What is the most based political film, or the film that redpilled you the most (i.e. The Matrix) ?
Most based political film?
Red Dawn
The Hunger Games (unintentionally)
Preferably from the last 3 decades
haven't seen any of these,, will check out. Hunger Games was redpill material?
who is this mammary magician?
1984 (1956)
Brave New World (1980)
Fahrenheit 451 (1966) Trailer only
Tiger King
isn't Michael (((LeVaughn Affair))) Obama the same height or taller than Barry?
Wag the Dog
you will never know what it's like to have your vagina filled
Swept Away
Wizard of Oz
niiiice. have you seen Equilibrium or Brazil? based somewhat on these 3 novels
A Bridge to far
Starship mother fucking troopers
Band of brothers The original
Hunger Games is super redpilled.
This movie has become more relevant year by year for upwards of half a century.
how so? Been a while since i watched it, might give it a rewatch.
The Angry Birds Movie.
Passion of the Christ
>Red Dawn
Came here to post this (the original). Its what separates men from boys in these parts.
They have a negroid district, and they start chimping out as soon as /theirgirl/ dies. While they should be used to that by now.
Also, districts 1 and 2 are overflowing with leftist elitism, and the media in that world is basically propaganda for their version of the swamp
Hood Life
excellent flick. I forgot to add V for Vendetta & Fight Club
Killin them softly is surprisingly based
I liked the Manchurian Candidate movies and ZDT
What a woman. Source?