This thread is for info about the current attempts at a communist takeover of the American state of Hawaii by corrupt communist traitors and why you should help destroy corruption in this tiny island chain 3000 miles away from you.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hawaii has instituted an illegal, de-facto martial law.

If you leave your house without a "permissable reason" the police claim they can arrest you and charge you with a de-facto felony, a misdemeanor for "breaking quarantine" and sentence you to one year in jail, imposing on your right to bear arms because of the sentence being over one year.

One of the more corrupt rural islands has instituted a curfew. You will be arrested for being outside.

It is a violation of due process to institute any restrictions on someone's freedom of movement (liberty) while screaming "quarantine", if the person has not been diagnosed positive. It is a violation of the right to assemble by arresting people for being in groups.

What is happening in your area? What fuckery is the corruption in your area doing/done in this situation?

The proclamation also gives the state funding flexibility and allows the governor to suspend any laws that may impede the efficient execution of emergency functions. Any attempt to infringe on any constitutional protections are still illegal, but that has never stopped them before.

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>Hawaii has 500+ "COVID" cases. 9 deaths attributed. No data before March because state gov. destroyed test kits before they reached CDC and forbade docs from testing without permission.
>Now mayors have made illegal "no travel" edicts and checkpoints manned by N.G., jail time for traveling, not wearing a mask, standing on the beach, being in parks and some areas have night curfews enforced by cops.
>244,000 unemployed. %37 unemployment. Highest rents in country. Gov. repeatedly lied about rent moratorium.
>Unemployment system broken instead of just corrupt. No access for thousands.
>Hundreds of thousands in danger of being homeless after 4/30 with no safety net.
>State already has corrupt systems exploiting the poor and vulnerable to seize property, assets and kids. The homeless tsunami means a windfall for them.
>And not a fucking thing on the news about any of this. But they did have a segment where they said what songs to sing while washing hands.
>The governor has reiterated claims about the evictions under the emergency order to be illegal, but only until the same date as before, April 30. Which means there are still going to be a fuckton of people suddenly homeless and preyed upon by the state.

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Hawaii is part of a machine, you know that "Deep state" bad orange man talks about?

It's not Republican or Democrat. It's corruption. It's nationwide. For example, N.Y.P.D., another communist group, has "officers" all over the states, including here, in order to influence national
politics and subvert the constitution. (Also, so when a Podesta comes to town - he can't carry a gun, but an N.Y.P.D. liason with him can.) What they do here they try nationally. But due to the
enforced ignorance it is way shittier than even Cali.

It's a blue stronghold because those politics serve the corrupt.

We need attention to what goes on here. Tell people about what I mentioned in the beginning.

If you know people in Hawaii, warn them. You are in danger from this, there will be no legal protection due to the intense corruption. They pretend to be law abiding when they are exposed.

A lot of people here do not know how fucked it is until it happens to them. After they disarm people, they have traditionally used "plausible deniability" groups like neighborhood watch groups full of armed, mental, utter fucking wackos, police controlled meth dealers and gangs and the gay community to commit crimes.

Usually to murder witnesses, influence business and court cases and steal children and property. Shitty houses go for million+ here, and have also been a traditional currency of political bribery. If a politician wants out of the local crony network or to get foreign influence, they bribe using property and fuck with the land prices to make it a sweet deal.

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Pic related - "Local" boy Obama liked to say "Bitter clinger to guns and Bibles" as a derogative... This is old art from the communist takeover of Russia. The guy clinging to his bible and guns in the middle is a "Kulak" farmer. "Kulak" means "Tight fisted", they called landowners greedy for not giving their land to the communist party. They were ridiculed for their gun ownership which made the property seizures hard, and for their religion which espoused morality instead of pop culture propaganda. They were targeted for extermination by the communists and murdered for their land and gun ownership.

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My county has seen more overdoses and suicides over the past month than we get all year. In fact we have more deaths from those 2 things than corona, so where I live they don't hassle anyone going outside.

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How about you California and Illinois just fuck off out of the union


>Hawaii local farmers are in danger of shutting down farms, the only local food supply for the islands. They do not qualify for "unemployment" or any other benefits. Once the farms are shuttered, the probable outcome will be seizure by the state and redistribution of land assets to politician's friends.

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How will farms be shuttered though? It is easily possible to farm while maintaining physical distancing

How about we get some support and drive the snakes out?

>Use of force by L.E. and politicians against constitutional law is rebellion.
>And terrorism.

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The same way we are told we cant go into parks or beaches, these huge open spaces, baked under equatorial UV intensity that kills virii, and now 3 months after the initial spread of the virus, we are also forced to wear masks under threat of force.

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Are you in Hawaii facing eviction?

Read this. (With a grain of salt, Civil Beat is Saudi owned agitprop)


And this.


