Can you feel it in the air? The events today only confirm it. Something feels very very wrong

Can you feel it in the air? The events today only confirm it. Something feels very very wrong.

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For kikes

go to sleep. it just weed, bro.

Stop mastrubating to porn for one day you fucking larping incel nigger faggot

>very wrong
Nothing is different today from tomorrow besides me going into my wage cage once more.

mufuggin aliums

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why do you keep remaking this thread?

I felt the shift last night

Or very right for those who will survive.

I think the timeline shifted again frens.

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We are shifting timelines, GOTT STRAFE CERN!

We defcon 1 now
We may have caused ww3...

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You are in the End Times, Revelation is playing out around you and Jesus is coming soon.

Watch this pastor below, he explains lots of what is happening right now. He was born and raised in a Muslim family and became a Christian when he realized that Jesus Christ was the true way. For my fellow Christpilled anons and those who might be seeking answers:

Alien contact and COVID-19 will mutate to a zombie virus, is inminent.

I dreamed it.

Be tribulated sucka

i feel weedy user
doe anyone else feel weedy
im going to weed
you should weed too

My dreams have become memes.

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The next thing to do is is to have a big fucking bbq because meat packing plants are closing and farmers and rangers are going to have to get rid of them.

Everyone should be figuring out how to buy local right now

>something will happen thread #876820

Party hard everyone

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did you also dream you fucked a fat hooker named Carlota and now every time you pee it burns?


This, but unironically

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In that case the best thing to do is buy two big chest freezers first.

Things have been feeling wrong for a while now.

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based lol

It's my fault. I stopped jerking off a week ago, and things have gotten progressively stranger. Sorry. I have gained great power, but don't know how to control it so shit's just flying off the rails.

You'll Have to get a butcher too unless you can dress your own.

Put a potato in a bucket with dirt. Water it daily. In 10 weeks you got some potatoes. Dont forget drainage holes in the buckets.

>mortal coil is a spring
>coil expands and contracts
>space between the coil exists
>we are coil

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Born to die, world is a fuck

Yes, Carlota was your mom

Yeah, humans are spiritually opening and awakening.
No one will fall for project BlueBeam
Rockefellers are seething
As they loose their grasp on humanity

It's not Kim who's dead, it's Biden.

My only wish is to live long enough to bear witness.

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go back to sleep goyim, negative oil means nothing is wrong lol

>Can you feel it in the air? The events today only confirm it. Something feels very very wrong.

Every single second is the end of the world for somebody, somewhere.

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im weeding