Attached: FB_IMG_1587442858987.jpg (540x960, 38.15K)

Other urls found in this thread:


its just images straight out of Yas Forums

Dammit Yas Forums

>they're all archive.4plebs.org
You motherfuckers did this.

When will this end? Report it to Feds

Attached: 1586092601870.jpg (374x405, 27.65K)


Attached: 87587547845.gif (245x280, 700.18K)

Post screenshot that they are hosted on 4chans servers

Report to FEDS


Attached: 1587324222748.jpg (640x480, 48.08K)

So what I’m getting here is that Yas Forums is being raided and my IP probably just now got backtraced by the cyber police.

At least it was nothing illegal. Although anons I’d recommend not doing this.

What did you see user


Looked like a girl raised by lib parents

alright motherfuckers enough of that bullshit

>Yas Forums is being raided
Imagine being this new

Im not doing that. What shows up?

wow why did i do that. now fucking ASIO thinks im a pedophile.

what the fuck


Don't Google that shit. You've been warned.


What's wrong with it? At least it's not faggot shit.

Yeah, it's keeds, this is how the elites get their rocks off


little kids

Attached: 1587331856350.jpg (600x465, 126.35K)

Cointelpro faggot. Of all the things you could draw attention to, you draw attention to your own astroturfed bullshit? Why not pizzagate? Shill.


Attached: fake.png (1916x1168, 1.29M)

ITT: newfags

honeypot google search

How the fuck do ppl find that shit attractive.

That would be spoopy indeed

fuck now I need to rewatch GK for the 10th time

Uh it's all been posted on /tv wtf kill these fucks

They already knew you are a pedo from your flag.



What the fuck man do not Google that shit fucks sake that's awful

Yas Forums is so BASED

The shitpost typically served in threads like this has been secretly replaced with Mountain-Grown Shitpost with Flavor Crystals.
>glowniggers tongue my anus

I know tv has a thing for cunny but holy fuck does this look like a false flag to get Yas Forums shut down.

fookin teevee nonces

Attached: 1536267089435.png (1366x768, 216.55K)

what is GK?

CHECKED fucking Yas Forums harboring pedos half of them are on Yas Forums GAS THESE FAGGOTS

Attached: 1571622458035.jpg (1917x897, 185.1K)

Why are these the first results when you google that. What the fuck. Somethings fucky here

they aren't gay for starters




There's a guy who constantly posts that shit and ban evades he's been doing it for years

>normalfags discover cunnyposting

Attached: 77-777682_loli-anime-girl-brown-hair-twintails-studying-cute.jpg (650x918, 160.64K)

relax newfag cunnybot doesn't even post anymore

Attached: 1563092698809.webm (800x450, 2.65M)


The Internet was a mistake

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Attached: sloppy job.jpg (1024x544, 59.6K)


>When will this end? Report it to Feds
Australians have literally already been thrown in prison as a result of the cunny posting on Yas Forums

Attached: 93BB491D-9874-42D5-8E42-61D9E3893F78.png (750x1334, 2.14M)

delet dis

Attached: bogdanoff.jpg (900x523, 97.14K)

lmao based cunnyposter ruining 4channel's image

Fuck I already did it.

Oh its all the retards on tv.

cunny archives which ironically serve as a filter for keeping boomers out of there and contained to here

Girls in bikinis.
Literally nothing illegal but questionable.

Meme magic of doom did this.
Ya type this and not only do you get pedo girl pics..but Yas Forums is all over this search.

I call chan shenanigans.


Little girls in bikinis.
What the fuck Yas Forums

Attached: ll90flpga3rz.png (1190x660, 1.2M)

If it's on google image its legal.
Stop being a fucking faggot.

people literally find girls pooping attractive. Some people are just broken

Attached: 1586819915488.jpg (589x865, 59.6K)


Who is this Yas Forums?