There is not much else about it.

For eviction help:


(Not much help, is it.)









Especially if they tried to make you do anal for rent.

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Get arrested for defying the orders, and hire a lawyer to take it to your state supreme court. Force them to select a jury of your peers. Plead innocent on grounds of the first amendment. Most people who think their rights are under attack, don't realize how the system works. They can make your life difficult up until you get in front of a judge, and secure a lawyer, but there's no way you'll go to jail for a year because your in public for something non essential, or not wearing a mask. Due process eliminates a lot of corruption.

>Due process eliminates a lot of corruption.
>Due process

Nigger, have you read the fucking thread?

They will fucking murder you if you have evidence against a state interest, they will say you attacked the cops while handcuffed then killed yourself in prison while handcuffed.

It's S.O.P. here.

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Central oahu user checking in. Need this thread every once in a while.

Hawaii needs IMMEDIATE intervention of legal force.

Traditionally, political candidates and influencers, in order to throw trials or to steal children and estates, the local swamp will use a proxy group like violent felons controlled by
cops, neighborhood watch groups with criminals claiming to be acting on behalf of law enforcement, ethnic/church/labor associations etc. and give them intel, propaganda and protection, then sic them
on a target. If you defend yourself, you get called a criminal, if they murder you, no action is taken. Gun ownership has been a problem for them because their cockroach squads of proxy terrorists
will run at the first sign of resistance. Does this remind you of anything COUGH COUGH IRAN COUGH IRANIAN SOLEIMANI AND QUDS FORCES USING PROXY TERRORISTS IN IRAQ COUGH COUGH AHEM.

Property theft by local organized crime alone nets BILLIONS, a local estate consisting of a shitty, condemned house in an ass neighborhood can be sold for over half a million.
Property is also traditionally used as "untraceable" bribes - read former Governor Geroge Ariyoshi's book "Land and Power in Hawaii".

Most of these theft scams are only possible because firearms and self defense by the non government and non criminal castes are outlawed.

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This is why you don't fuck with cops, there's nothing you can say or do with them to get special treatment under the law. Their job is to simply throw you in front of a judge if they think you did something illegal. Once you're arraigned within 24-72 hrs, you can plead not guilty and have your lawyer push for a grand jury which is when the prosecutor will start freaking out because judges are elected and prosecutors have to make them look good to the public. People get in trouble cause they try to exercise their rights with the police instead of the judge and get resisting arrest

not reading this shit but live in hawaii and pigs here are all corrupt af, everyone is someone's literal cousin

>Force them to select a jury of your peers

Let me tell you what I saw them do:

>Defendant told not to by P. Defender
>P. Def. refuses to do backgrounds, gets relative of the cops who forced defendant to write documents while holding a gun on her.


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Hawaii residency test: show this picture to anyone who claims they are from Honolulu and see what they say.

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This is why white people should only live above 35 degrees north latitude. The father south you go the more fucked up the people get. I'm a big dude, but I swear I've seen a more than a couple Polynesians in my life look at me like they wanna eat me. I'd rather live in Alaska than Hawaii.

Our system is corrupt with like 80 percent of our embedded managerial class elites (unelected officials who run the show and corporate, legal and financial elites) are all part of the same inner circle of contacts. It's like a shitty version of Chicago. Which is already shitty.


Wow that time stamp. I thought they had announced an end date, no?


>State gov. throws away the COVID tests before they could be sent to CDC, makes red tape ordering doctors not to test without permission.
>HAWAII NEWS - 2/26 2020 Hawaii doctors flag 8 cases of suspected Coronavirus. Hawaii dept. of health throws away test kits and results instead of sending to CDC, claiming the tests are not necessary because they did not meet Hawaii dept. of health criteria for testing. Department of health has now made an "application for approval" requiring any doctor who wants to test for COVID to fill out an application to the dept. of health for permission to test. The state government reassures Hawaii citizens and the world, that there is no need to stop tourism to Hawaii. khon2.com/top-stories/state-approval-now-required-before-doctors-can-flag-possible-covid-19/
>State says nothing is wrong as 3/10 people develop "flu"
>State says nothing happening as it sets up screening biohazard mitigation tents at hospitals.
>HAWAII NEWS - 3/1/2020 All Hawaii Corona tests are deemed unreliable, CDC demands independent testing of flagged Hawaii patients.
>Governor Ige declares "quiet" martial law illegally by claiming "state of emergency" and says he can overcome any law he wants because of it.

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There are historic comparisons between Hawaii and Chicago, with Hawaii being observed as the worst.



>California and Honolulu officials launched civil and criminal investigations. Teehan called the donation, which ostensibly purchased 400 tickets to a Fasi birthday dinner, a bribe attempt. The company hoped to land a major consulting contract with the city and claimed it was entrapped into making what it thought was “a charitable donation.”

