/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3357 - A.K.A Chinese Virus

► Detected: 2,481,865 (+1,362) ► Died: 170,455 (+58) ► Day: 103 (-21:48:27)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 9.2x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 4,558 strains have been sequenced —


Most "asymptomatic" cases actually have glassed lungs

Riots against lockdowns in France

Oil prices go negative, first time in history

At least 6 people have dropped dead in the streets of Tokyo

Protests against lockdowns in the US

NIAID chief mentions risk of ADE during White House briefing

Patients infectious after "recovery"

People that had mild symptoms might not be immune

Spain refused to test kid, was actually infected

70% of 600 contacts without symptoms test positive

NYC official admits they are undercounting deaths

Czech Republic buys Chinese rapid tests, 80% fail

UK doesn't report deaths outside hospitals

Scientists warned SARS was going to reemerge in China

WHO says Italy testing too many people

511 new cases and 26 new deaths in Mexico
185 new cases and 10 new deaths in Colombia
376 new cases and 27 new deaths in Colorado
126 new cases and 3 new deaths in New Mexico
12 new deaths in California
105 new cases and 4 new deaths in Alberta, Canada


Attached: CVG.png (600x460, 228.5K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>MUH 2 gorillion

Where are all the people dying from this so-called virus?

Why are the symptoms different in other countries?
>red eyes only in Italy
>loss of taste and smell only in UK
>fizzing only in US
>seizures only in China

Think for yourselves, sheep.

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It’s Tuesday my dudes. Can we expect an increase in numbers from yesterday’s PATHETIC 73,000?

Pic related is you

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>post yfw filtered memeflags spam is ignored and yet still bumps the thread

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I'm Gary now.

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What is this? A gary post for ants?

Clearly you are merely anonymous. But you can always become Gary.

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>He coughed?

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based argentina bro. How many cvgs did you post so far?

Checked and flag-pilled.

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Don't be a nigger

>tfw memeflag masterrace

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dump eet

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#1 United States 792,913 (42,517) #2 Spain 200,210 (20,852) #3 Italy 181,228 (24,114) #4 France 155,383 (20,265) #5 Germany 147,065 (4,862) #6 United Kingdom 124,743 (16,509) #7 Turkey 90,980 (2,140) #8 Iran 83,505 (5,209) #9 China 82,758 (4,632) #10 Russia 47,121 (405) #11 Brazil 40,743 (2,587) #12 Belgium 39,983 (5,828) #13 Canada 36,829 (1,690) #14 Netherlands 33,405 (3,751) #15 Switzerland 27,944 (1,429) #16 Portugal 20,863 (735) #17 India 18,601 (592) #18 Peru 16,325 (445) #19 Ireland 15,652 (687) #20 Austria 14,795 (470) #21 Sweden 14,777 (1,580) #22 Israel 13,713 (177) #23 Japan 11,135 (263) #24 South Korea 10,683 (237) #25 Chile 10,507 (139) #26 Saudi Arabia 10,484 (103) #27 Ecuador 10,128 (507) #28 Poland 9,593 (380) #29 Pakistan 9,216 (192) #30 Romania 8,936 (478) #31 Mexico 8,772 (712) #32 Singapore 8,014 (11) #33 Denmark 7,515 (364) #34 United Arab Emirates 7,265 (43) #35 Norway 7,156 (181)…

#1 Mexico +511 (+26) #2 Pakistan +324 (+16) #3 Panama +191 (+10) #4 United States +154 (+3) #5 Bolivia +34 (+1) #6 South Korea +9 (+1) #7 New Zealand +5 (+1) #8 India +62 #9 Congo-Kinshasa +18 #10 Honduras +17 #11 Mayotte +13 #12 China +11 #13 Niger +7 #14 Guatemala +5 #15 Guyana +1…

Attached: CVG.png (2000x1027, 354.12K)

So, how long until gringos completely lift their lockdown? I really want to see the outcome

>chinks try to cure cancer
>cause human extinction
Good job chinks

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Is the happening over? Or do I still need food?

It's up to their governors. So, different states will do different things. They need to close state borders, though, otherwise you risk cross-infection.

There's a mosquito in my house, likelihood of it carrying corona is what?

We should make day - by - day list of happenings, because there's so many happenings happening right now it already begins to get memory holed.

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I'm horny bros.
Nofap is killing me.

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They tried to cure themselves?

