat viruses no natural virus matching to COVID-19 has been found in nature despite an intensive search to find its origins. This raises the very legitimate question of whether the COVID-19 virus might be the result of human intervention.

>Certainly, our and other analyses of the genomic sequence of the virus do not reveal any artificial gene inserts that would be the hallmark of a gene jockey, genetic engineers who manipulate or even create viruses by splicing in artificial inserts into their genome. These are generally easily recognisable and hence clear signatures of human intervention in the creation of a virus. The fact that these artificial inserts are not present has been interpreted by some to mean this virus is not the result of human manipulation.

>However, this logic is incorrect as there are other ways in which humans can manipulate viruses and that is caused by natural selection. What do I mean? All viruses and bacteria mutate and adapt to their environment over time, with selection of the fittest individuals for survival in that particular environment.

>Take a bat coronavirus that is not infectious to humans, and force its selection by culturing it with cells that express human ACE2 receptor, such cells having been created many years ago to culture SARS coronaviruses and you can force the bat virus to adapt to infect human cells via mutations in its spike protein, which would have the effect of increasing the strength of its binding to human ACE2, and inevitably reducing the strength of its binding to bat ACE2.

Lombardy is an industrial region in Italy which had close ties to China through OBOR
Lombardy was hit super hard by the Wuhan virus, everyone's favorite grandmothers died, so Italians are super extra mega incredibly pissed off at China and will no doubt pull out of OBOR with extreme prejudice