What do you think about the Trump economy, Yas Forums?

What do you think about the Trump economy, Yas Forums?

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Cheap gas is somehow a bad thing

so can i buy infinite stocks at -31 ea?

I wish I got paid for taking fuel.

Yeah its Trump fault that Saudi Arabia and Russia chimped out at each other in an oil price war, right? Fucking retard.

feels pretty good

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>fuck oil usage and oil companies and wars for oil
>orange man bad

Where can I buy barrels of oil. Physically, not stocks or shit. Like I want to have a flatbed deliver me a fuck ton of oil and make someone pay for it

>BP, Exxon et al. are getting fucked
Good. Fucking Jews starting literal wars.

It's ok. When the companies crash and burn I'm sure the (((fed))) will print some more money and acquire them

Thus begins the electric economy. I hope you bought your Tesla, plebes.

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Bush would've killed for these gas prices

So what the fuck does this mean?

Not quite. That's price per barrel not stock price

We love it nigger lover. Now go back to pleddit


They over produced and because half the world's populous isn't driving around our flying in planes they over saturated the market so now they are paying people to store it instead of selling it

it means that capitalist company's dont make money but loose 36 dollars per barrel.

It means that production cost more then the product it self.

The man in the OP picture is Phil Flynn. He has been on record saying that crude oil at $45 a barrel is a "steal" a few months back. He is an alleged expert.

Who is paying people to store it and how do I do it

Not just cheap gas but literally cheap everything. This is a boon for the US.

>orange man good
>shit tier own da libs argument entirely detached from to Trump's actual attitude towards oil
makes sense

The destruction of the American oil industry's profitability by insanely low or negative prices is largely external to Trump's influence dumbass. Go talk to OPEC+ and COVID. Trump's economy is significantly invested in the competitiveness of American production. Also when he fucked up and pulled out of Syria, he then proceeded to go back in to ostensibly 'secure the oil'.

Phew this is such low effort. Who tf makes these?

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You buy 1000 barrels of oil, they give you the oil plus 31,000 dollarinos. But you need to be able to safely store that oil in a proper facility, not your garage or your shed

Good burn everything that's was the left anitfa faggots want. now what are they going to do suck chinas cock.

>The destruction of the American oil industry's profitability by insanely low or negative prices is largely external to Trump's influence dumbass.
No shit. Thank you for providing an excellent refutation of OP's post.

And what if I just want a some crude oil and its none of their business how I store it

Low IQ Leaf

That's like saying I just want to fly a jet and its no ones business if I am qualified to do so. You need the proper equipment and permits/licenses to transport and store crude oil

People do it all the time

First of all, understand that this is a futures market, meaning that it's basically a market speculating on what already tends to be speculation about price. Despite the speculatory nature of futures markets, they do generally end up being pretty accurate at predicting price.

If the price is negative, that means that people trading these futures are expecting the real value of oil to go below zero. If the equity value of something drops below zero, it would no longer be considered an asset, but would rather be considered a liability. Another way to understand this, would be that a company with investment or ownership of oil would no longer list the value as receivable but instead, list the value as expense.

An analogy to oil being priced below zero can be seen in many services markets. A good example I can think of would be in interviews. People such as former presidents and celebrities earn high amounts of money for giving interviews. However, individuals with little notoriety sometimes end up paying to give interviews so that they can get publicity. Therefore, interviewing is a market where the value of the interviewer can commonly become negative. When we think of oil pricing, it might be odd to think of oil to be valued below zero because historically there has never been such an abundance that someone would pay to get rid of oil. Another market that serves as an example of equity having negative value would be the recycling market. Many people will pay recycling companies to take materials to be recycled. People pay for plastics and metals to be recycled all the time. We could think of something like a used water bottle or aluminum can as having a negative value. So back to oil again, it's been a while now where the oil inside a barrel is actually worth less than the barrel itself. Soon, it will be possible that people will probably consider paying to get rid of oil because storing the oil is more expensive than paying to get rid of the oil.