We’ve still got the SECOND WAVE DUUUUUDE, and then the economic depression and then war with China so yes you should probably buy some food

2 weeks

Attached: the absolute state of jani niggers part 18.png (1070x390, 114.54K)

>Nofap reduces immune function
Good luck fren

Attached: the absolute state of jani niggers part 10.png (1330x341, 139.28K)

Here’s some cooming material

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2 more weeks, desu

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How Corona Chan will be remembered as in the textbooks?
>inb4 replies
There will be no textbooks after Corona Chan kek, only lines in mud written with a stick.

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Attached: the absolute state of jani niggers part 15.png (1019x612, 133.94K)

a ella le gusta el reguetton


a ella le gusta el reguetton, llego desde China pero perrea bien cabron


le mete bien duro, bien duro, si la ves, no lo crees, te lo juro

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I know that feel, bro. Getting clean from opioids and my sex drive is insanely high.

>fapping depletes zinc
ok coomer

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Very real possibility they'll limit the number of people allowed in the stores. The lines are going to be long. Like "best ride at the theme park" long. Just take a look at the lines for food pantries. Stock up.

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Nothing came of the emails, nothing came of the mystery transmission. Why does nothing happen

No second wave, it won't just go away in summer. It will just keep ticking up until its ovet 7 billion unless it somehow pulls a Houdini like the original sars did

>There will be no textbooks after Corona Chan kek, only lines in mud written with a stick.
>No 200 page books filled with transexual sex positions targeted at pre-teens
Thank Corona-Chan!

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Finally corona-chan
She likes to kill regaytoners, don't blame her for doing that.

>Most "asymptomatic" cases actually have glassed lungs archive.is/SBCKv

Could someone translate this into english?

Is that real?


>Nearly 3500 grieving families have endured “agonising” delays in the wait to find out how their loved ones died unexpectedly.

>A row over toxicology services involving the Crown Office has led to thousands of post-mortem reports being held up.

>Jen Jackson-Robertson, who is in the dark about how her 23 year old nephew Callum died, said:

>“The backlog isn’t just a pile of paperwork and lab samples. These are people’s lives, and families have been badly let down by these long delays before the coronavirus crisis.”

>Sudden and unexplained deaths are probed by the Crown Office, which enlists a Glasgow University lab to carry out a toxicology test as part of the final report.

>Next of kin should find out the cause of death within twelve weeks, but a cash wrangle last year between both bodies created a backlog.

>In December, we reported that 1859 post mortems had been delayed as a result of the row.

>Crown Office figures show the number of delays since February 2019 has now surged to 3441.

Just don't report the cause of death bro.

My aunt is a surgeon in NYC. She says HCQ doesn't work.

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Don't panic like a brick but don't take things too lightly. Buy just enough and don't fucking fearmonger.

>no text books
I have all of plato, a shit ton of Evola, and the bhagavad gita among many other works all in hardcover.
There will be textbooks just not the shit that is used now

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You guys looked at bird flu headlines lately? Food is under attack too

Aussie medfag from last thread had a theroy based on that one screencap that it may have experimental cancer treatment; using corona as a base;

Just took a bunch of adderal and suboxone after getting drunk on alochol and xanax. Juts smoke weed too AMA.

Is she being honest or is she just saying that to spite the evil orange man Blormpf?

Already happening.
>tfw retail cuck and get to walk in and out of the super market any time
It's like having a super power. At least that's what I tell myself. I wish I hadn't gotten a meme degree, or at least learned a trade. Fucking coofers wearing their masks sideways or on their heads like party hats every single day.

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My dad works at Nintendo

My dad works for the North Korean government and he says that Kim Jong-un will probably die tomorrow.

creeme, no te miento, yo te lo aseguro

un dia te voy a invitar pa que la veas

llevate una toalla por si te babeas



Tocilizumab seems to, as excess IL-6 cytokines seem to be doing the damage and not the virus itself.

Heparin for clots.

it was preliminary basic scienctific experimental exploration, lots of things went into it, and one chink virologist that hated his PI took it really far



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back to r****t

cool. totally believe you.

fugg lads, what does this mean?

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Can't do that if governments don't test because their precious oil and economy

nothing "works" everything is just a triage and a desperate cope

the everything virus popped the everythimg bubble and it




Did you know Germany had better death rates than the US?
And why can't Trump be like Merkel?

dude that's already a thing in cities like DC.

You're pozzed mate