What the fuck, Google really is evil. I fucking hate the internet.

just clothed lolis


Attached: 1579037161888.png (1920x1080, 979.48K)

Bro report that shit to the feds wtf

>nothing illegal
if you got busted for CP and the cops found those images as well, they would also count as CP because they were being used as such.

nah, someone or something posts underage girls in swimwear every night on tv after jannies go to sleep. I have no idea why.

This. There is nothing unlawful. Newfags galore.

By accidentally seeing or posting it'?

Attached: 1585850652992.jpg (750x774, 94.13K)

Yas Forums was a mistake

It's a false flag. all the cunnyposters moved to c u n n y c h @ n

I thought it was some conspiracy type shit wtf bros

Weimarica strikes again


Wtf is Yas Forums's archive doing? Why are spam thread OPs from 2018 showing up in google now?

Where are the boys that’s discusting

Posting it, couple of lads last year from QLD got scooped up by the AFP.

Thank God they already purged the pics... now I don't have to worry... much

Someone is getting v&.

Where's the Nazis and there book burning when you fucking need them they need to burn to just nuke the internet it was a fucking mistake


Fucking pedos post this garbage and then 4plebs archives and algorithms pushes it to the top, because that's literally the title of Yas Forums.

Fuck me I'm gonna get v&

Attached: 3xh4td.jpg (615x406, 92.04K)

>if you got busted for CP
Well since child porn isnt even on the clear net let alone tor.
No worries from me.

>newfags have literally just discovered cunnyposting
what the fuck have you niggers been doing for the past 4 years besides posting in /ptg/?

Attached: 1581653334041.png (960x540, 429.37K)

Been that way for years.

What the fuck???

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-21 at 12.40.45 PM.png (1206x643, 827.28K)


>if you got busted for cp
maybe don't be a fucking globalist to begin with

Attached: 1587337109922.png (857x720, 643.81K)

based & cunnypilled

nothing really bad.. just little girls in bathing suits and other shit but its hosted on "4plebs.org" .. so faggots that used to post CP here moved to a different website

Reminder that a cunny thread a day keeps the normalfags away.

>ITT: newfags
Yas Forums always was a pro-cunny broad, this isn't anything new

The top result is unironically an unknown thread with zero replies

Attached: Screenshot_20200421-004124_Fennec F-Droid.jpg (1080x1410, 264.55K)

>So what I’m getting here is that Yas Forums is being raided
it's literally just normal Yas Forums

Only weird thing is that CP (from many different threads) is getting pushed to the top. 4plebs better start purging this disgusting filth, i don't want it get v&

Nigger I post here and in the weapons forum not fucking pedo filled tv been here since late 2014

Election brought tons of newfags and they all act like oblivious soccer moms.

there really this many newfriendos on here?

I VE seen worse shit on Yas Forums

giant meteor 2020

Attached: cleanse.jpg (640x622, 53.63K)

degenerates over at Yas Forums

Nice, your feds actually bust pedos instead of running child porn servers.
Considering it gets posted on Yas Forums on a regular basis I'd say it does exist outside of the dark web or whatever it's called.

im pretty sure you can find legit naked pictures by typing 'family nudity'
you get a bunch of nudists. it may have changed, i haven't done it since like 3 years ago and i dont want to try again

loli and cunny is the final redpill in acting as filters

Attached: 1587415719633.jpg (1280x501, 336.67K)

>being this retarded
>not being cute and funny pilled

Attached: 1586024193886.gif (368x368, 2.93M)

Did that on DuckDuckGo and Bing.
So what?
Removed safe search on both.
Tried Google.
Feel sick.
Do this:

Exactly. You idiots can google nudist colonies and see naked cunny right now if you wanted, legally.

