Alberta wants out (fuck you Canada)

Alberta wants out (fuck you Canada)


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fuck off to scheer and beg more to suck him off


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Fuck Onterrible, fuck Toronto. People living 5000 km away from me should not make decisions for me.

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Good, go.

Don't care

Take us with you. BC is awesome just send the poos and Chinese home.

when did this start? My family lives there and I've heard nothing.

That said, with how much the rest of the country is trying to cuck them, I don't blame 'em

as a natural born albertan
fuck you and fuck america

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Why not Manitoba the territories and eastern Ont? Also basically everything except for TO?

I’ve even come to like the Québécois we just need to be on the same page. I’d happily learn French if they give up separatism and we all stop having open borders.

Then you or your family are blind deaf NPCs

We don’t need to join the states. We’d be the richest nation per capita. Just need aircraft, auto, and electronics manufacturing. We have the base for all of them, could be done in a year.

Honestly we just need to kick urban Toronto out and the rest of the country is fine.

*western Ontario

quebec east ontario west only solution as for newfies it's an island so tis time to rant & roar

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Albertan here.

I've wanted out of Canada for a long time.

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we'll out populate you real soon it's gonna be like brampton all over

time for a clean break Albertabros

fuck Canada

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Why are browns too dumb to understand over population?

We should have left 35 years ago. Canada is doomed, they killed the golden goose out of jealousy and spite.

>we want out!
>bail out the oil industry daddy trudeau


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>implying Atlantic Canada wants anything to do with Ontario

Yes, we will take all canadian coastal provinces and greenland and canuck fags will all be confined and landlocked.

We don’t want a fucking bailout, retard. We want to be left alone and allowed to work. The problem is high taxes levied by a broke ass eastern Canada strangling the life out of the one thing creating wealth in this country.

USA will take your oil @ 5.00 per barrel all day long .

Fuck Trudeau, give us a clean break

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Haha reee Eastern Canada peasant welfare queens! You do have enough brain cells to realize all skilled worker east coasters work out west right? Like holy shit keep blaming the capital overlords of a people less than a couple million for your problems retard. Most working class folk I know from the east are literal ontarians and albertans. Do you really think our actual crackhead, welfare queens get our equalization money?

What are the royalties at $5.00 a barrel

His pipeline west will get you far better value for the oil . which is Canadas not yours .

Please. It will give somewhere for English Canadians to flee to.

>skilled workers
>fucking newfies
Pick one

imagine having to budget based on negative oil prices and still having to send billions to quebec

Factually incorrect. Natural resources belong to the provinces. The federal government only owns the regulations.

I'd rather be a peasant than ruled by Justin Trudeau and the Laurentians

Separation is a future worth dying for

West > everything, who's with me

Probably the same as the taxes earned. Don’t worry, Alberta will pay for national UBI.

Alberta independence is for boomer libertarians, no thanks.

Found the shitlib

fuck off Albertans, you are parasites, you keep all the fucking oil for yourselves. The rest of the country deserves it.

>t. Manitoban

>everyone who isn't libertarian is a liberal
That's not how it works.

found the yankee washed discord tranny

I don't care and I don't want to join muttland

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