Redpill me on the amish

I’ve been told that they are a bunch of crypto-kikes who abuse their “brand” to make money
>branding mass-produced furniture as hand-made to markup the prices
>reselling wholefoods produce as amish produce
>using shabbos goys for electrical work

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I've become a personal friend with a couple families around me, I'm the only 'normal' person they've allowed into their circles, probably because I'm not American (Leaf student).

They seem fine to talk to, we've socialised about the same as normal people, go shopping and have lunch at each other's places, etc.

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The Amish commit a lot of terrible crimes
t. an Ohioan

apparently they are also get tax cuts amd are exempt from having to pay social security or insurance.

what are these horrible things

Don't tell me I need to go Sheriff Holmes on the old geezers, damn.

They're extremely inbred

all you need to know

They break hunting laws fucking constantly.

Oh no

>I’ve been told that they are a bunch of crypto-kikes who abuse their “brand” to make money
you are pol in its purest form op

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Sounds like kike jornos are getting salty at them because they are a group of whites who actually have a positive birthrate.

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>they seem fine to talk to

thanks user, really fucking informative

No different from the average burger then?

There's nothing else to say dude, it's literally like speaking to any other American more or less except they're even more ignorant, but in an innocent way.

Think of the adults like being children mentally, the children are all just childish. Their 15 year olds still act like kids, not like whores on TikTok.

Once you learn about this whole racial subconscious stuff and how wisdom can be passed down you realize the Amish are the most red-pilled of all. They're keeping to themselves because the outside world is full of Satanic influence.

They're based in that as they become adults they're allowed to leave their community for a period of time to make a life decision on to return or leave the Amish way of life. Most return after experiencing what a degenerate cluster fuck America is.

Sounds wholesome, maybe ted was right from the very beginning.

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They stink. They're like jews. They do shitty work.

t. western pa resident.

They are probably a bunch of youths on Rumspringa getting high and drunk in public.

>hey're even more ignorant
Ignorant like a fucking fox. Look behind their barn and marvel at the new F350 sitting there. They are not one bit different from jews or mormons.


They are the only ones selling food.

Yeah, they're democrats.

Sounds like fun.

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pic related. in about two hundred years the great lakes region will be an inbred swiss christian ethnostate. they will become a swing demographic in the future, comprising majority of many counties and possibly states in the future

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i came to this thread specifically for this image

And we arent getting our genetic lines into the future?
Why arent we all just joining the amish and guaranteeing our bloodlines a future

Amish absolute units are really gonna take the US by storm.

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Because I like living in the upper class and not as a dirty peasant, is why.

2050 Amish vs Mormon Battle for America

they look like they are out of medevil Europe some shit from the 800s do any euros still look like this and where

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So you're gonna sacrifice your bloodline to the mutt masses instead of securing your Genes into the white race?
In 100 years theres gonna be a war between the amish/mormon white ethnostate and the jewish controlled mutts, and you're gonna give up your bloodline to the Jewish controlled mutts because you have a nice apartment?
What a faggot

no tax cuts for being amish.
since they already take care of their elderly, dont pay into ssa and dont get benefits out of it.

lying commie gonna lie

I'll be chilling in Latin America with a Russian, you stupid burger fags can enjoy this country turning into Haiti.

looks to be some kind of agreement between the 2 for each not to cross the Mississippi

I wonder what Jew wrote this piece.

Based assessment, wish it were true. Used to live in MI Amish country. Not much more to them than meets the eye. Nice people, community centered, keep to themselves. They were hated by some local contractors for undercutting them with with cheap labor. I'm this regard they are perhaps more comparable to Mexicans than Jews.

..I want to become Amish.

No you arent.
You're gonna live on your "upper" class pod apartment and fuck brown girls and give up your Genes to the ignorant mutts.

Friends with some Mennonites. Absolutely fascinating to talk to them, really. It's like all the cynicism and darkness of the modern world never got to them. The early 20s couple I know act exactly like my boomer grandparents.

Based on most social issues, but they're Christian pacifists so that's made it difficult with them.

Mennonites aren't really proper Amish, though, so I don't know about them.

I literally will not, I'm not from this shit country. I'm leaving the second I finish my M.A, you dumb mutt. My kids will be whiter than your president.

I never get tired of seeing these Oblivion NPCs.

The Shakers were much cooler.


Most Amish don't use advanced tools in their lives unless required by law.

That’s probably because they literally have the peasant haircut and they do all the same shit as peasants.

Men here are usually not as rough looking as those lads, but I suppose a diet of nothing, but corn and steak plus a life of hard labour will turn you into a pure monster.

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I think I'm actually going to do it.

Dream on. You get winded up a flight of stairs.

They build a farm in a day for yucks.

Inbred retards at the end of the day.
We can call them filthy degenerate hypocrites, but our society is in no position to make such accusations.
I’ve met some nice Amish, so they’re not “completely” lost

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I wish somebody caught a snap of them in court, I was curious if they actually were fucking swole or if the photo just made them look like that.

>bleaching bolivians and peruvians in a slow but steady pace
>NOOOOO they must be evil
Wtf is wrong with (you)?