Would you date a taller woman Yas Forums?

Would you date a taller woman Yas Forums?

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I'd love to.

My ex was 5 inches taller than me. It was hot.

penis too smol

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I'd crawl up her tall body and base jump from the top.

I don't want to waste my time
Become another casualty of society

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He's even got risers on

>marry taller woman
>improving the genetics of every single one of my descendant
why the hell not


whos his gf? joey ramone?

Fuck no. It’s completely unfeminine. And they’re all sluts to boot.

Men are tall. Women are short.

no, that's a manlet fetish

i'm 6'4, so finding a giraffe is hard anyways

Such a talented young man, please have one tall gf!

That would be weird for me, because I'm not a manlet.
Any chick taller than me would be freakish.
Like, WNBA tall, and those are mostly pear shaped sheboons.

That’s a gender flipped couple, that’s why the chick is taller, same all through Hollywood

Tall sickly looking girls are my crack cocaine

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why not

Not a lot of broads are +6'4" without heels but fuck yea death by snu snu desu

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Tall women are uglier, more disobedient, more likely to cheat, and less nurturing towards children. They’re shitty bets.

That guy is not gender flipped. He is Deryck Whibley of sum 41

Why sickly?

Baggy eyes are CUTE

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If I were shorter I might. Who wants a freak chick over 6'3'' ?


Yes. How to find amazon gf?

Idk ;_;

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nope. the sex wouldn't be right without the physicality. It would be warped and debased

>tfw no giraffe gf for hot warped, debased amazon sex

why even live

They look nice together :)

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yep, better kys

My heart ;_;

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Apparently she’s 5’11’’

she will never be tall enough

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Dude, im in the same boat. Look at volley ball girls. I want to be a little spoon one day

I'm not a manlet, so I'd have to date a giantess. I'd be ok with that

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My unobtainable fetish.
>5'7 is too tall for an amazon gf.
>5'7 is too short to not be a genetic dead end.
Don't worry I am roping soon.

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>Would you date a taller woman Yas Forums?
I am dating a taller woman, its pretty awesome. Word of warning though, you should have a BIG penis, its harder to retain a taller woman unless you have something she can't get elsewhere.

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she would have to be 7foot tall and that's just scary

I guess, but I'm 6' so kind of difficult.

Don't do it, it's a troll, that won't make you any taller.

wtf are you over 2 meters tall

Why though?

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Yes, tall women are kino

She even stayed with him when he got fat.

She's a keeper.

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No user, that's not what I mean by roping. I mean offing myself.

He's a rich celebrity, of course she's going to stay with him no matter what. It isn't love, it's all about the status.

I’d love to suplex a 7ft tall mommy

I'm not sure

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nigger at least youre 5'7
im 6'2 theres no way i can even find a taller girl that doesnt have a rouge pituitary gland

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Go to Minnesota or northwestern Wisconsin. First girl I ever went on a date with back in high school was 6'1", her older sister was like 6'3" or something. Scandis are big motherfuckers, apparently my great-great grandmother from Norway was 6' too.