This is you btw

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cut your damn nails

why do niggers love to torture animals so much?

Wtf don't be mean to mouse

His eyes are popping out. Cool. Got more?



>implying niggers are people

Can I succc you off while you observe

I’ll never understand people’s irrational attachment to animals

poor mouse!

Sure, why the hell not?

I don't believe its necessarily attachment, it's just that they would rather not see animals be tortured as in OP's pic.

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Imagine being so asshurt that you start lashing out at the people who decided to give being friendly with you a shot.

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You still have a soul

Why why WHY would you ever do this to an animal? Good God, that poor thing.

i used to do the horrible animal torture shit
nasty fucked up brain,
my reasoning was it was a form of self exploration
anyway i got happier

You’re both short of the truth
It’s about power and dominance
You’re ability to enforce your will on a lesser animal is something you must acknowledge and control
Lack of restraint results in (((animal torture))) while too much restraint turns you into a PETA faggot
The key is to respect your power to destroy and only use it when it truly benefits you
Otherwise the only thing wrong with Ops pic is he’s not going to eat it
And therefor a pointless action

Because you are a psychopath, congrats.

By my Mohel's bloody lips, that's a nigger hand.

sociopathic autism right here folks

Because we are white, and you're a nigger.

Only Aryans care for living things and nature and provide the quickest, most painless death only when needed. Evil subhumans can’t understand, as you’re incapable of sympathy.

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Sympathy to other living animals is strictly a white trait. So, that means you're a nigger.

*ignores any picture or video of white people doing it*

I remember being 5 and we got a mouse in our house.
My family decided to release it outside since it was summer.
As it was released I stomped on it and it's eyes bulged like that but it survived and ran off.
I still feel guilty for doing that.

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You sick disgusting gook , free that poor little rodent !It's not a toy it's an animal.

>there's countless videos/pics of white people doing it
>niggers/browns torturing animals don't make up 95% of the videos out there

true and factual

Only race to ever end slavery: whites.
All other races: slavery in perpetude.

Hey OP, that image is anti-Semitic, we can't have none of that now.


That is goddamn terrible

Most people have empathy

Its okay everyone

The people who do this are going to hell. No Christian has the heart to do this. They will see eternal hellfire.


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Rural inbred retard.

I have found the insectoid with a VPN


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Because we're not mentally defunct faggots who relish in torturing something we find beneath us.

And bleach your skin too, you look like you just wiped your ass.

No they're going to get away with it since there's no justice. Life is stupid.
>eternal hellfire
lol. I thought this concept was stupid when I was 7. You're not gonna make it.

Do it

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Just because you wish it didn't exist doesn't mean it doesn't, fedora boy. Now go watch your puppet niel de gassy talk about randomly inspired self exploding big bangs with your XXXL star wars shirt.

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