Boomers gonna boom I guess
Meanwhile every single one of these people going “how disgusting” goes out to buy this swimwear for their kids

>the weapons forum
the fact that you refer to /k/ as the "weapons forum" shows you are definetly an election refugeefag who needs to fuck off back to r/the_donald

Dear god help me, I was stupid and actually did this, brb I need bleach. I actually stayed on the page for 30 seconds in shock, then saw it's because of Yas Forums -_-

yonge girls in bikinis nothing else


>thinking fucking /k/ is any better
>since 2014

Attached: 1585534684620.jpg (680x425, 43.24K)

they don't
it's just a glow op to shut down the channies

Attached: 1570956584809.png (556x430, 95.59K)

4plebs is just an archive you retard

im more confused why this is on Yas Forums at all

they shut that shit down about six months ago

Literally all 4channel results
Fucking pedos

It's another boomer. This thread is crawling with retarded fucking Facebook boomers.

lmao fucking Yas Forums

Attached: l04he.jpg (399x385, 29.35K)

>visit Yas Forums
>wtf is this
>click on webm
>close webm
>still shows up in my browser history from time to time

Imagine trying to call people normalfags as a deflection from the fact you are a pedophile.

why do you think there are so many shareblue threads in the past few months.
Yas Forums is filled with fucking normie newfags who can't handle cunny.

>implying he's been on /k/ since 2014
its obviously a boomer trying to hide the fact that Q brought him over there

it must have higher pagerank because someone, somewhere is linking to it.

STFU nigger and go larp more and argue about who has less of a life

Post from 2016 and 2014? Did they stage this shit years ago just to see it go to the archive and now are kicking them all to the top? Wtf lvl is this shit

Attached: ''goy''_is_banned_on_YT.jpg (1000x700, 219.57K)

apparently not looking at that shit

Attached: bruce_jenners_cat.jpg (960x566, 45.58K)

>Nice, your feds actually bust pedos instead of running child porn servers.
Our anti-pedo lads are top tier.


Bing/ddg does not even index Yas Forums or any of it's archives.

So that is how they get Yas Forums shut down.


A couple days ago, this video showed how some dude stumbled onto a kiddie porn search on google using a simple test string and hosted by some Euro clothing company.
Now the video is gone.

Fuck you nigger lurked till I graduated law you worthless nigger kike

sounds like someone is trying to get the 4ch archive shut down.

reminder to lurk before posting before you embarrass urself

Attached: 1564551217110.jpg .jpg (717x880, 88.49K)

I knew a jew that actually downloaded videos of nudist colonies and shit and jerked off to them for that exact purpose. Absolute fucking deviant. He was on tosh.0 for a video of him trying to get some drunk crying girl to give hiim a kiss.

>hey sweetheart why are you crying?

He was actually really proud of that video.

Pedophile scum.

Lol, now search "funny culture"

I'm not deflecting anything. I love cunny.

Attached: 1577314626147.jpg (833x1000, 198.45K)

So many newfags ITT

Attached: 45471.png (552x450, 245.43K)

Yeah, that makes sense.

Said I was on /pol since 14 just started growing /k last year faggot

>television and images

Attached: 1571273283803.png (689x602, 257.69K)


Attached: 1586490806832.jpg (300x300, 10.5K)

Okay newfag

Attached: artworks-000068619176-xh5g4h-t500x500.jpg (500x500, 40.87K)

seething redditnigger mad that he can't handle the internet. sad!


Yeah, what's your point op?

remember when the fucking new york times economist said Qanon hacked his computer and put cp on it?

Because he read one of those scam emails and believed it.

Reminder that no matter how much you lurk pedophiles will never be welcome except among their own sick kind.

>no i've only used one board i swear im not a newfag!
yea sure bud

They took it down that fast, huh? He was really onto something. Fuck YouTube.


Attached: 1573830891811.jpg (1024x1449, 152.95K)

keep outing yourselves, normalfags
maybe it's time to go back to r󠀀eddit

Attached: lp.gif (640x360, 1.4M)

Doe kike

Attached: 1586324135645.gif (149x181, 836.41K)

Nope, I use bing.com

Attached: 1585243326579.jpg (700x592, 33.44K)