The various investigations went away in 1972 after the company, Engineering Science, Inc., paid a $5,000 fine for making an illegal donation to Fasi’s campaign. Company official Kerry Mulligan complained that Honolulu politics “make Chicago look like a nursery school.”

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Will you explain the riddle of this picture before you leave tonight?

>Dept. of health says borders are bad and international travel restrictions are racist and do not work, orange man bad.
>To stop the outbreak, the dept. of health claim they are going to use police/national guard to cordon off and restrict travel between neighborhoods.
>Ige activates National Guard. For "uh, um you know, they have positions which include medical things and uh other reasons"
>Ige says police will be used to stop hoarding, the store purchase restrictions are working and Hawaii's citizens are orderly and sane and not stabbing each other over toilet paper, this means he wants the cops to take property from people.
>Ige declares anti-corruption measures in the capitol to allow public knowledge of legislature actions is a health hazard and shuts out all citizen observation capability. They shut off the cameras broadcasting to TV and internet so no one watching would get infected.
>Local for profit "Urgent Care" clinics and news caught lying about panic and chaos at testing centers, clinic CEO calls HPD to attack boomer who filmed empty lots, tries to snatch camera from his hand and does not get slam tackled and arrested or have a SWAT team deployed like if she did that to a cop or local swamp creature.
>Gov. Ige declares illegal "stay at home" order, threatening anyone who leaves their house, in violation of constitutional right to travel and due process. Does not matter if you have been diagnosed. Attempts to make it a de-facto felony by declaring it a misdemeanor with a 1 year jail term to facilitate firearm seizure and disenfranchisement of arrestees.
>Gov. fires head of COVID response team, the Lt. Gov., the only medical professional (M.D.) on the team and forbids any state agents from consulting with the doctor.
>Governor denies firing the Lt. Gov. during press conference.
>Governor tries to secretly pass anti-gun measures (Onerous burden ammo extreme tax) with no witnesses or testimony allowed.

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This is lava. A volcano exploded in 2018. This is the light pumice that fell.

The geothermal plant triggered a huge eruption that wiped out a town, but created a new land mass.

Geothermal plant owned by Ormat, Isreali company that tried to say it was from Las Vegas, and had ties to Sen. Harry Reid and Hillary.

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>being this haole
you wouldn't get it.

>>Local for profit "Urgent Care" clinics and news caught lying about panic and chaos at testing centers, clinic CEO calls HPD to attack boomer who filmed empty lots, tries to snatch camera from his hand and does not get slam tackled and arrested or have a SWAT team deployed like if she did that to a cop or local swamp creature.



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Those tiny, light rocks rained like rain. Except they were rocks.

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>State gov. claims all travelers arriving from anywhere have to stay in hotel room for 14 day quarantine, despite no testing.
>State D.O.H. bans Chloroquinine despite FDA approvals. Remember when the Puerto Rican governor hid all the aid shipments and lied and said Trump left them to die? Imagine that, but on a state level instead of territory, and the corruption in the government has access to federal surveillance, intel and force resources.

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4/3/2020 update
>State now wants people to wear cloth masks over their faces, a 180 turn from previously discouraging the use of any protection. State still wants citizens to "donate" quality protective masks.
>State claims they are going to hold all recently arrested prisoners in jail holding cells the size of walk in closets with no showers. No word on if they are going to be allowed exercise. Courts say hearings may be delayed instead of teleconference hearings.
>Gov. Ige refuses to put a hold on tax collections, businesses owing taxes will be permanently shut down by the state gov. and issued tax penalties.
>State gov. refuses to provide rent/mortgage assistance or moratoriums. Billions of $ in property to be foreclosed on, thousands of renters in the 2nd highest cost of living state in danger of being made homeless. Property management/organized crime stand to make a landfall in foreclosures in Hawaii's corrupt real estate system.
>State gov. claims they are now going to arrest anyone who arrives on the island who does not have a residence to immediately go to. On what charge?
>State gov. activates National Guard "To distribute masks to hospitals".

