Why do americans lose their shit when you tell them you don't agree with tipping?

why do americans lose their shit when you tell them you don't agree with tipping?

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It's a gray area with several right answers so faggots will argue it to the death

Deflection of blame.
I mean, not tipping in the culture we have is kind of shitty, but we disproportionately deflect blame onto the consumer as if the paymaster had absolutely no culpability in this shit.

nobody fucking cares. guys with grown-up jobs like to tip waitresses because it's alpha to throw your money around to bitches.
fag waiters dont deserve shit though, i leave em a dollar out of pity.

its npc behavior, you should never tip


oy vey you better tip or im goin to have to pay!

Tipping is a scam that profits via exploitation of information asymmetry.

The waitress wants you to think she is poor and struggling and your extra $5 will really help her. Meanwhile she has actually been raking in $25/hour for the night and makes more per hour than people who actually perform jobs that is much more productive for society than theirs.

Also the restaurant owners are in on it; they want to shame you into paying their employees so that they don't have to. Also, they don't have to pay payroll taxes on cash tips, so it saves them money from the IRS as well.

Even the government is in on it, reducing minimum wage for tipped employees so that the restaurant chain business owner campaign donors get to continue exploiting the system.

Basically the entire tipping system is set up so that everyone profits via the stupidity of the general public who is blissfully unaware of the scam. Or even worse: so stupid that they actively shame other members of the public who don't tip in accordance with the latest percentage, which always goes up despite logic dictating that a steady percentage will always keep up with inflation by itself and doesn't need to be increased.

The scam ultimately works because the average person is an idiot.

Waiters in America make less than minimum wage.

I never understood tipping. In America you HAVE to tip or else you are a bad guy or something. I tip if I feel like the waiter did a very good job and I have extra cash on me to spare. .

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Because capitalism is a me centered circle jerk where your number one goal is to extract as much money as possible from as many people as possible by any means necessary. So waitresses shame people online.

Why? Can't they change that?

Not true, their boss has to make up the difference, if they get more tips, the owner pays them less

Because they can't imagine a world where they actually demand their employers to pay them fairly, so they take their impotent rage out on other proles.

It's like genital cutting. It's so much a part of American culture that a lot of people have a hard time seeing how wrong it is

It’s a lie waitresses like to throw around, they have to be paid minimum wage by law
But if they make more than minimum wage in tips the owner gets to pay the less

*gets to pay them less
If you tip you are cucking yourself on behalf of a Jewish restaurant owner

No it’s not you fucking retard in the US they don’t get paid minimum wage. I got 2.15 per hour when I was a waiter.

I mean I guess they could but it’s not like there’s a big waiter lobby in DC. After tips they make really good money so it doesn’t really matter. Also restaurants are cheaper here so tipping isn’t a huge problem, if you don’t want to tip go somewhere without waiters.

That’s with tips you sperg, if you don’t make minimum in tips, the owner has to make up the difference

Maybe if they get enough tips to hire a lobbyist.

as someone who's worked as a waiter, you often make much more than min wage with tips. I make way more money on the tip system than with minimum wage

>waitresses deserve double pay for doing their jobs

you said it best.
do take outs or learn to cook.

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No, there is one right answer: I don't pay the waiter's goddamn salary, he can go to Mr. Shekelberg if he wants more money

tipping, service charges, resorts fees and jewish jewry to jew you hard earned shekels.
wanna charge more? put it up front.

>eating out
Kind of a moot point now, Leaf.
What kind of fucking slide thread is this?

>I got 2.15 per hour when I was a waiter.
Lmao imagine getting cucked that hard by your boss. Fucking wageslave.

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>waitress takes order
>server brings food and doesnt know who has what
>waitress doesnt bring refills
>server again
>busboy clears dishes as he passes
>waitress nowhere to be found or went on break
>go to register to pay
>where's my tip user

The average American spends around 7K a year on tipping. It's their single largest expense.

To tell them its all for nothing means they've wasted thousands of dollars.

why does canada put water in bags

>why do americans lose their shit when you tell them you don't agree with tipping?
Because of their PTSD

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