Kneel before your Queen

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Literal Bond Villain, more so than Kim Jong Un, she looks like the girl from the beginning of Tomorrow never dies

no the movie was 007 die another day

Thats a man

I don’t kneel before women. Not a cuck.

Would she let me kiss her feet?

She's so sexy. Love her look

deepfake when

Queens are imperialist, as are Empresses. You disrespect her with these names. Refer to her as Comrade.

She seems like she would rule even harsher than Kim.

Who's this dude?

more like a rush hour villain

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so cold

so beautiful

so evil

plans your destruction, and your orgasm

i want to see her all glammed up, like a k pop star.

She is attractive. Possible waifu material.

literally built for bbc

just go back to Plebbit and never come back

She looks like a cold blooded killer, I wouldn't want her near a nuclear button.

She is probably 10 times crazier than rocket boy and is probably gonna snuff him out since he is in critical care.

That woman has had more men murdered than you can count on your fingers and toes.

She makes Mummy look like a fucking Girl Scout.

You are now imagining them dyking out

she's going to be like Michael's sister in The Godfather

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What's gook talk for Cersei Lannister?

move over AOC
now this is a commie I can fap to

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She killed his fat ass. Made it look like a cheddar and butter overload.

Hillary is my only queen

or she waited for a cheddar butter overdose and knew he would die because nork doctors have never seen a morbidly obese person before

Kim is (was?) an emmental man, man knows/knew good cheese

She’s gonna get her shit kicked in by Paulie Gatto?

She imported the sharpist blocks of cheddar and fattest sticks of butter and then just left it on the table with a super bag of dorritos to melt it on. It was a total setup.


She has a computer science degree and will make you sorry you ever made fun of /g/.

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I would let her step on me

How do I kneel for a shadow on the ground

how many months til she sells our her country

Globalists are so fucked rn lol

I'd lick her armpits all day

I'd fuck her so bad. Hey bebe, wonna ride on the leather Harley?

~3 id wager

They will assassinate her before the end of this week.

No u

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