Lobbyism Thread

Let's do a Yas Forums thread.
>What is lobbyism?
Lobbyism is the political civic by which you lobby legislative politicians to create and vote on legislation, executive politicians to selectively execute and enforce law, and judicial politicians to selectively try law... all outside of any ideology, and purely for the money provided to them by lobbyists.
>Why should I care?
Well, there are two types of people: those who believe in the JQ, and those who don't. This matters to both. If you do believe in the JQ, this is the "how" that ZOG uses to make the US do its bidding. If you don't believe in ZOG, this is how private people bribe politicians legally. Regardless of whether ZOG is real, lobbyism and lobbying irrefutably are.
>What does Capitalism's role here?
None. The problems faced today aren't due to Capitalism, that's an economic civic. It's supposed to be maintained and regulated by a functioning government. Think of it like a game, where the players can bribe the rules into their favor. It works just as well in Communism/Socialism/Jewish/Islamic governance.
>Okay, so what do you want?
Discuss lobbyism, do you think it's real? What kind of sources do you need? Maybe we should make a general out of it, track who is "bought and paid for" by who, and make memes. It would tear the world up harder than 2016 if we pilled the normies on lobbyism, and it's nowhere near as hard a sell as the JQ and ZOG. This will fuck with the GOPe/Dems alike.

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I didn't read your post.

Balance well doggo.

Sad. Guess I'll go back to "built for BBC" and astroturfing instead of good posts like these.


Thanks user.
What do you think about all this?

Balance well doggo

Balance well doggo

Balance well doggo

4 years of mandatory public service

balance well doggo

Balance well doggo

All lobbyists must be purged

Balance well doggo

Oh dont like it? Better make it illegal. Hahahahahahahaha

Lobbyism is Grant's legacy.
He should've died in the war.

Balance well doggo

>being upset over politcians accepting bribes legally is childish
Don't vote.

i worked at a lobbying firm for like 6 months AMA

Balance well doggo

Balance well doggo.

You lost me when you tried to twist reality trying to defend capitalism and it's undenniable flaws.

Balance well doggo

Lobbyism is just a way for people and jews to bribe politicians. Idk any specific big things of it other than that which is why I bumped the thread to try and learn more.

Balance well doggo.

Balance well doggo

Balance well doggo

Balance well doggo

Balance well doggo

Balance well doggo

Balance well doggo

Balance well doggo

Balance well doggo

Balance well doggo