So what is happening in the blacked out Hawaii legislature? Asian and fake Hawaiian (White and asian rich kids who try to act like what they think Hawaiians act like) thugs with secret handshake connections that got them political positions are stealing money. hawaiifreepress.com/ArticlesMain/tabid/56/ID/25182/Corona-Towers-Council-Hides-Behind-Quarantine-Gives-5B-Deal-to-Convicted-Felon.aspx

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>So what is happening in the blacked out Hawaii legislature? Asian and fake Hawaiian (White and asian rich kids who try to act like what they think Hawaiians act like) thugs with secret handshake connections that got them political positions are stealing money. hawaiifreepress.com/ArticlesMain/tabid/56/ID/25182/Corona-Towers-Council-Hides-Behind-Quarantine-Gives-5B-Deal-to-Convicted-Felon.aspx

>But this time there is no proven link to narco trafficking by Hawaii politicos so it's "innocent". And most of them are asian, so it's RAYCISM if you point out all Japanese and most other asian political figures in Hawaii stem from and support century and a half old Masonic controlled asian organized crime activity.
>FUN FACT - About 100 years ago, ALL pimps in Hawaii were Japanese. This got the Japanese positions in the Masonic controlled Hawaii "state" gov. Then the Japanese used Hawaii to distribute drugs, traffick sex slaves and funnel guns to the Yakuza, all with the help of the "hidden hand" of "Hiram Abiff's avengers". This is why every other Jap. politician has somewhat open connections to meth, coke or opiates.
>You - "Dats RACIS YOU NAZI RACIST HITELR!" Fuck you, idiot. I am part Japanese. I have friends who are local Japs and we hate the shit these corrupt fucks are doing. Fuck organized crime. In Hawaii, it's protected by corruption using U.S. gov. assets.

>Local H.G.E.A. - Hawaii Gov. Employee Ass. (Gov. employee union) demands a fucking 25% raise using taxpayer cash during "pandemic" for "hazard pay" even though they are just "Social distancing" at home and not working.



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>Hawaii Lt. Gov. who is an MD still trying to dissuade people from seeking after Hydroxychloroquine after F.D.A. approval and illegal state ban of it's use by Governor. They want to use local police to arrest you and your doctor for using the drug to prop up outbreak deaths and say "ORANGE MAN BAD".
>KITV (Hawaii ABC affiliate): Over 6,200 physicians were surveyed, and they reported anti-malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine as the most effective treatment for the coronavirus. Daniel Dae Kim called it the "secret weapon" in his recovery from COVID-19…. Hydroxychloroquine was developed to treat malaria, but is now also used for arthritis. Dr. Green tells KITV4 he knows of people who cannot access the drug for arthritis right now because there is a shortage. … (That’s Green saying ‘No’) "I would advise someone who is ill to see their physician and not use something that isn’t proven to be effective," said Dr. Bruce Anderson, Director of Hawaii's Department of Health…. (That’s DoH saying ‘No’)

>ANOTHER PEDOPHILE RING AT A HAWAII SCHOOL PROTECTED BY HAWAII POLICE AND POLITICOS/ORGANIZED CRIME - hawaiifreepress.com/ArticlesMain/tabid/56/ID/25271/Lawsuit-Alleges-Another-Pedophile-Ring-at-KSBE.aspx
>hawaiifreepress.com/ArticlesMain/tabid/56/ID/20769/Child-Molester-KSBE-Apology-letter-implies-abuse-since-1962.aspx hawaiifreepress.com/ArticlesMain/tabid/56/ID/20112/Kawananakoa-Estate-Sex-Drugs-and-Inequality.aspx
>HAWAII NEWS STAFF, which consists of me, would like to present the disclaimer - these sources are fucky. "Hawaii Free Press" is some psycho fuck who rallies for the homeless to be rounded up and put in camps, "Honolulu Star Advertiser" is Hawaii's newspaper violating monopoly laws, but in these cases, they have good info.

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>Maui mayor threatens illegal roadblocks and restrictions on "allowing" how citizens get groceries - khon2.com/top-stories/mayor-victorino-says-hes-considering-roadblocks-restricting-shoppers/
>"Da mayor" forces construction on massively protested project, using "Coronavirus lockdown" illegal martial law to arrest protestors. Usually protestors would block the construction equipment, this time they got arrested for "illegally" leaving their homes. kitv.com/story/41978583/controversial-sherwoods-project-moving-forward-amid-pandemic
>Hawaii chief justce halts all civil proceedings, Gov. and courts claim this is to stop evictions, but due to state gov. "loopholes", most evictions do not wind up in court, so masses of people are facing homelesness while the state government lies and says it stopped evictions.


>also, record numbers of renters being solicited sex by landlords. State gov. refers them to local "Legal Aid Society" which steals state and federal money pretending to be a charity, but discriminates and provides moronically sub par "help".
>From personal experience, personal legal research got me farther than some "Jew's" or Mason's daughter who could barely look up government rules and laws in an internet search, and who acted like I was annoying them by answering questions.
>PROTIP: You have to say you are LGBT, a female or not the local version of "acting white" (Able to speak english clearly, concisely above a third grade level and not acting like ghetto trash or local stereotypes as seen on T.V.) Hawaii Legal Aid Society is a scam for the "Jewish" and Masonic oligarch's kids to give them some "experience" that looks good on paper, and they steal federal funds to do it.

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