Rap has elevated blacks

Made them rich and desirable among women of all groups.

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The sexless ethnicel posts for the 5,000th time, hoping to own the whites towards whom he is so consumed by envy

survival of the fittest

RAP has degenerated music to such a degree that anyone capable of actually playing a musical instrument has become the 1% wealthy elite and must be controlled by DMCA.

Ask Bill Gates. He's been trying to kill Black people since the first computer virus.

If i wanted to cuck post you mutt i would've posted something different believe me

What's funny is it's the opposite, rap made them more poor.

Playa gon play, thinkr gwon think.
Retard gonna tard, censor going teh sniff.
All of a sudden blow got real xpensiv.
Not an xindent.

Rap has only made a few nigger rich while the rest of the niggers can only dream of becoming to token nigger for the music label

What is this zoomer trend of making the absolute most stupidest face possible when posing for pictures? Every dumb girl looks like an absolute fucking downie, tongue hanging out and drooling like complete fucking retards nowadays. It's possibly the most unattractive trend I've seen yet, way worse than duckface.

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It has also deteriorated the black family unit to degeneracy. The only people who get rich off the crappy music are those who can find a Jewish patron because they invest in the promotion of the deterioration of all families

You mean both the rappers who got into Crowley and most likely took a dick up their asses to do the highest rituals in his Thelemic religion?

Rappers are getting cream of the crop white girls just for talking dirty while your only chance is to study hard and become a lawyer to finally get a decent looking wife who will cuck you anyway later on

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White women no longer need white men for anything other than funding, in case a partner of theirs leaves them.

White men are not allowed sex, and especially not blowjobs.

White women have unequivocally turned to BBC for sex, comfort and reproductive purposes. You may only watch.

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And the fittest are the jews financiating them and promoting them in their media

Zoomers love rap
Zoomers love bbc

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Rap was literally invented by whites in the 60s in new york. they used to read poetry with jazz as the music. niggas from brooklyn stole the idea.

the future is now, old man.

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Reminder: Rap music was pushed on the black community by Tavistock Institute to destroy black cultural values and the family unit. They were the ones who used the record companies to squash the conscious rap movement and push gangsta rap 24/7 in the 90s and beyond.


Rap didn't do that Jews did that.

You are kinda based for a white supremacist, but I respect that, you see the big picture of things and notice that blacks are not the winning side if things continue like this

idiots like you probably think street hookers who give glory hole blowjobs are cream of the crop

Black supremacist*

I'd like to present my new rap song
>ooga booga nigga weed
Thanks for listening

Pick one

Nothing could ever make me attracted to a nigger. I would rather die than be with one.

jewgle beat poetry

Oh my he's seething

Attached: Redman-White-Girls-2.jpg (1094x1088, 238.98K)

Is that attractive to you? It looks fucking disgusting. I'm not even 30, never thought I'd get old so fast.

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Imagine larping this much

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They are now, at least among zoomers, but it is mostly the mixed race blacks, although it is a proccess, in the next decade (2030-2040) dark skin pure blacks will become the trend and most desirable males among females of the tactile gen, and in 2040-2050 black women will finally become the most desirable females, the pinnacle of their race... God I wish I could have been born in a later generation, like 2056 or the likes, that is when the fun stuff will start


Larping in what way?

Nigga they've been the trend since 70's you spic or vpn faggot

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The future is unironically black

Pretending you're a women on an anonymous board is what. Can you be anymore pitiful

The interracial sex fetishist / asian to whom you are replying will just talk in circles and gaslight any reply you give in order to have more opportunity to post one of the thousands of images they have with black men and white women

>black women will finally become the most desirable females
>implying they aren’t already

Unless I pretend to be a guy on this fucking website all anyone says to me is I’m a tranny or larping or whatever. Is it really that hard to believe a woman goes on pol?

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Sorry didn’t mean to reply to you

And it's beautiful

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You are so right

Coal burning gold diggers. Their female offspring won't have the same opportunities.

Attached: KFCmudshark.jpg (640x986, 85.78K)

Proof it


lol works at KFC, thats probably where they met

It is.
I wish I had a black wife so I could contribute to the country’s Africanization

>looks like a man
>weird looking halfnigger is her "world"

Looks like shes in for some more black cock and considering the discount she gets at KFC, the going is probably good.

How am I supposed to prove it? FYI tits or gtfo doesn’t work because I’m not a degenerate whore